Tofutti Break!

Started by megisnotreal, Sep 01, 2006, 05:40 PM

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Anybody else watch Mr. Show?

If so, what's your favorite sketch?

Mine are...

1. Pit-Pat, the pansexual, non-threatening spokesthing.... "What'd you do with the bags?" "I put 'em in the bag hutch!" "No shit!"

2. Van Hammersly.... "And that's when Lincoln said, 'Don't diss ma homies!'"

3. The Altered State of Drugachusetts... "As Mayor of Drugachusetts, I declar this pizza to be... awesome!"

4. The Audition... "Can I use this chair?"

Just a few of my favs. Got the complete DVD collection for Xmas, and I watch at least an episode a week.

Just wanted to know if anyone out there loves Bob and David as much as I do.


I love that show, but I haven't watched in a while.  FF Woodycock always makes me laugh.

Altered states of Druggachusettes is a classic, too.  At a show in Louisville a few years back, Jim kept saying "I declare this pizza to be... AWESOME!"