attention bush apologists

Started by ratsprayer, Mar 02, 2006, 02:14 PM

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boom!  here's what i've been saying all along.  it can't be blamed on bush for not spending money on the levees, like tracy said a while back, there have been 7 or 8 presidents that could have done it.  here's been my arguement and grudge all along.  they fucking knew days before what was going to happen and did nothing.  this video shows michael brown isn't quite the douche he seemed to be.  spend 3 minutes, watch this, and get over yourselves thinking bush and this administration aren't responsible for a huge part of how fucking out of control it got down there.

keep in mind, this is the washington fucking post putting this up.  not exactly the most leftist crazy point of view publication out there.  


good post. i love americans, just cant stand the admin. but thats neither here nor there.
wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into a dream - pink floyd


Quotegood post. i love americans, just cant stand the admin. but thats neither here nor there.

i can see that.  as an american, i can fully understand why people think all american are idiots.  we're a very pretentious culture and think our way is the best way and fuck everyone else.  the media also seems to portray the fact everyone one of us supports what's going on, and that's simply not true.  truth is, we did what we needed to and defeated bush in the last election, but certain things have a way of happening.  i'm glad there are still people out there that don't associate the citizen of this country with the actions of their government.  it's the same principle of how i feel about the people of israel.  


there are a lot of idiots out there.  Many are american many not.  Look at the war that has begun in the Middle East over an editorial cartoon.  Bush is in some deep shit over this, and should be.  I don't know what I would have done but lying and letting that kind of destruction happen and continue is not an option.

And, just so you know, the washington post is considered by many to be the furthest left on any major newspaper, just saying...
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive



And, just so you know, the washington post is considered by many to be the furthest left on any major newspaper, just saying...

they still sold the lies of the iraq war and do everything they can to push the agenda.  it's like saying democrats are different than republicans.  you spread two slightly different lies and make the people argue over which one is right.  it's old hat.


love a song for the way it makes you feel


Quoterat, for the sake of healthy political debate, i dare you to go serve in the IDF and see what you would do when you're getting boulders thrown at you, shot at by children wielding automatic weapons, and your best friend gets blown up on a bus on his way to school. i'm not an apologist, i've actually been there and done that (not the shooting!!) and don't think for a second that other nations (think rich, powerful nations) aren't at work coercing both sides to act in certain ways.

your everyday palestinians are no different than israelis, they just want to raise their kids in peace, work for the man, and grow old.

i must admit i get upset when you mention israel and compare it to us foreign policy because i believe it's inaccurate... alas... i would totally high-five you during "cobra"

we've been through this before though.  i cannot and will not apologise for my views on ISRAEL.  i didn't say the world's jewish people.  it's the country of ISRAEL.  why can't they admit they have nuclear weapons?  why is jonathan pollard considered a hero in that country?  why can't a movie about the palestinians be shown? why is the play about rachel corrie being stonewalled?  these are all questions that beg to be answered.  israel has a lot of control over things in the world, even in this country.  theirs is a terrorist, imperalist government just as our own, they do the same things.  we help them, they help us.  why?  our politicians and religious leaders will admit we fight wars to help the country of israel.  why?  are their needs above our own?  it seems so.  i don't need to fight in the IDF to understand things better.  if i didn't have a family, i would fly over and help the palestinians any chance i could.  does that make me less in your eyes?  you said it yourself, everyday palestinians want peace and calm times just like anyone.  yes, there are fundamentalists who do all those evil things you mentioned.  i would never deny that.  you also can't deny the gun happy israeli army who gun down 7 years old for the fuck of it.  i realise some of my past comments have been off-kilter, and i apologised for those.  i'm only stating my opinions in a calm manner and asking questions that should be asked.  i wont apologise for that.  if you cant understand my criticism of an aggressive government, i cant see how you complain about this country.  its the same principle.


here's a quote from david ben gurion:

"There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

wellfleet, i know youve lived there and saw things id never hope to see.  i respect the fact you dont like my opinions about israel, but dont make it seem im not allowed to have them.  ill debate you until the end of the earth about it because im confident in how i feel and very passionate about it.  i dont see us ever agreeing on it, but that doesnt mean it has to get ugly.

we can always agree on the jacket, though.   :D


i respect everything that youre saying.  i do know the size of the area theyre arguing over.  i do think you might underestimate how much ive researched this looking at both sides to form my opinions and conclusions.  i realise theres literature out there to support both sides.  ive read enough to justify how i feel, and i feel comfortable with my views.  i do think we have common ground in thinking the land must be shared at this point, and everything needs to be done to bring peace.  im glad we can agree on that, the rest is just debateable history, this side is right/wrong, etc.  i think its cool you think im totally inaccurate and full of it, yet we can debate properly.  that gives me hope...   :)


rat, for you from me (and neil young)

Was he thinking about my country
Or the color of my skin?
Was he thinking 'bout my religion
and the way I worshipped him?

Did he create just me in his image
Or every living thing?
When God made me
When God made me
Was he planning only for believers
Or for those who just have faith?
Did he envision all the wars
That were fought in his name?

Did he say there was only one way
To be close to him?
When God made me
When God made me

Did he give me the gift of love
To say who I could choose?
When God made me
When God made me

When God made me
When God made me

Did he give me the gift of voice
So some could silence me?
Did he give me the gift of vision
Not knowing what I might see?                    

Did he give me the gift of compassion
To help my fellow man?
When God made me
When God made me
When God made me
When God made me

everything sucks. really.