
Started by megisnotreal, Jun 01, 2007, 09:22 AM

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We in Michigan say Geezopetes! Well, I don't very much, but I think it is unique to us?


QuoteWe in Michigan say Geezopetes! Well, I don't very much, but I think it is unique to us?

what does it mean dio??

we have about a billion colloquialisms in australia... a lot are fairly dated (you wouldn't really come across anyone saying "don't come the raw prawn with me" that much anymore)

bogan - look at this should give you a fair idea what a bogan is
shazza/dazza/bevan - other words for bogan
sanga / sarnie - sandwich
arvo - afternoon (you can pretty much shorten any word & stick an -o on the end... that's very oz)
g'day - hi - you'd only find people saying this in country areas
she'll be right (personal favourite) - it'll be fine
cactus - (the toaster's cactus) - broken
cozzie/trunks/togs/budgie smugglers - speedos (men's swimmers)
feral - generally a hippy but it can also be something really cool (totally feral!)
grouse - really cool
give it a burl - have a go at something
two pot screamer - someone who gets drunk easily (the smallest size beer you can buy in a glass is called a pot in some states)

there are a lot of fairly typical aussie words that aren't so common anymore (at least in the bigger cities)
bonza / bonzer - great
strewth - a bit like crikey
sheila - a woman
you beaut
bluey - someone with red hair or a blue-heeler dog

there are also things like the way people put sentences together in the different states which is kinda weird...

tasmanians tend to say "yeah, no... " at the start of sentences (i do this)
queenslanders tend to say "but" at the end of sentences (you'd still have to go into the city but)
love a song for the way it makes you feel


"Geez-o-pete!": Related: "Geez-Louise!" A Michigan expletive for polite company, having something to do with Jesus and St. Peter. The funny thing about this one is that in Cincinnati, they say "GEE-zle." In Ireland: "JAYsus."


thought of another: in minnesota we call it "tap" beer. not "draft" beer, like in the MO i know calls it draft
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Quotethought of another: in minnesota we call it "tap" beer. not "draft" beer, like in the MO i know calls it draft
Both terms are acceptible and used in PA.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quotehaving grown up in PA, and then spent almost twenty years here in Kentucky, I can tell you there are some dramatic differences.

14. Green Dragon-not a Chinese restaurant, but an Amish country fair

Not sure what part of PA your from but Green Dragon is the name of a farmers market outside of Ephrata.  It's not a colloquialism, it's the actual name of the place.  I've never heard it used the way you describe.


I can't believe I forgot this one....

Tyme machine - as in - "dude, can we stop buy the tyme machine on the way to the show." or "does anyone know where I can find a tyme machine"

Anyone know what I am talking about?  I always forget when I leave WI and I ask where the tyme machine is when I am on a road trip.  ya. people have definitely thought i was crazy.  anyone know?
nothing can be changed except ourselves


tyme machine - atm machine. i love the guessing games
Much Greater Than Science Fiction

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quotehaving grown up in PA, and then spent almost twenty years here in Kentucky, I can tell you there are some dramatic differences.

14. Green Dragon-not a Chinese restaurant, but an Amish country fair

Not sure what part of PA your from but Green Dragon is the name of a farmers market outside of Ephrata.  It's not a colloquialism, it's the actual name of the place.  I've never heard it used the way you describe.

How nice.  I've never heard it used the way you describe, so who's right?  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


KY has many of these fellow Kentuckians help me out!

"livin' high on the hog" - living well or above your means
"you born in a barn?" - asked to someone who doesn't close doors
"Fair to midlin'" - meaning all right, no better no worse.
"holler" - a valley or low-lying land
"y'all" - used all the time
"yonder" - somewhere, but not here
"coke" - any kind of soda
"tobogan" - beanie, skull cap
"necks" - rednecks
"red" - way to describe a redneck..."man, that guys is red"

these are more of my personal ones:

"dump" - someone's home, nice or crappy
"daddy" - way to refer to yourself in the third person if you are a guy
"piece" - can be any inanimate object..."bring that piece over here!"

i know there are many more but just can't think..
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


QuoteKY has many of these fellow Kentuckians help me out!

"you born in a barn?" - asked to someone who doesn't close doors
i believe that one is pretty widely used, we use it in PA.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!

Sleazy Rider

Here's one from Oklahoma for ya'll

Spewin' Big Sixty= "I had a blowout on my tar today, boy she's spewin' big sixty"

or maybe "Ya know the reverb on the new MMJ record'll be spewin' big sixty"
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.


Quotehaving grown up in PA, and then spent almost twenty years here in Kentucky, I can tell you there are some dramatic differences.

To wit:

PA Colloquialisms

1.  Red Up-to organize, classify, or otherwise clean up a particular area
2.  Youn's-the southwest PA equivalent of Y'all
3.  Gumband-rubberband
4.  Hoagie-a sub sandwich
5.  Pikksburgh-Pittsburgh
6.  Warshington-Washington
7.  Red Dog-a coal mining byproduct used as a road surface
8.  Slate Dump-another coal mining byproduct, a giant, mountain like pile of slate.  Usually catches on fire after a few decades.
9.  Crick-creek
10. Pop-soda, Coke, soft drink
11. Kicked-empty, used.  "The keg is kicked.  Man, this bowl is kicked"
12. Djeetyet?-Did you eat yet?
13. Birch Beer-a beloved soft drink or "pop"
14. Green Dragon-not a Chinese restaurant, but an Amish country fair

That just scratches the surface, there are countless others...True, help me out here... ;)
Most of them are covered above-pop, crick etc.....
We say yins more than youn's
When referring to the Pittsburgh Steelers, its 'the stillers'
Here's a couple good ones from this "you know you're from Pittsburgh when..." list
You've told someone to "quit jaggin around"
You've called someone a 'jaggoff'.
You drink "pop", eat "hoagies", pierogies, and gyros(jy-rows)
Chipped ham was always in your refrigerator when you were growing up.
You walk carefully when it is "slippy" outside.

The biggest one in Northeast PA is "Henna", which pretty much means "Ya know?"
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


i think minnesota is the only state that you can get away with wearing a sweatshirt with shorts...i'm doing that right now  8-)
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Quotei think minnesota is the only state that you can get away with wearing a sweatshirt with shorts...i'm doing that right now  8-)
i've found that the mmj hoodie and cargo shorts is a good look
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quotei think minnesota is the only state that you can get away with wearing a sweatshirt with shorts...i'm doing that right now  8-)

i believe it can be pulled off anywhere it's slightly cold and slightly warm at the same time.  at least, I do it all the time.  in the morning, in the evening.  it's very nice, but then again, we are in neighboring states (not mental states, although that may be as well) - which are very similar in landscape and dialog.  

nothing can be changed except ourselves