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Started by EC, Jun 04, 2006, 09:23 PM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

Quotelots of bravado in his little rant but you can't be afraid when your dead either...

well, I'm more likely to:

-be killed in an auto accident
-die of a heart attack
-get struck by lightning
-choke on a ham sandwich
-get knifed by my crackhead neighbor
-die in a hospital related mistake
-get cancer
-fall off of my roof
-hit a tree skiing

than be struck by a terrorist attack.  so, therefore, I fear the above way, WAY more than any terrorist.  actually, I fear our goverment more than I fear the terrorists.  see, the terrorists are like a hornet's nest.  our government is like a dumb kid with a bunch of rocks.  they think by throwing rocks at the hornet's nest, they're going to stop terrorism.  instead, they're just inciting more hornets to come out and sting us rubes sitting around while the dumb ass with the rocks is supposedly "protecting" us.  if we'd just stop throwing rocks for a minute, we might hear what they have to say and make the slightest adjustments in our policies.  short of an all out invasion of every country that supposedly harbors "terrorists", which we don't have the stomach for, and long occupations afterwards, this problem does not have a military solution.  only through diplomacy and honest efforts to adjust our policies will there ever be a truce.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



well, I'm more likely to:

-be killed in an auto accident
-die of a heart attack
-get struck by lightning
-choke on a ham sandwich
-get knifed by my crackhead neighbor
-die in a hospital related mistake
-get cancer
-fall off of my roof
-hit a tree skiing

than be struck by a terrorist attack.  so, therefore, I fear the above way, WAY more than any terrorist.  actually, I fear our goverment more than I fear the terrorists.  see, the terrorists are like a hornet's nest.  our government is like a dumb kid with a bunch of rocks.  they think by throwing rocks at the hornet's nest, they're going to stop terrorism.  instead, they're just inciting more hornets to come out and sting us rubes sitting around while the dumb ass with the rocks is supposedly "protecting" us.  if we'd just stop throwing rocks for a minute, we might hear what they have to say and make the slightest adjustments in our policies.  short of an all out invasion of every country that supposedly harbors "terrorists", which we don't have the stomach for, and long occupations afterwards, this problem does not have a military solution.  only through diplomacy and honest efforts to adjust our policies will there ever be a truce.

Hornets? Why not wasps? racist...


EC... right after 9/11, i got good and spooked, too, so don't feel bad about it. i felt like the metro was an easy target, the bus, tall buildings, my university. there were a few terror alerts in montreak over the years and i will admit to anyone that i got scared. while i know that logically i'm more likely to die of something else, i think the prospect of being blown up is horrifying and is to everybody.
then i remembered living in israel and riding the city bus alone to school, and eating at cafes and going to the library in the midst of threats. i still did it. i realized that if i lived in fear every day, i would be miserable until i was either proven right or wrong... but it's a normal reaction to be scared and to want to run away and be safe. after 9/11 i wanted to move to australia.
it makes me sad that born-and-bred canadians and canadian adopted citizens would want to do this. i just love the country so much. it feels like someone wants to hurt a member of my family.
my dad said there have already been attacks against arab-looking people. that sucks. let's be better than that.
everything sucks. really.