Strange Days

Started by ycartrob, Mar 14, 2006, 12:44 AM

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Strange days have found us.

Anyone else having strange stuff hapening lately? I mean bizarre! Like, my dad called for the first time in 23 years, wanting to reconcile his relationship with me and my brothers and sisters


my wife's dad wanting to take her turkey hunting next month. And my wife has never been hunting a day in her life, much less spent more than a couple of hours with her dad in decades?

Or Tennessee being a 2 seed and George Washington an 8 seed in the NCAA Bball tourney?

anyone? Any weird shit going down?

freaking weird

peanut butter puddin surprise

In the course of three days, the following happened:

(true story)

-locked my keys in my car and I couldn't reach anyone by phone, so I had to take a cab all of 4 miles to fetch my backup set of keys

-it rained 5 inches in two days and my roof leaked, causing gallons of water to fall in my bathroom

-amelia fell and hit her eye on the coffee table, causing a nasty looking bruise

-amelia also had a recurrance of conjunctivitis during this time period

-my aunt went back to the hospital

-the steelers let antwan el randel go away on free agency

-i failed to hit the powerball for the 10000th time

-george bush continues to be the scourge of the earth and our leader at the same time

-ann braden, local civil rights activist, died in the hospital

-the city of louisville (metro) just can't or won't bring me a new garbage can as my old one was stolen

-my renewed car insurance cards were lost in the mail, thereby leaving me to drive around with expired cards

-this congestion won't go away

i could go on, but that's enough I think.... :'(
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Strangely enough, the movie "Strange Days" was on this morning...hmm.... :o


my roommate's step mom has suddenly started to try and get close...  

it might be spring.  people get big ideas when spring starts peeking around.

oh john. :(  sorry, honey.  i know a lot of people who are going through some pretty shit times right now.

fuck you winter.


fuck you winter.

Could you say that again?  I think it deserves a second mention.


-the city of louisville (metro) just can't or won't bring me a new garbage can as my old one was stolen

AHHH the delights of city bureaucracy...ya gotta either laugh or scream
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Stange winter is more like it, meaning in southern and eastern Ontario, we didn't really have a winter this year.


We've had snow here 2 days in a row.
Snow in Nagoya is rare, snow in mid March is unheard of & pretty crazy considering it had got up to 20C last week.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


We had snow this winter, and in some local areas Ontario had lots of snow, but cold days, especially for  long or prolonged periods of time did not really occur - thus the snow did not stay on the ground for too long. This is bad for the water-table and farmer's soil.


jaimoe... it's amazing, last winter when i was still living in montreal, i was so thrilled that it would be my last winter of bustin' ass to work through 3-foot snow banks, in minus 30C, on ice, waiting for the bus, runny nose... and it's apparently the warmest winter on record in canada. i mean, i'm glad that my mom's not freezing her butt off waiting for the bus, but i can't imagine that increasingly warm weather is a good sign for da planet...
we got 2 or 3 inches in fayetteville (arkansas) a few weeks ago and it was pandemonium. the whole city ground to a halt. they had nothing to clean the streets, no salt, no trucks...
and this weekend, while my husband was away, we were under tornado watch and i was terrified. it hit about 39 miles away and did some damage... i miss montreal, no natural disasters... even the ice storm was manageable...

JC... i think you need to like, straighten out your chakras or karma or do some charity work to make things work for you again... it's almost spring, it's gonna get better... don't worry about your baby girl, my mother is proud of telling people (and me!) that she dropped me on my head twice when i was a baby and i turned out ok... i think...   :-*
everything sucks. really.


this energy cycle is a bit wacko to say the least.  not to be cynical, but it's not going away any time soon.  theres lots of shit going on in lots of places, but all the experiences provide some sort of lesson.  i keep that in mind a lot, and some times it still doesnt make me feel better, just saying...

the equinox is coming soon, things will be in balance for a while at least.   :D


Jewel was out of rasberries the other day when I needed them... I don't know how strange that is but it pissed me off because I had to go to the 'other' grocery store where the customers stink like shit and wear lots of mesh and flannel.
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women


last night was the full moon here.  

ratz, I would like to hear you expound on what you just said. :)


Quotelast night was the full moon here.  

ratz, I would like to hear you expound on what you just said. :)

it's really just pagan ramblings, my friend.  i go by what i feel and what i study.   ;)



it's really just pagan ramblings, my friend.  i go by what i feel and what i study.   ;)

i know you do - that's why i wanted to hear more.  i like your pagan ramblings.  a lot.  :)



i know you do - that's why i wanted to hear more.  i like your pagan ramblings.  a lot.  :)

It's more of a meth ramble...but whatever :)



It's more of a meth ramble...but whatever :)

thats it, im gonna kill you!   >:(



Jon T.

One month ago today, I went out to Crested Butte, CO.  I got off the plane at 2:15 and at 3:30 I busted my ass...hard.  I was snowboarding and was 100% in control (or so I thought).  I separated  my left AC joint (shoulder), broke my clavicle on the left side, broke my left wrist, cracked a rib on my right side and tore my right MCL(knee).  All within about an hour of being there.  Needless to say, that trip kinda sucked after that.