everyone okay after last night's carnage??

Started by johnconaway, Apr 03, 2006, 08:19 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

hey there, midwestern posters...anyone sustain any damage to their homes/cars/businesses last night?  here in louisville, there was some serious hail, sideways rain, and torrential rains and thunderstorms for a few hours last night.  it appears power is out in many places, and the roofs of some buildings got sheared off like paper.  mother nature is indeed powerful!  

i just about shit my pants every time that tornado siren goes off...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


it's pretty dark here, but it doesn't look like anything major happened.  not out my window, anyhow.

jen was telling me that her tornado sirens were going off, and she went to the store to get some groceries and they said they were closing because of the tornado.

that's in iowa city.  yikes.  hmm, i hope saskatchewan is all right...  i'd better call.  

i wouldn't have thought that l'ville would be in the tornado zone.  is that wrong?

peanut butter puddin surprise

oh man, it's right in the zone.  however, it seems like the bulk of tornadic activity occurs either north or south of the city....which reminds me, gotta check on antoniostrohs....
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quotewhich reminds me, gotta check on antoniostrohs....
promise to check back about that, okay?

peanut butter puddin surprise

i'm thinking they're okay as i got their voicemail...meaning the power is on and the building is intact...and they've probably gone on to work....just my guess though.

yo my brother, are you alrighty out there?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quoteit's pretty dark here, but it doesn't look like anything major happened.  not out my window, anyhow.

... other than a man blowing himself up in the bathroom of a Tim Horton's donut shop near  the busiest intersections in Canada.


Things were nasty around Chicagoland too. I heard there were 19 deaths that were a direct result of the storms in Illinois, Indiana & Kentucky....very sad. I hope everyone is OK as well as their families and friends. It was really  pretty scary here....and it wasn't the worst of it.

But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


no direct damage here at my homestead in sw ohio, but ive been working all day and not gotten a chance to go out and survey anything.  theres a national weather service center just about 12 miles north of us, and they said that every county in SW ohio had some considerable damage.  on they cincy 11 o clock news last night, there was a huge flea market just south of the city that had its entire roof blown off.  lots of straitline winds, one gust at the cincy airport last night reached 76mph.  last night, they said 300,000 people were without power.  ill update later when i go out and see if i can get any damage reports.

peanut butter puddin surprise

heya, mr. tony just called me back and left a voicemail and said everything was cool on his end....glad to hear it man!

was really worried bout you guys...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


There was an insane amount of lightning last night here (Western NC).  I stayed up till 2 or so on the porch watching it....it was fun here;  too bad there was carnage around your places :-/