Summer (so far)

Started by ycartrob, Jul 14, 2006, 12:19 PM

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so, how's everyone's summer so far?

I am headed off for 2 weeks, visiting friends and family, and travelling and hiking and what not. Headed to Dallas, then Santa Fe, then Denver (my 1st Widespread show! In Winter Park, Col.) then the Black Hills and Badlands of South Dakota, then Lincoln, Neb, then home.

We'll be doing some spiritual journeying here, Bear Butte, South Dakota

Everyone else? How's it going?


I'm having a really nice summer so far.  Very busy, and lots of things are changing, but it's awesome.  I'll be heading out to the east coast of Canada for about three weeks at the end of August, and I'm looking forward to that a lot.  I've been to Nova Scotia before, but not all the other places.  Job situations are changing, and that's probably going to be good, although just a bit stressful at the moment.  Been out of the city a few times for various reasons, and I got to swim and ride on a boat, which I love.

I really can't complain right now.  At all.  Life is pretty nice. :)


Mine is definitely better than last year...
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteMine is definitely better than last year...
Gooooooooooood. :)


QuoteMine is definitely better than last year...
I'll bet  :-/
(Really glad to hear it :D)


Too hot, too humid & very busy.
Have just moved house which will also be my new school. I've been in the same location for 2 years now & things have been going well but we needed to move the school to secure it's longterm success.
Hard work but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end.
Looking forward to my sisters' wedding (& the Jacket!) in Sept.

Going to Toys R Us 2day shopping for toys!!!  ;D ;D ;D
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Pretty good really. Bonnaroo, F1. Tonight is my 30 year High School reunion (that should be a real "Trip"). Tomorrow we are going to stay in a lake cabin for a week, then off to a water/amusement park for a few days. All in all, a variety of activities is making the summer go much too quickly as I have to report back to School in 31 days, 4 hours, and 58 minutes!
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


So far I've been doing some gardening. Making some mistakes but learning all the time. Next weekend my son and I are going to London for a few days. Off to Ireland with greggy and his son at the end of the month. Going to France to see my sister in August, then seeing the jacket in Glasgow when I get back.
Quite busy but leaving lots of time to be busy doing nothing - just how I like holidays.


QuoteToo hot, too humid & very busy.
Have just moved house which will also be my new school. I've been in the same location for 2 years now & things have been going well but we needed to move the school to secure it's longterm success.
Hard work but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end.
Looking forward to my sisters' wedding (& the Jacket!) in Sept.

Going to Toys R Us 2day shopping for toys!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Good luck with that  :D

(I meant the business - not Toys R Us)
I'm really glad you're able to see the jacket while you're here for the wedding.


Thanks Doc, we've been so busy my wife & I have honestly forgotten how to relax! Still the school looks great, I'm really proud of what we've done...
Have a great time in France  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteSo far I've been doing some gardening.

Hey Doc,
Thought you might enjoy some shots of my garden.  We got lucky last winter only lost 2 roses (obviously I was unavailable to properly wrap them... ;)):

Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Wow! What a lovely garden. Mine is much smaller. I used to have a bigger garden and had someone to look after it. Now I'm doing it myself and it's been a steep learning curve. I find it really satisfying - have planted a lot of new plants this year, including a wisteria and a honeysuckle on the front of the house. When they grow a bit I'll post a picture.


nice work fanatic.  

I just got back from vacation in South Carolina.  It was beautifully relaxing and full of fresh seafood!

Now it's time to get back to work.  :-/