Forum Subject Order

Started by LaurieBlue, Dec 14, 2005, 08:44 PM

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Is it possible to have the most recent posts at the beginning of each subject/topic?  I don't know if I'm missing the instructions on how to do that or with this particular forum layout that's not possible.

Just askin' :-).



Hmmm... Mine appear that way. Do you always log in?


hey laurie, so you'd like the posts in a topic in reverse order? new posts first? that way you'd have to read backwards, right? olwiggum, do you read them backwards? (I think you're talking about the order of topics, not posts.) do do you want the unread posts at the top of a topic and have them moved to the bottom once they're read? that would be magical. do you have an example on another forum? I wanna get to the bottom of this ;)


Quotehey laurie, so you'd like the posts in a topic in reverse order? new posts first? that way you'd have to read backwards, right? olwiggum, do you read them backwards? (I think you're talking about the order of topics, not posts.) do do you want the unread posts at the top of a topic and have them moved to the bottom once they're read? that would be magical. do you have an example on another forum? I wanna get to the bottom of this ;)

Well I'd like to think I could go and pick from one of the other forums I occasionally visit and show you exactly of what I speak, but I must have dreamed the whole thing lol.  I just visited 2 and neither one of them have the current posts first.  Must be thinking of the Yahoo groups.    Or maybe because it's only around 5:30 am and I'm not coffeed up yet.  Although I swear I've seen it done this way.  I'll keep my eyes open and let you know if I see anything.

In the meantime..never mind ;-).


Easy Morning Rebel

I know what you mean LaurieBlue, I've seen that in another forums I visited too, and I think it would be good to have it like that here too. But in the forums I visited that have this system you can choose how you want it; either the most recent posts at the beginning of the topic, or still have it as it is now.

Hmm... hope you all understood, because I'm so bad in explaining what I mean.

Even cowgirls get the blues