A FREE piano is the best kind of piano

Started by DD, Jul 07, 2006, 11:39 AM

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so my buddies dad is a real estate agent.  he sold a house for a couple of guys who didnt want this anymore.  they said they would give it away if someone would just take it.  so i said "cool, ill take it".  the day i went over to check it out one of the guys was there and once i looked at it he said his movers were on the way to wait and see if they would deliver it for me.

not only did they deliver it for me, HE FREAKIN PAID THEM TOO.  so what i thought was going to cost me a couple hundo to get moved ended up being 100% free.  its a little out of tune but not TOO bad.  its close enough that im working up a couple of songs to record for Red Nails myspace account.

ill let yall know when i get it together.




Cool  8)
Nice things do happen don't they?


yes that they do.

BTW, its a Lagonda piano made in New Castle, Indiana between 1921 and 1930.




Sweet deal, DD. Free stuff rules.

I got my acoustic guitar for free. It's a "Shenandoah by Martin". The research that I did says that it's Martin parts, just assembled overseas. Japan, if I remember correctly.
There was a little old man that used to come in the cafe where my wife (fiance'  back then) worked. He asked if she played music and she told him that i did. He said, "I have some instruments that I'm looking to get rid of".

She said, "Cool. We'd like to take a look at them and see how much you want for them".

He said, "No. I'm just looking to get rid of them. My wife says that they're taking up too much room".

He brought it to her a few days later and wouldn't let us pay him for it.

He left a cheap little mandolin at the cafe for her a few days after that.
Pretty cool, huh?

Angry Ewok

Is that a stuffed cat on the piano? If so, that's an akward but classic pose.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


oh her fat ass is stuffed allright.  stuffed full of the "all you can eat" catfood smorgasboard.  thats candy darling aka spike who's a chunky little monkey in a cat suit.



dude, i needs me a free piano. i need something to start learning on. and some motivation. maybe i just need to take lessons and have it forced on me. like spanish. except i hated spanish. take two years of french and then two years later try to take spanish in college and you realize how much of your french you actually remember. which, for me, was quite a bit of it. so i'm taking French II this semester in hopes to get my arse royally kicked by the language.

what the hell? this was about pianos...
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


tom, there might be some rooms at your university with pianos.  see if you could use them..
oh wait.  university is over for now.
you're free to use mine  :-/

(dd, be careful to always keep the key lid down.  with cats around, it can get preeeetty hairy in the cracks.)



oh, school has a shitload of piano rooms. there's pianos everywhere. it's pretty much a music school; there better be pianos everywhere. i think i'm gonna take lessons though, to get my ass kicked into learning it.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.