Sweatboard inflates post count!

Started by wellfleet, Mar 30, 2006, 08:36 PM

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i demand a recount, a recall, a do-over... sweatboard is clearly, blatantly and with impunity inflating his post count by celebrating his own greatness.
CC, sort this joker out!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
everything sucks. really.


dude, you're almost on the dodgeball team!!!


Quotedude, you're almost on the dodgeball team!!!

Shhhhh...don't mention the team until she gets to 497.  Ya know, cause It's all super-secret and what not. :)


And...Meg, I know your posts reset after your 7000th one, but I could've sworn you were in the 450's last week....now your in the 300's.  What's the deal?


they reset after 7000?

CC, whats the deal on Meg's posts?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Now now now, don't you worry about none of that scary post business.  Just sit back and have another drink.  ;)

(I wasn't in the 400s last week.)

Besides, I like to be as non-linear as possible.   ;D


I love resetting postcounts. beware...


Al Gore just filed a lawsuit.

Which is weird, since he invented the Internet (and talking monkeys! betcha didn't know that! they live with him on the Galapagos Islands. He rides them to work.). You'd think he figure out how to control this whole thing.

Can I stop drinking now, Meg?
....as mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


QuoteCan I stop drinking now, Meg?
Ummm, I'd say that's proooobably a good idea, chum.  :)