new interview at avclub

Started by terrencetrousers, Jun 10, 2008, 09:43 AM

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I like this...

"We're too heavy for the hippies, and we're not heavy enough for the metal kids. And we're not indie enough. But we don't really fucking care."
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


AVC: At any point in your career, have you thought, "Okay, we finally made it"?

JJ: Not really. We'll be sitting around and drinking beers after we play a big show, and we'll be really happy. But at the same time, it's not the '80s any more. We're not all riding around in limousines and snorting coke off of hookers' tits. We still have to keep working and touring. We're definitely still very much a working band. If we stopped doing this tomorrow, we'd have a little bit of cash to last us a couple of months, and then we'd have to go and get other jobs.