
Started by primushead, Sep 25, 2007, 10:04 AM

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So...why did this guy even bother coming over here to speak [at columbia university]?  I know he was trying to ease tensions with the U.S. and Iran, but it's hard to do that when you support Holocaust deniers.

Didn't he know how disastrous of a visit this would be?  Anyone else?


he was like, "we have no homosexuals here."


is he serious?


I know.  It's like...come on!  You know?  Whatever :P

(Sneak a 2500th post)


Quotehe was like, "we have no homosexuals here."


is he serious?

that's because he publicly hangs them all.  ultra conservatives should really like him.  he is also a religious fundamentalist.  In other words, he's like bush with balls.


Quotehe was like, "we have no homosexuals here."


is he serious?

 In other words, he's like bush with balls.

Hah, well put.  

Although, do you think this whole speech was good or bad.  Does America have a more "not cool with him" view toward Ahmadinejad and Iran?  Do you think we'll invade?


I don't know, but having the whole room laugh at him won't be helping anything.

He just got totally bitch-smacked and I don't think anyone benefited.  


this guy is decently unpopular in his own country, but the fact we keep spreading lies about him will only make his people rally behind him even more.  holocaust denier?  nah, he's a holocaust revisionist, and there's a big difference.  


Quote holocaust denier?  nah, he's a holocaust revisionist, and there's a big difference.  

What's the difference?  I'm just curious.


Quote holocaust denier?  nah, he's a holocaust revisionist, and there's a big difference.  

What's the difference?  I'm just curious.


Disputing the 6 million deaths. For many Jews the number 6 million is close to holy, claiming there were less sits very badly. Often downplaying what happened in the camps. This kind of stuff.

Mostly combined with claiming the Jews use these sufferings of the past as an alibi to commit agressive political acts now. Other people have suffered as well, it's no excuse for colonialism etc...


Roughly, it didn't happen

That's about it I guess.


Reminds me of that crazy fuck over in North Korea.

Haven't heard anything about him lately. What's he up to?


Too bad nobody thought to set up a sniper...just a thought
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.