HorkoLad's Opinion On The 3-Point Shot

Started by HorkoLad, Nov 17, 2005, 01:23 PM

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Its game changing, folks. It can keep the little guy in the game. In some aspects, it can be the only means of survival for an out-manned, out-gunned team.

The 3-Point shot is bigtime too, folks. Here's why. When losing towards the end of the game, big boys who don't normally shoot the 3-Pointer may find themselves faced with the opportunity. It can make a star out of the goofiest, ugliest, and smartest guy on the team.

What do you guys think about the great equalizer known as the "3-Pointer?"


as a U of L fan I am a big fan of the 3-ball!  Pitino has made a career on it.  
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


VOSKULL FOR THREEEEEE...........................YES!
but i done went and plum forgot it


The 3-Point shot is responsible for such sayings as:



"Falling away, hoisting a prayer...*silence*......GOOOOOOOOOOD!"

Instant stardom, folks.


i bet Waxy could really shoot the lights out, huh pal?
but i done went and plum forgot it


Quotei bet Waxy could really shoot the lights out, huh pal?

He sure could, CJ.
Waxy was a natural athelete, and to this day, I bet he could knock'down a few 3-Point shots if given the opportunity.

Ya know who could shoot that 3-Point shot, CJ? Dave Oswald, thats who.

Alligator Gar

While the 3-point shot is my personal favorite to hoist in a game of Basketball, I feel that it is the demise of high-scoring affairs that occured in the 1980's.


makes much more sense to live in the present tense



I hear they're thinking of putting the three0line a few feet back in college which would suck for Pitino and the Cards!  Thoughts?
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


i've always been a long distance gunner