anyone seen Michael Brown testifying ?

Started by johnconaway, Feb 10, 2006, 10:40 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

THIS is who was in charge of FEMA.  My God!  

He's got to be the most arrogant/unqualified dipshit installed in an important positiion...what a moron.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



QuoteTHIS is who was in charge of FEMA.  My God!  

He's got to be the most arrogant/unqualified dipshit installed in an important positiion...what a moron.

Name one person that works for the Bush administration that you don't feel that way about. ;)
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


paul wolfowitz being chosen to head the world bank was a really awesome choice.   :-/

peanut butter puddin surprise

hehehe that aside, you just got wonder why someone like him is in charge of an Emergency Response organization.  People's lives were depending upon the swift reaction of a completely clueless windbag so bent on his appearance that he was distracted by it!

That's not "mean", it's a totally honest observation of Mr. Brown.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


i was just messing around, personal attacks on politicians are welcomed and warranted, as far as im concerned.  voice your opinion, thats what we need.

we need to make sure the fact gets out that they knew the levees were breached the day Katrina came ashore, not the day after.  even if the levees should have been replaced 30 years ago, this is neglect done by this administration, and they should be held liable.  thats impeachable right there.  

peanut butter puddin surprise

well, if you listen to the party line, they "weren't aware" that the levees were broken until that next day.  a lot of people probably died in those 24 hours.

plus, you are correct-this admin and Congress turned down funding to strengthen the levee system there.  i'm sure they are feelin' bad about that...not.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


unless Mr. Brown was lying under oath, he did inform the White House directly on Monday.  So, there seems to be a very big sommunication lapse from FEMA, to the Homeland Security fool, and then the White House.  Brown claims that all that tape was a problem and thus went straight to the White House, who then neglected to get things done.  Plus, the Governor turned down the plan for federalization.  So, in my sad opinion, all government is to blame and Brown is what we call a sad little "scapegoat."  But, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
eat meat, eat meat, eat a big ole stear.

scientology is the answer.  sorry jesus.


I was born in New Orleans and people have been negelcting the levee situation for over 40 years. 40 years of knowing this could happen and doing nothing about it. That's Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, not counting the senators and representatives and governers and mayors.

I'm no Bush fan, but to say this administration is to blame for the faulty levees is simply partisan politics.

The US has the technology and the cash to keep the poor folks of New Orleans high and dry, we just have never cared to do so.


QuoteTHIS is who was in charge of FEMA.  My God!  

He's got to be the most arrogant/unqualified dipshit installed in an important positiion...what a moron. to eat those words appears that Brownie was doing a hell of a job.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quote to eat those words appears that Brownie was doing a hell of a job. video appears with him appearing to do "one hell of a job" and he's somehow vindicated?  Sorry.  He was inexperienced, untalented, and arrogant.  He was more concerned with his appearance on TV than anything.

I stand by my original post.  He is not totally at fault here;  but, he's definitely a symptom of a larger ill.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


i read a john mcphee book about the region that discusses a geographical survey conducted in the early 1900s that said the new orleans area floods and will flood again and again... 100 years of warnings and people chose to settle in an are below sea level and between bodies of water. that's like being a bowl surrounded by liquid.
don't get me wrong, i think it's an absolute travesty what happened to those people and my heart breaks for people who lost loved ones, their homes, their livelihoods...
but it reminds me of driving through the hollywood hills and seeing all these gorgeous homes built jutting out of the hill, standing mostly on stilts. california is known for its earth quakes. when the big one hits LA, is anyone going to feel sorry for these homes when they slide down the hills and into rubble? you live in a hurricane zone, you will face hurricanes. you live in tornado alley, you will face tornados.

i think we all need to take responsibility for WHY the weather is more and more erratic, for WHY beach erosion is happening and why it's bad, for people being so poor they can't afford to run for their lives... brownie is one guy and even though i think he's an idiot of the highest order, this cannot be pinned on one person.
it's a history of unqualified crony-ism... remember the alito mess? and he was the *second* choice behind an ass-kissing bureaucrat. sad.
everything sucks. really.


are we supposed to feel a bit less sad because of where they live?  because it floods there quite often?  i wont aruge at all its  a well known fact for a long ass time the area would be fucked one day because of flooding, but that video i posted yesterday clearly shows a lack of effort on the government's part.  do rich white areas of florida ever suffer needlessly for days, weeks when a huge hurricane hits there?

that honestly makes me chuckle a bit, but in a sick to my stomach way.