Dick Cheney's infinite wisdom

Started by ycartrob, Aug 15, 2007, 11:36 AM

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He's a war criminal.

I can (almost) forgive Bush Jr, as he is obviously both stupid and easily led.  But Cheney, Blair and Rice?  I don't know how they look at themselves in the mirror in the morning.  Having the intelligence to know what is right, and then doing the exact opposite is deplorable.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side

bowl of soup

Quotethis is from 1994


They played this on Howard Stern the other morning (when they're not interviewing strippers and asking girls to get naked, the show has some intelligent moments).  It's just disgusting.  I was just at a party for a kid that I've watched grow up since he was 5.  It was a going away party as he was off to Iraq for 15 months.  Just so senseless.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Sleazy Rider

This Needs to be circulated and played on jumbotrons across every major city in America. It's sad that we are in a situation where if I want to discuss the truth about this administration I'm repetitve and just repeating the same old shit that everybody knows. There are so many people who truly do not fucking care about what is going on. The crimes that have been commited in the name of freedom, abandonment of our fellow Americans in New Orleans, calling them "refugees"? What the fuck? they are our brothers and sisters. At least, they are our countrymen , not refugees.    

Sorry guys. For me you can't speak about one thing alone that this administration has done wrong. there is so much, but I think the ugliest is forsaking our very own people. Not that it doesn't happen all the time, but They do it in plain view, to mock us, "What the fuck can they do to us?".

Again I'm sorry. This isn't a subject that I take lightly and never know when to shut up. :'(
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.


well, he was right.  you can say a lot about bush administration that i would agree with.  evil, quite possibly.  Immoral, umm...yes!  Stupid, no way!


I have HATED W, Cheney, and the rest of that crew since day 1. I watched this and just feel like breaking something. This is just another reason I am so fucking disillusioned with our government and this great nation. Unfortunatly not enough people know how BAD and criminal this current administration is nor is there enough people who give a shit anymore. Please peeps, spread the word, encourage people to look into what is going on, and vote fucks like this out of office. It's not like this arrogent gov't is making any attempt to really even hide their criminal actions.


QuoteThis Needs to be circulated and played on jumbotrons across every major city in America. It's sad that we are in a situation where if I want to discuss the truth about this administration I'm repetitve and just repeating the same old shit that everybody knows. There are so many people who truly do not fucking care about what is going on. The crimes that have been commited in the name of freedom, abandonment of our fellow Americans in New Orleans, calling them "refugees"? What the fuck? they are our brothers and sisters. At least, they are our countrymen , not refugees.    

Sorry guys. For me you can't speak about one thing alone that this administration has done wrong. there is so much, but I think the ugliest is forsaking our very own people. Not that it doesn't happen all the time, but They do it in plain view, to mock us, "What the fuck can they do to us?".

Again I'm sorry. This isn't a subject that I take lightly and never know when to shut up. :'(

Well said Sleazy! ;)
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


wow, big d seemed a lot more personable back in the day.

seriously though, this makes me sick to my stomach.


I agree with all of this. Cheney doesn't deserve to be in politics.

Honestly, here we have Cheney, predicting the exact outcome of the war, and 10 years later, we have him being bullied by Bush into being part of a war he knows is wrong. That is corruption in its purest form.

And Sleazy is right about New Orleans. Calling our own citizens "refugees" and covering the cleanup in red tape is borderline criminal. I want Bush to come down from DC after the next hurricane and clean up with his bare hands. And what about Darfur? How can you call what's going on there "genocide" when you just send some money and peacemakers and expect the problem to correct itself? I'm not saying that they're bad people (though they've certainly been acting like it), but they are terrible leaders.

In a time where the world promotes "democracy" and "human rights", it's funny how neither side of the gun wants anything but power. >:(
In another time, in another place, in another face



Honestly, here we have Cheney, predicting the exact outcome of the war, and 10 years later, we have him being bullied by Bush into being part of a war he knows is wrong. That is corruption in its purest form.



Wow, why can't they show this on CNN or some other "credible" news source, and then let Dick come on and explain why he appears to be a two faced liar.  (Of course I know that there are countless other examples of things of this nature that should be aired on CNN, etc. but never are, and I guess that's b/c we know who pays CNN's checks, oh sorry, i'm digressing) What a SOB.  It incenses me to no end how these thugs (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, etc.) can continue to send our soldiers to war, when not a single one of them actually suffers the casualties that so many other families do b/c of the war.  I would love to see how some of them would behave, or better yet vote, if they actually had kids fighting this "war on terror".  Instead they just send other people's sons and daughters to die.  I could go on forever with the myriad other reasons I disagree with this war, but it's all already been said.  However, this particular reason makes me livid to no end.  Ok, I'll end my rant.
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die

Sleazy Rider

Here are  a couple of songs that really capture what we have been through and how I feel and possibly even a little bit of what is to come.

They are both by Ben Harper.

you left them swimming for their lives
down in new orleans
can't afford a gallon of gasoline
with your useless degrees
and your contrary statistics
this government business
is straight up sadistic

you don't fight for us
but expect us to die for you
you have no sympathy for us
still i cry for you
you may kill the revolutionary
but the revolution you can never bury

don't you dare speak to us
like we work for you
selling false hope like some new dope
we're addicted to

i'm not a desperate man
but these are desperate times at hand
this generation is beyond your command

it won't be long till the people flood the streets
and take you down
one and all

a black rain
is gonna fall

you're too young to know
that you're too young to go
there's no freedom to be found
lying face up in the ground

ashes from an unfinished life
are all that's left
in a tear-drop-shaped locket
hanging from his mother's chest

you whip the back of freedom
'till it bleeds an oil stream
then you sail down upon it
in your killing machine

old men who send children
off to die in vain
they will hear death's constant whisper
call remember my name

gather 'round the stone
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.


Yeah Chris, the news source? Good question. Sofrustrating on the silence...

Tracy, Chris, Mark, Otvig, Meg, Soup, MJ, Dylan. Senor Dark, Cory (2nd what O posted)!

G'Damn! Disturbing ( not too much politics around here thankfully however, Nice one Tracy!)


hi friends!  

i don't like the doors anymore, but this quote is very appropriate:  "they got the guns, but we got the numbers."  

you can't convince me in any fashion that there are more supporters of our current policies than those of us against them.  

write your congressmen, attend rallies, demand fair elections!  (get put on no fly lists, be an "enemy combatant")  it's time for action!

Sleazy Rider

That's good advice, I just recieved 2 automated email responses from my reps. here in Oklahoma but you gotta do what you can even when it feels like they aren't listening because if enough of us scream all at once they will hear us and they will have to listen.
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.

bowl of soup

As us Gulf Coasters keep a weary eye on some blob of weather called Dean I was reminded of the best post-Katrina New Orleans tribute Underneath the Waves by The Twighlight Singers.  See it live here:


More personal than political, but a great subtle tribute.  "So S-O-L and petrified..."  They did a great job on this on the Daily Show last night - Even Dick don't know Dick.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


i don't like the doors anymore  

Why come?


Quotehi friends!  

i don't like the doors anymore, but this quote is very appropriate:  "they got the guns, but we got the numbers."  

you can't convince me in any fashion that there are more supporters of our current policies than those of us against them.  

write your congressmen, attend rallies, demand fair elections!  (get put on no fly lists, be an "enemy combatant")  it's time for action!

Amen. It's a fucking emergency and has been for awhile. I often think about if I had kids and they asked me what I did to stop the war. I wouldn't want to have to tell them I had spent my time and energy out having a good time while "Rome was burning." The political IS personal even if (we think) it doesn't affect us directly. Places like this can be a way to link up with people who care about the same things and DO something about it. "Make a sound, come down off the wall."
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.