Meg White - Sex Tape

Started by sweatboard, Sep 24, 2007, 02:25 PM

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Quotewarning: a serious post intended for love

dear everyone - we have to be better people so the world will be a better place.  it starts with me.  we have to be careful not to disassociate ourselves from the facts: celebrities are people, just like your sister or your dad.  it's fun to joke around, but it has effects.  if somebody put a pretend sex tape of your mom in the world, you wouldn't think it was funny.  meg white is your mom.  and it's not right to hurt a person like that.  and i do not want to hear any kind of stupid bullshit about famous people asking for it.  all the dumb stuff in the magazines about personal life is there because we're into it and we're putting money into it.  if we left it alone, it wouldn't be there anymore.  i don't want meg white to cancel shows because she feels embarrassed.  that makes me feel bad.

end of rant - certainly not directed at anybody in particular, only just a thought i didn't want to not say.  love, ec xoxoxxo

Thank you so much for this thoughful analogy.  I really appreciate this perspective and whole-heartedly agree with your sentiment.  We should all try to back away from the "24 hour news cycle" and its eternal quest to fill news voids with speculative bullshit.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


yeah people, forget about the monks myanmar or the people in darfour or the people who are starving in our own country, who we should really worry about are the people who make millions of dollars, have all the fame in the world and thus have anxiety issues.  You know, my mom has anxiety problems and she doesn't have a sex tape, fame or millions of dollars.  What are you doing to help her?  I hope you all can sleep well tonight (jerking it to this sex tape will probably help).

seriously, meg, celebrities DO ask for it. They WANT to be in the limelight, they crave it, you should know as an ex-theater person turned musician.  I'm also a musician but I made a choice not to chase fame and fortune.  It would be unfair if I had my personal life in the news, but if you don't want the media in your life than don't invite them to publicity shoots and promote yourself using the media. if you give back the money that exposure has given you, then you can say it's unfair to be exposed.

i'm not trying to be mean, I just get a little charged up when people talk about feeling sorry for celebrities.  absurd!


Quoteyeah people, forget about the monks myanmar or the people in darfour or the people who are starving in our own country, who we should really worry about are the people who make millions of dollars, have all the fame in the world and thus have anxiety issues.  You know, my mom has anxiety problems and she doesn't have a sex tape, fame or millions of dollars.  What are you doing to help her?  I hope you all can sleep well tonight (jerking it to this sex tape will probably help).

seriously, meg, celebrities DO ask for it. They WANT to be in the limelight, they crave it, you should know as an ex-theater person turned musician.  I'm also a musician but I made a choice not to chase fame and fortune.  It would be unfair if I had my personal life in the news, but if you don't want the media in your life than don't invite them to publicity shoots and promote yourself using the media. if you give back the money that exposure has given you, then you can say it's unfair to be exposed.

i'm not trying to be mean, I just get a little charged up when people talk about feeling sorry for celebrities.  absurd!

True in most cases, but consider many of the people who DO earn their exposure and have actual talent. The media will bring them up and then shoot them down just so they can sell newspapers, tabloids, etc. They don't exactly seem to care about these artists in the long run. Same reason that Jim is a bit on the down low recently: he's got all this exposure that he probably deserves. But eventually the media will dump him in the pile of "has-beens" and move on. It is pretty unfair on these artists who are just trying to make a living like everyone else. And thousands of people watching for every misstep you make doesn't exactly help. With fans also comes people who hate your work. And because they don't know you, they will probably hate you without getting to know who you really are.

Now I have little sympathy for the many who don't deserve fame and reap the benefits of it. But for the people like the musicians we love, we gotta give them our support. Remember that this is how these people make a living. The more we know that there are actual people behind all this media nonsense, the more we can come to accept that they are just like our neighbor and don't deserve to be treated this way.
In another time, in another place, in another face


Quoteyeah people, forget about the monks myanmar or the people in darfour or the people who are starving in our own country, who we should really worry about are the people who make millions of dollars, have all the fame in the world and thus have anxiety issues.  You know, my mom has anxiety problems and she doesn't have a sex tape, fame or millions of dollars.  What are you doing to help her?  I hope you all can sleep well tonight (jerking it to this sex tape will probably help).

seriously, meg, celebrities DO ask for it. They WANT to be in the limelight, they crave it, you should know as an ex-theater person turned musician.  I'm also a musician but I made a choice not to chase fame and fortune.  It would be unfair if I had my personal life in the news, but if you don't want the media in your life than don't invite them to publicity shoots and promote yourself using the media. if you give back the money that exposure has given you, then you can say it's unfair to be exposed.

i'm not trying to be mean, I just get a little charged up when people talk about feeling sorry for celebrities.  absurd!
aMD, my friend, i figured i'd debate with you about this.  i appreciate that you're not trying to be mean.  but i honestly, truly, cannot figure out why you think that certain people deserve shitty treatment.
there is never an excuse to be a dick to somebody.  EVER.  for ANY reason.  
and, if you read my post, you'd see that i was trying to portray peoples' desire for celebrity gossip as a disassociation problem, ie, we're not looking at them as people.  you think that because meg white decided to be in a band, and that band got big, that people should feel ok about doing  dumb shit?  she asked for it?  do you want me to play the really political card here and say that women who dress provocatively ask to get raped? she has a nervous breakdown, but it's ok, she deserved it because she's famous.  

and please my dear friend, don't tell me what i do and don't understand.  the $4 fortune that i amassed, and the fame that i got from a show that i played to 7 people is obviously the only reason i like to make music.  the funny thing is, you may not understand this, but i LOVED playing that show.  so what does that mean?  i'm glad that you chose not to be famous or amass a fortune from music.  that whole side of things has nothing to do with the equation whatsoever.  are you suggesting that all people who do artistic things are just limelight and attention cravers???  THAT, my sweetpea, is absurd.  you live an artist's lifestyle for ten minutes, and then we'll talk.

and just so we're clear, i don't see any difference between playing to 7 people or playing to 10,000 people.  and i don't bet that meg white figured she'd be doing that one day.  i'm not trying to make her into any kind of martyr here, and i have no idea what she's like as a person, but she is a REAL LIVE PERSON, and all of us ought to treat her with the same respect that we treat the nuns and the monks and our moms and people on the street we don't even know.

if we can figure that out, we're really gonna do something, boy.

QuoteIt would be unfair if I had my personal life in the news, but if you don't want the media in your life than don't invite them to publicity shoots and promote yourself using the media. if you give back the money that exposure has given you, then you can say it's unfair to be exposed.
different things.  if the man who invented aspirin uses advertising to sell his product, i do not expect that i have a right to know his personal life, or that i am allowed to talk shit about him.  inviting media to a publicity shoot is not inviting them into your home.  you play a role for publicity.  that does NOT include your private life.

and i'm very sorry for your mom.  in the same way that i'm sorry for meg white.


if we want people to focus on the real issues and injustice in the world, then our newschannels shouldn't be flooded with bullshit about britney spears' shopping habits or lindsey lohan's vagina or ryan seacrest's new highlights.

i'm not arguing as to whether people "ask" for media coverage... i am saying that i feel that if the media gave people real news, then that's what we'd all be talking about.


point taken.  it's just difficult for me to have sympathy towards millionaires with anxiety disorders unless they actually have a condition.  People have survived much worse things than being rich and on tv.


Quoteif we want people to focus on the real issues and injustice in the world, then our newschannels shouldn't be flooded with bullshit about britney spears' shopping habits or lindsey lohan's vagina or ryan seacrest's new highlights.

i'm not arguing as to whether people "ask" for media coverage... i am saying that i feel that if the media gave people real news, then that's what we'd all be talking about.
i agree meg, however, i think they give it to us because we allow ourselves to get hyped about it.  if we stop paying attention to it, there won't be a reason to air it.


Quotepoint taken.  it's just difficult for me to have sympathy towards millionaires with anxiety disorders unless they actually have a condition.  People have survived much worse things than being rich and on tv.
well, i guess it depends if you think that being a millionaire is somehow a recipe for happiness.  an anxiety disorder is a condition.  she might've even had it before.  and, to be fair, this isn't about being rich and being on tv, this is about feeling weird because people are faking you having sex with somebody on a video that is spread throughout the world and talk about how hot you are and what they'd do to you if they got you in a room alone and crazy shit like that.  i don't think this is about turning on the tv, or opening a magazine and seeing a publicity shot of yourself and then having a hissy fit about it.

thank you for being gracious, aMD. :)


just to clarify a few things ec, I did the starving artist thing in college and decided it was not for me.  and I do understand why playing to seven people means a lot to you because that is the most people i ever play for (except jacketfest, weddings, and funerals) and I love playing music for its sake even if the cats are the only one hearing it.  I do think that most people who play "out" are attention seekers, some are ture artists who could not function in any other facet of life, while others are simply individuals who would rather starve then get a "straight" job.  Whatever's your bag is fine with me, I'm just saying, unless you are in the true artist category, save me your horror stories about fame and fortune.



Quoteif we want people to focus on the real issues and injustice in the world, then our newschannels shouldn't be flooded with bullshit about britney spears' shopping habits or lindsey lohan's vagina or ryan seacrest's new highlights.

i'm not arguing as to whether people "ask" for media coverage... i am saying that i feel that if the media gave people real news, then that's what we'd all be talking about.
i agree meg, however, i think they give it to us because we allow ourselves to get hyped about it.  if we stop paying attention to it, there won't be a reason to air it.

this is true. i guess i get pissed b/c it is a wierd cycle. people obsess over celebs as a   means of living vicariously through others b/c here in the usa, the majority of us have lives filled with bullshit like crazy debt and a government that cares more about cash than us. BUT we wouldn't have to live vicariously through others if we all took action and demanded more for ourselves than a consumer culture.

this is just my opinion.

it is frustrating, especially being a member of the anathema that is today's media. this is why my ultimate goal is to work in public radio, or to have my own syndicated show that brings real issues to light.


Maybe I'm wrong but this whole thing is really just funny to me.  Someone made a sex-tape, his buddy with *better taste in music said "hey, that looks like Meg White", Pitchfork reports on it, people blog about it, The White Stripes release an official statement, people on the internet type about how Awesome Meg Whites boobs really are, other people on the internet get up in arms about the whole thing.........I can't wait to see this episode of South Park.  They should make it look like a a cross between The Matrix movies and The E-Channel.

Surely Meg White can laugh about this, right?  Shouldn't we all?  Speculating that The White Stripes cancelled shows because of this, could be seen as being as big a disservice to Meg as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) they cancelled shows because of Meg's anxiety issue not because some douchbag made a Sex-tape with his girlfriend who happens to look a bit like Meg White.  

*by "better" I actually mean of course "different"

There's Still Time.........


Maybe I'm wrong but this whole thing is really just funny to me.  Someone made a sex-tape, his buddy with *better taste in music said "hey, that looks like Meg White", Pitchfork reports on it, people blog about it, The White Stripes release an official statement, people on the internet type about how Awesome Meg Whites boobs really are, other people on the internet get up in arms about the whole thing.........I can't wait to see this episode of South Park.  They should make it look like a a cross between The Matrix movies and The E-Channel.

Surely Meg White can laugh about this, right?  Shouldn't we all?  Speculating that The White Stripes cancelled shows because of this, could be seen as being as big a disservice to Meg as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) they cancelled shows because of Meg's anxiety issue not because some douchbag made a Sex-tape with his girlfriend who happens to look a bit like Meg White.  

*by "better" I actually mean of course "different"


Well said, Brian.  Obviously they didn't cancel the shows because of the sex tape because the tape didn't pop up until after they canceled them.  I know what you meant.  ;)


here's a better one of those pictures does it look like he's giving her a "dirty sanchez" :-?
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


brian, you're right.  i assumed that the sex tape thing coincided with the anxiety thing regarding ACL.

it doesn't change the content, though, and what i was trying to get at.  i knew i was going over the top, but i also feel like people go over the top when they have such spastic adrenaline rushes regarding the personal lives of celebrities.

i got preachy pete for sure.  but i still think i'm right.  

the end.
be nice to each other everybody.


Meg White or not (obviously not), I find the video sad.

Jon T.

I found the video to be shallow and pedantic.  ;D


QuoteMeg White or not (obviously not), I find the video sad.

I don't know, it looked like they both got off.  
There's Still Time.........