Social Commentary

Started by ycartrob, Feb 13, 2007, 09:34 AM

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Some of my posts here are social commentary.  I also post them on other blogs and message boards. It helps me cope with the injustice and insanity that is America.
My goal is to (hopefully) paint out scenarios and injustices in a light that make people think (or acknowledge) about what is going on in our country. I like to use humor in conveying these thoughts and feelings. Some of this is near and dear to my heart (soldiers dying in Iraq) and some not so dear (Jessica Simpson's Christian pimp daddy).

Don't think I am some left winged America hater. I am not. I really love our country and am proud to be an American (as they say). I also believe in justice.

I work with homeless young people all day and I am finding my peace about injustice (which is an oxymoron), however, I do need to vent, and these posts I display here and other places are truly harmless and mostly cathartic. If my posts piss you off, then don't read them. Real simple. I would also challenge you to look deeper into yourself if you find my words pissing you off. Don't give me that power; search in yourself and find the real source of that anger and deal with it. It will set you free.


Social Commentary:

Social commentary is the act of expressing an opinion on the nature of society. This is most often done with the idea of implementing or promoting change by informing the general populace about a given problem and appealing to people's sense of justice.


tracy, your social commentaries are always insightful. there is nothing dangerous or disrespectful about dissent. i think having the freedom to call something out as complete and total bullshit is one of the greatest things about our country.

it takes courage to voice your opinion on a subject... instead of just assimilating to the conventional notions of the mimic-minded masses... it takes compassion... and it takes a sharp mind and kind heart.

society today is whack, and without some people to point out its trivial and sadder aspects, others would continue to be oblivious to major issues.  

here's a great quote that popped into my mind when i read this here thread:

"The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself." (archibald macleish)

way to go, tracy! i respect you.