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LA attack?

Started by ratsprayer, Feb 10, 2006, 12:37 PM

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come on, a thwarted attack over 3 years ago?  why talk about this just now?  does anyone actually believe this?  remember, this building was shown destroyed in the movie independence day.  see how stupid they think we are to believe this shit.

sorry, if you do buy in to this, i have some of saddam's nookular bombs to sell you.


I am a non-news-reader most days, and I don't watch the tv - anybody want to elaborate on this item?

ben grimm

They arrested a guy yesterday that was supposedly some huge Bin Laden fundraiser and people smuggler, he own £15 million pounds worth of Liverpool. They arrested him at his office two streets away from my house, very strange.,,2-2032332,00.html

not sure if its connected to the LA thing but seemed like a good place to post.


in a speech just last night or the night before, good ol' bush gave some details about a supposed terror attack that was prevent in los angeles back in 2002.  same thing, smashing a plane in to an office building.  

truth is, its a bullshit tactic to take away attention from the NSA wiretapping hearings and the brown testimony about katrina with the levees breaking.  even the mayor of LA was dismayed at just now hearing about this.  numerous intelligence officials have flat out said its a bullshit claim.  make of it what you will...


it's complete and utter BS from you said, just trying to distract from the crumbling country they're raping