Bill O'reilly Vs. David Letterman

Started by wellfleet, Jan 05, 2006, 09:42 PM

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everything sucks. really.


God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


i read the transcript on dave's site a few days ago.  thanks for the video link.  hilarious, but it makes you wonder.


Quotei read the transcript on dave's site a few days ago.  thanks for the video link.  hilarious, but it makes you wonder.

makes you wonder.....what?



makes you wonder.....what?

hi tracy!

i should have said it makes ME wonder.  i have actually watched bill's show, unlike dave.  thats the only point in the conversation where i thought it seemed a bit hollow on dave's part, not actually having seen the factor before.  it makes me wonder about bill's logic, or perhaps anyone's logic who is similar.  surprisingly, bill will admit we fucked up, intelligence was bad, and tra la la here we are.  is it some sort of american attitude to finish what you started?  will we seem stupid if we leave now, or shall we see how horrid the shambles will be in iraq and stick it out?  if someone can admit the intelligence was faulty, how shouldnt we say thats a bad thing and blame those who are rightfully responsible?  if we ignore this fact and let faulty intelligence dictate our country's future actions, where will that place us?  its our responsibility to call out the mistakes and figure out the fucking solution so it doesnt happen again.  i dont agree at all saying that we should just sweep this under the carpet because its bad for the country, and for the troops.  if the government is to be respected by other countries and even most people in this country, we have to speak our minds, bring the mistakes to the spotlight and fix what the fuck's broken.


I hate them both....Bill is an idiot and Dave's not funny...

long live Conan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


QuoteI hate them both....Bill is an idiot and Dave's not funny...

long live Conan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i agree, i dont like dave at all.  thats what made this even better, though.  conan is the shit.  


The worst apect of Letterman's show is his monologue. Every time he tells a joke, said joke is met with a smattering of laughter, then full-on audience applause. Applause after a joke? Fuck off!


i just loved it that letterman called o'reilly out on his bullshit. i watch a lot (umm, maybe too much) news channels, and even though Fox News makes me want to scream, i do watch it just to see what the Right is up to, and i have watched the Factor. i loved it when letterman said that he doesn't care about what other people are doing about christmas, he just does whatever he wants. it's so simple, so obvious... everything on Fox News is like "america under attack, watch your back america, the ACLU is evil, jesus is being attacked..." and there are people who are ignorant and get their news ONLY from Fox and so they eat it... it makes me sad. i garduated with a degree in journalism and poli-sci and thought, hey, the NEWS isn't supposed to have an angle. which is why i love the Colbert Report so much as a parody of Fox.
everything sucks. really.


i get my news from the onion.   ;D


Weekly Worlds News.

Bat Boy is stuck in a cave!


I still haven't figured out this "O'Reilly sucks" "O'Reilly _______ (insert random insult)"  bullshit.  The man points out issues that make this world/country crappier than it has to be.  I, for one applaud him for trying to make a difference in spite of those who would smear him.  Letteman lost this encounter hands down and simultaneously showed his shallowness by ambushing Bill the way he did.  You think he'd pull that shit with Hillary Clinton or Al Gore?  Oh, and Conan kicks asss!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteI still haven't figured out this "O'Reilly sucks" "O'Reilly _______ (insert random insult)"  bullshit.  The man points out issues that make this world/country crappier than it has to be.  I, for one applaud him for trying to make a difference in spite of those who would smear him.  Letteman lost this encounter hands down and simultaneously showed his shallowness by ambushing Bill the way he did.  You think he'd pull that shit with Hillary Clinton or Al Gore?  Oh, and Conan kicks asss!

o'reilly is a right wing fucking crazy, and its bullshit that he can get away with the things he says when the opposite wouldnt be able to happen.  i dont like letterman, dont like his humour or guests, way of interviewing, etc, but i think this was a fine television moment.  


QuoteI still haven't figured out this "O'Reilly sucks" "O'Reilly _______ (insert random insult)"  bullshit.  The man points out issues that make this world/country crappier than it has to be.  I, for one applaud him for trying to make a difference in spite of those who would smear him.  Letteman lost this encounter hands down and simultaneously showed his shallowness by ambushing Bill the way he did.  You think he'd pull that shit with Hillary Clinton or Al Gore?  Oh, and Conan kicks asss!

thank you
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it



o'reilly is a right wing fucking crazy, and its bullshit that he can get away with the things he says when the opposite wouldnt be able to happen.  i dont like letterman, dont like his humour or guests, way of interviewing, etc, but i think this was a fine television moment.  

So why does right wing radio/TV work but is doesn't work for the left? Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, G. Gordan Liddy, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, etc... but no real left wing  "stars".  Why is that? Anyone?


i think jingoists like to hear their opinions expressed more, and rational people don't need AM radio and cable celbritites to validate their opinions.