For the Colbert Report fans

Started by JacketGirl, Jan 15, 2007, 10:10 AM

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But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


Huge Fan of Stephen & Little Stephen( his baby bald eagle) I think Bill the dirt bag O'Reilly is on his show thursday the 18th. And colbert is going to be on his show. When I don't know. I will look into it.  GO COLBERT NATION.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


they're both on each other's shows the 18th.


QuoteBill the dirt bag O'Reilly  

Nice to see we have a modicum of diplomacy on the board  ::).  Have you ever even turned on FNC let alone watched an episode of The Factor?  If not you have no business labeling people.  This is a man who points out the out-of-control aspects of today's society and people think this is a bad thing?  
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteBill the dirt bag O'Reilly  

 This is a man who points out the out-of-control aspects of today's society and people think this is a bad thing?  

He is an out-of-control aspect of today's society and of an ignorant and overtly biased news network. And I can't wait for both shows on the 18th.


QuoteBill the dirt bag O'Reilly  

 This is a man who points out the out-of-control aspects of today's society and people think this is a bad thing?  

He is an out-of-control aspect of today's society and of an ignorant and overtly biased news network.

Is that so?  Care to provide an example or 2?  Even if Fox News was biased (which it is proveably not based on a study out of Southern California) it would represent ONE conservative voice in an overwhelmingly liberal forest of media outlets.  I got sick of whiny libs pushing their phony "non-judgemental" philosophy a long time ago.  The beauty is the numbers bear out that people get it--FNC blows away all other networks in the ratings.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


I would say Fox "News" has done very well to turn "News" into entertainment. "Fair and Balanced" is a well researched and meticulous catch phrase and means nothing; absolutely nothing. I watch Fox "News" just to see how far they will reach down to grab news. It's both hilarious and sad.


i try not to get too involved in polititcs, but from what i've noticed, CNN and all the other big news outlets are just as biased as FOX News. It's just that FOX news gets shit for it because they are biased for conservatives. CNN, ABC, MSNBC,  just as bad as FNC.

ouch, i stumped my toe, goddamnit Bush this is your fault.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


For one, as a Canadian, I find O'Reilly's continual Canada bashing offensive. He doesn't have a clue about Canada.  I don't think you are calling me a whiny "lib", but I certainly would fall a little left-of-centre in Canada - I hate our snivelling Conservative Prime Minister too much, although I do like Ontario's Conserative leader. Liberal isn't a bad word in my country. To believe that the media is liberally biased is not true. There's better and more informed conservative voices out there, but Fox is more sensationalistic and entertaining. Noted pinko Noam Chomsky has made excellent arguments for decades stating the case for the media being conservative slanted - and I hate Chomsky, but I agree with him.


 I used to be a fan during the buildup after 9/11.  My personal opinion is that he did not question any of the evidence, ( like most other major networks).   He was the the mouthpiece of the white house. ( hence Tony Snow).  I personally felt deceived. I'm not alone, his ratings are still very high but falling steadily.  And viewership  for msnbc and cnn are picking alot of it up.  Why you ask, because BUSH is crashing and burning and fox news has backed of there political coverage, for fear of revenue loss.
They still choose to push his agenda, the other networks are following public opinion and starting to question BUSH.  I respect your right to free speech and your choice to follow billo. That's what makes this country great.  I won't be wearing my Factor wind breaker and drinking from my factor coffee mug anytime soon.  He should be a little more discrete next time he wants to talk dirty to one of his staffers.  Maybe he should try 1 -800-DIRT-BAG      FACTOR THAT.     By the way I  WAS a  REPUBLICAN.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Quote That's what makes this country great.  I won't be wearing my Factor wind breaker and drinking from my factor coffee mug anytime soon.  He should be a little more discrete next time he wants to talk dirty to one of his staffers.  Maybe he should try 1 -800-DIRT-BAG      FACTOR THAT.     By the way I  WAS a  REPUBLICAN.

I appreciate your candour. I don't think being a Republican or a Democrat should make their members blind followers. It's good to question all leaders. I used to vote for the Liberal Party both federally and provincially, but the Ontario liberals have really pissed me off these last three years. I vote against them now even though they will win the next provincial election with relative ease.