Ashlee Simpson Sucks

Started by Joe_Kickass, Feb 23, 2006, 12:32 PM

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I'm kicking myself for not seeing this thread in time...but I can't add anything new really.  It's all already been said.  

I just love the fact that she wears rolling stones t-shirts but probably can't name a single album that they've done ('Oh, um, aren't they the band that does start me up?') I doubt she could even come close to understanding the significance of an album they've done...say  "Exile on Main Street".


let's get one thing straight. tracy. i'm not passionate about ashlee simpson. i don't have posters on the wall. i AM passionate about defending someone who is just doing what she wants to do.
and i will say what a lot of people here aren't saying, and that is that's i get upset when you shit all over people's opinions and thoughts and when they call you on it, you avoid responsibility by saying that it's not you making them feel bad, that it's all on them. that's like telling blacks or hispanics that it's THEIR fault that they get upset when someone calls them a n***** or a s***. it's so lame.
i have 35 neil young albums. he's my hero. but i know plenty of folks who don't think he's all that. i wish they would love him as much as i do, but i am not about to puke my opinion all over them.
maybe she's a bad singer. maybe she's part of the cultural whoring of america. but SHE loves it. so who are you to say she's not legitimate? i am terrible, and i mean terrible at volleyball. it's the only sport i can say with certainty that i suck at. but i love it. i am so awesomely bad at it but i enjoy it so damn much. do i care that gabrielle reese is out there looking at me like i'm an idiot? nope.
she is beloved by million of people. and i think it's highly presumptuous to say that all those people are idiots. they just like it because they like it.
i don't think jim would blame the band should there be a lip-synch incident. i think the jacket have a lot of integrity. but if they were a bunch of spoiled-rotten rich kids making this amazing music between bong hits, i would still like their music.
can you never accept that you are not the cool-meter? how would you feel if someone said the scorpions were a shitty, big-haired, talentless bunch of hacks? you like 'em. other people think they're a joke.
it's ok to not be mean to people who don't agree with you.
everything sucks. really.


I'm just being mean to Ashlee Simpson............if people get offended, they should be thick-skinned, instead they just wear diapers and cry, buh buh but i like her and her lip-synching :'(
Fuck the level!


i wish i could write a song, even a crappy one.
i wish i could come up with a melody.
i wish i could play an instrument.
i know i have a good voice, but nobody's throwing me a record deal.
i wish my dad was super-rich so i could hire the best producers and make an album.
i wish i could be invited to SNL and screw up and do something immature and then come back and sing for real and sing ok.

i would bet that none of the hardcore ashlee simpson haters have ever listened to both her albums in full, watched both seasons of her show and/or seen her "perform" in concert. i think it's more than obvious that you guys hate on ashlee simpson THE CONCEPT. and i can't say i blame you. i wish my kids would come out of the womb worshipping lennon and dylan and hendrix. but until that happens, "pass the dutchie" and "the hamster dance" will appeal to the hearts of the young. when i was a baby, the only thing that would lull me to sleep was Pink Floyd. when i was 5, i was obsessed with Graceland and Samantha Fox in equal amounts.
my husband's 12 year-old daughter is into avril lavigne. it makes me cringe but who am i to tell her she should listen to joan jett or blondie or the clash because they're more legitimate?
i can see why people hate rich people, successful people, wal-mart and globalization. i just think it's immature and based in some innate jealousy that whatever the simpson family is raking in, we're not.
i wish all bands were as innovative as the jacket, political as neil, or just perfect like the beatles. in the meantime, i can allow for people to like all kinds of music.
everything sucks. really.


can't believe i have to wear the "defender of ashlee simpson" hat. but it's so ignorant to hate something you know nothing about.
everything sucks. really.


"i" hate her music "i" dont care what you think and "i" dont really care about any of this bullshit raking .
Fuck the level!


wellfleet, as usual, you bring a whole bunch of unresolved garbage into these discussions; garbage and anger that have absolutely nothing to do with me (you get this upset over real life issues or just Ashlee Simpson?)

I am not responsible for your feelings. Period. Take back your power and figure out how to be responsible for your own feelings, I don't want that power (But thanks anyway).

Good luck.


come on wellfleet, you're actually comparing me saying Ashlee Simpson sux to someone using the N word?

Good grief.  :-/

Lighten up.


you know what i don't like, tracy? what i don't like, is that your defense of your opinion turns into personal attacks on others, in this case, me.
i didn't go out and ridicule you, your musical tastes, your philosophies, etc, and yet you feel you have to humiliate me publicly because you feel justified in your peart-over-simpson stance?
that sucks and i'm sad.
everything sucks. really.


Quoteyou're just a bitter old man sick of hanging out with krazzzyyyy kids you secretly want to strangle.

wellfleet, is this not you ridiculing me? That there is the pot calling the kettle black.

Again, for you to get this upset over something as stupid and trivial as an Ashlee Simpson Sux thread tells me that you got a big chip on your shoulder that has nothing to do with me. This is some lame, stupid stuff to get so worked up about, wouldn't you agree?

Holey moley!


Folks, I swear, I am just having fun here.  
I apologize if my sarcasm is interpreted as belittling.  
I am under the impression that we are all fans of the music here and I say the same things to people here (in arguments) that I would say to my closest friends. Intellectual jousting with insults (see The Dozens in hip hop culture) is how we see it. No harm.  
Perhaps I am taking too many liberties with my quick wit and my craftmanship of the English language.  
If I disagree with your point of view or opinion, I will disagree. I'll try not to get personal or nasty, however, if you leave yourself wide open to some good hearted ribbing, please accept it for what it is.  
Please, dish it back, but don't take it personally. Just having fun with my sarcastic wit; if you don't find it funny, then don't respond.  
But if you say "so and so is an asshole" or "so and so can't take criticism", or how brave and talented Ashlee Simpson is, then I have to respond....because it's  F U N .
Be careful out there...


QuotePerhaps I am taking too many liberties with my quick wit and my craftmanship of the English language.

Yes.  Please do cease from destroying everyone with your gigantic wit.  Your craft of the English language supercedes everyone else, so it's almost like you're a giant fighting the ants.  Big people shouldn't pick on little people.  Only the anti-christ does that.

...oh wait... ;)


QuoteFolks, I swear, I am just having fun here.  
I apologize if my sarcasm is interpreted as belittling.  

You've surely been around here long enough to know that your sarcasm is interpeted as belittling. You keep feeling the need to explain yourself. How about just not saying things you know (must know by now) will cause offence here?

It's such a cop out to keep saying it's other people's responsibility to remain unoffended. It's as much your responsiblity not to say things you know will hurt.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you were genuinely witty  :-/


Now I know how these guys felt



ycartrob, let's face it: you enjoy being an ass. you think you're smarter than everyone else. you try and elevate yourself by putting others down.

wellfleet's point was simply that to her, ashlee simpson *doesn't* suck. you can dislike someone's music without saying it sucks. that's just playa-hatin' and it's a pretty low form of argument.

whoever created this thread must have completely wanted this anyway. some people are just shit disturbers. whatever. i like what i like, don't like what i don't like, and God bless ya for whatever you dig. personally, i find P.E. amazing and Common common. i think rush is just a canadian version of styx, and journey was pretty great. at the end of the day, these are just my views. i don't really give a crap if you agree or disagree....but when you start pissing on people from your presumed great height, you're really just showing your own smallness. grow up.



no further questions, your honor....


HEY! *my* bitter old man comment had a smiley face at the end, which you conspicuously left out. my comment was an obvious joke, as demonstrated by the funny spelling of crazy.
and furthermore, if you will compare your supposed martyrdom to jesus and lennon, then surely i can not only compare ashlee's genius to neil young, but to dylan, joan baez, and the pixies.
re: the chip on my shoulder, which i am the first to admit is there, is mostly reserved for those who will not entertain that there are valid, legitimate opinions beyond their own. jeez, last night i was watching MSNBC and ann coulter and pat buchanan were on. i used to not even listen when those talking heads came on but last night i found myself in agreement that they, at least, had a point.
i used to say "blank blank sucks" and realized that it's so dismissive of others' opinions and completely unnecessary. now i say, "it's not my taste".
if you want good-hearted ribbing, that's awesome. lost of people do that here and remain civil.
but i'm always going to fire up the shoulder-fired chip if i think someone's talking out of their butt.
how can you say you don't like sushi if you've never had it? how can you say that ashlee simpson specifically sucks if you've never heard her "music"?
i'm over this.
everything sucks. really.

Angry Ewok

I'm only here, in this thread, I mean, to have fun... but uh...

Quotemaybe she's a bad singer. maybe she's part of the cultural whoring of america. but SHE loves it. so who are you to say she's not legitimate?

What about Ashlee Simpson, in her acting career, or her music career, feels legitimate to you?

What I gather from the quote above is that, in your opinion, these days you only have to "enjoy" flopping around the stage to be an artist? Even if you never "earned your bones" to be on stage - even don't actually "sing" or "write", or even "dance" well - as long as you appear to enjoy it, it's legit?

What makes you think her apparent enthusiasm as a performer is anymore legit than her attributes as an artist? Are you sure she isn't just there because daddy found her an easy way to make money - and that's all?

Seriously, did she even write the lyrics to her latest album? You have the CD, I don't - so why don't you see what it says under song titles... Written by whom?

I'm also curious to know, does her CD give any credit to her band? Is it all tiny font? That'd be nice if, for once, Ashlee notes even having a band (besides the time she blamed them for skipping up her lip-sync tape).

The bottom line is - you said you enjoy the hell out of her latest album, and I don't look down on you for it... Different strokes for different folks...

I just think it's funny that you actually defended Ashlee Simpson's legitimacy as an artist.

Off of MySpace :
Band Members: Ashlee Simpson

That's why I added her as my friend. Anyone who can drum and play guitar and lip sync is cool as fuck in my book.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


ewok, i'm glad you brought that up, because that makes for an intelligent discussion.
as a matter of fact, the songwriting credits are attributed to:
ashlee simpson (ASCAP), kara dioguardi (BMI)and john shanks (ASCAP).

and no, the band is not given credit because the band is only a *touring* band. they do not record in-studio. john shanks plays most of the instruments, most of the time. shanks is her producer and has worked with sheryl crow, kelly clarkson, melissa etheridge, chris isaak, bonnie raitt, joe cocker, etc.

my contention, simply, is that you don't have to be *good* to be legitimate and vice versa. i say this because there are many, many musical acts that are enormously popular without, in my taste, being any good. that doesn't take away from their legitimacy with their audience. the point is that legitimacy and art and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
art doesn't have to be good to be considered art. some people think the works of jackson pollock reflect our society's chaos and confusion and admire it, some people like the pretty colours but don't get the message, some people think he's some yahoo who splattered paint on large surfaces and called it art. it's all in your perspective and to me, there can be no wrong feelings.
to me, legitimacy is decided by the listener. there are, clearly, millions of people who totally get "it seems like yesterday that my world fell from the sky / it seems like yesterday i didn't know how hard i could cry" (beautifully broken, from the latest, re: SNL debacle). i think these lyrics are banal and if i want meaning in lyrics, i put on some dylan or public enemy. but somewhere out there, there's a girl who thinks these lyrics describe her life. who are we to piss on that?
essentially, nobody has to believe what you believe for your thoughts to be your reality. think about it for a sec. there are people out there who think the jacket's music is lame. they don't get the baby in a blender thing, they think the hair and the rocking out is boring, they don't get the wordless chorus on wordless chorus. somewhere, there are many people who think we suck for liking the jacket. does that mean we suck? does that take away MMJ being artists?
i can absolutely understand people resenting her and her ilk for being manufactured, for being fronts for a large marketing machine, for being arguably more pretty than talented. so what? who cares? when i have a coke, i don't think about the sugar and chemicals in it. i know it's not healthy. when i want healthy, i reach for the soy milk!
since when is it a crime to enjoy some awesomely cheesy music? keep in mind that i never said she was talented, just that i enjoyed her music for what it is, mindless chick music for a friday night, and there's a difference.
everything sucks. really.