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Started by HorkoLad, Nov 16, 2005, 08:43 AM

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I noticed a few days ago that there was a new program installed on my computer. I didn't install it, and I'm 100% sure my parents didn't either...they're not good with "the internet." Anyway, I closed it everytime it popped up. This morning, when I signed on, this pop-up came up that said "Thank you for using Movie-Line, unfortunately your 3 day trial is up, and you are now obligated to purchase the software that you installed. Your IP address has been logged. Please select the billing method that best suits you."

My options were to either select "billing methods" or "remind me later" I selected the latter. I know for a fact the only time I use my credit card online is when I order albums or tickets to a show/sporting event. I didn't use it for this program, and didn't even download it. I know for a fact that my parents didn't either. If I I ignore this pop-up, will they somehow find a way to charge me? And if so, how? I'm lost.

The software was called "Media Pipe" and the actual name of the program was called "Movie Line." Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.



makes much more sense to live in the present tense


That sounds a real bummer. I hate those pop ups. I can't help but I'm sure there are computer whizz people on here who can. Good luck.

LennytheTent've probably been recruited by the military..see ya in Iraq!
Marge: Do you ever wonder why nobody likes you?
Artie Ziff: Anti-semitism?

Alligator Gar

hmm...sounds like a Mr. Fix-it type of problem. Better bring that fucker to Pewtpankyland.