The Most Hated Creature...right now

Started by mjkoehler, Jun 25, 2007, 08:34 PM

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The Popillia Japonica. The second most hated insect in these parts next to the mosquito. I hate these with a passion. They are trying to settle in my garden tonight like a blanket of crap. I'm dizzy now for the fumes of the Seven I sprayed on my bumber crop of grapes. I hate using the stuff, but dammit it works and I do not want my grapes to be decimated. I have tons of grapes and cannot wait for fall for fresh homemade jams and jellies.

Angry Ewok

I can handle beetles, and I can defend myself against mosquitoes, but roaches are basically godless terrorists against the free world.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I hate carpenter ants with a passion. Every summer they seem to invade our house. I've only seen a couple so far this year but last year was really bad. Sometimes they like to make a crash-landing on you cause they suck at flying.  
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!