Computer Hell-work

Started by johnconaway, Jun 29, 2006, 11:35 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

okay, I'm the computer guru around here at work.  I did a new server install last week, and it's been hell until about right now.  nothing worked right, boss was pissed, people were pissed, 10K down the tubes and no closer to fixed....then, suddenly I saw the light and it's all pretty much good now.

some small bugs to work out-but they're all small.

anyone else have this problem, ever?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Well, not on as large a scale as you, but here's my rant.

I got a 300 gig hard drive for Christmas to supplement my 100 gig that was already installed. I was very excited because I do video work and it's nice to have a shitload of space. So I got my 300 gig in there and it was great until March.
I did a Windows Update (which I had never bothered to do before).
In March, I was working on editing a bunch of video clips for a local film festival that I was helping with. Well, I was capturing to the new drive and it would stop after a minute or so and tell me that it couldn't find timecode. It did this for several tapes, so I knew it wasn't a tape issue. I could capture to my old drive with no problems, but there was limited space on it and it took forever to capture to it, then copy to the other drive.
I tried defragging, chdsks, and all kinds of other shit , but couldn't figure out why i could capture to one drive and not the other.
About a month ago, I was telling a friend about it and he asked if I had done a Windows Update. I remembered that I had right about the time that the problems started.
SO, that seems to be the root of the problem. I posted about it on an Adobe Premiere site and they said that the Update changed my settings and the only way to do it was to do a reformat and reinstall XP and all of my other programs.

So that's how I'm spending my Friday night tomorrow.  :(

I tried several things to fix it.

peanut butter puddin surprise

sounds like that drive itself needs to be reformatted to NTFS instead of FAT32.  if you right click on that drive in My Computer and go to properties,  what does it say under "File System"?

are you running Windows XP?  If so, is the C: drive formatted to use NTFS?

Just asking.  Let me know.  If you're running XP, the new drive should be set to NTFS.  That should solve your problem.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

Angry Ewok

...uh... I had a bad dream last night that my toilet overflowed.


Sowwy... I just wish I knew what the fuck you guys were talkin' about... I'm constantly having random (however minor) PC issues.

I'm serious about the toilet overflowing thing, by the way.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


yeah this project I am on at work--we are upgrading the control system in my area (Solution Preparation) to a Siemens based set up.  There are a couple servers in the data center (1st floor) that supply info to the clients in the actual work areas (4th floor and 3rd floor).  One night the air handlers for the data center overheated and shut down--what a nightmare!  we lost connectivity to the servers for the control system, luckily we had a single station client in place to run operations manually until things got sorted out in the data center...
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


They're all on NTFS.  :(

peanut butter puddin surprise

Okay...that's good.  Can you see that drive under My Computer?  Can you write other files to that drive?  Where is the program installed that you use for the editing-is it on C:?

lemme know
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


my cat's breath smells like cat food.



peanut butter puddin surprise

yo, that's a weird one man.  lemme do a knowledge base search and i'll get back to you.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Cool. I'm gonna go ahead and start backing up the files that I need from the C drive , 'cause more than likely I'll be reformatting the damn thing and re-installing XP tonight.

I asked on in the Premiere forum and one of their dudes told me that would be the best solution.


so what's happening now?


I get the "can't find timecode during capture" message. I'm about to reformat it, so I'll report back when I have my system up and running again.


So.... we got the system drive reformatted and got XP reinstalled on it after a bit of a headache last night. Once it was up and running again, the drive that is 300 gigs was only showing that it was 137 gigs (or close to that #). A bit of Googling revealed that it is a Service Pack#1 issue, so we got that installed and the drive showed that it was 300 gigs.
I reinstalled Premiere this afternoon and captured a 50 minute video clip without a hitch. :)
So my problem obviously happened when I installed Service Pack 2.
Damn you, Windows!

peanut butter puddin surprise

hmmmmmm, must've been reporting a partition error....glad its all good now

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Me too. I smell a lot of productivity in the coming week.  :)
I already pretty much finished one project yesterday.