The "I need a job" thread

Started by LizKing531, Sep 27, 2007, 11:31 AM

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Hey - I'm sure I'm not the only one currently disenfranchised with their employer.  

Looking to open up some communication on the rumor mill that is the job market.  If someone wants to post an opening - Awesome - I'm more looking for those folks that would have any info at their place of employment or know of some place in need.

At least in my industry (design) those jobs hardly ever make it to the paper or careerbuilder.  

If anyone has any ideas - leads - jobs opening - feel free to share them


Me -  Graphic Designer - 5 years experience in production & design - looking for that special ad agency/design firm in Louisville to call home - wanting to get into a job/place I can grow with - looking for an environment that works to boost creativity, not micromanage away my will to live -


Also interested in Large format digital printing - (vehicle graphics, banners, billboards, signage, etc)


We do work with a place called Lynn Imaging and they have several offices around the area with the one downtown being the one I deal with the most. The do these large graphic and car decals you speak of. I don't know how much of their own design they use but maybe that's a fresh idea.
Good luck, I'm currently a little disgruntled as well.
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Cool - thanks,  I've seen their name around - I'll have to check em out.  You know anyone in particular over there that would be good to talk to?


I'll join this club.  I'm fresh out of college with a marketing degree, but it kinda sucks applying to jobs without any relevant experience (except having worked in a couple of restaraunts).  

Good luck on the job search though.  Just stay positive as I have had to do the last couple 'o weeks.  I think I'm going to move to Atlanta or Charlotte (maybe even Nashville) soon, so if anyone has any suggestions for me about where to look, I would really appreciate it. 8-)


QuoteI'll join this club.  I'm fresh out of college with a marketing degree, but it kinda sucks applying to jobs without any relevant experience (except having worked in a couple of restaraunts).  

Good luck on the job search though.  Just stay positive as I have had to do the last couple 'o weeks.  I think I'm going to move to Atlanta or Charlotte (maybe even Nashville) soon, so if anyone has any suggestions for me about where to look, I would really appreciate it. 8-)

Check out the Ad Federation - there's one for every big city (i.e.

They put on the Addy Awards - its a trade group for advertising professionals.  Their national site is

These places are great avenues to network with people in the biz (as is the parlance of our times)

I've been in design groups since I was in college & they've helped me immensely to find jobs & such.  

This go round everything is just taking too long - I'm ready to get the f*ck out


Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate it!


i need a job... in tuscaloosa, alabama.


you know what I think you should do, Paul, go into business for yourself, fool!  You can do it, and it will SO be worth it if it works!


Quoteyou know what I think you should do, Paul, go into business for yourself, fool!  You can do it, and it will SO be worth it if it works!

Yeah, I probably should - its that whole "risk capital" thing that I dont have.  I keep tossing the idea around in my head, but I guess I'm just too chicken shit to take it past that.  Maybe I'll start looking into how much a printer would cost  -  well, that and I would need a good salesman that knows this town.

On the other hand - there was a sweet little spot on Bardstown Rd for rent - I walked by it the other day & it called out to me that I should have a business there.


I don't have a specific contact for Lynn... if you're thinking about the business and thinking about large format printing... don't be fooled by HP... go Canon. You'll save about 2/3's your money and have a faster plotter.
You'd also come away a lot cheaper buying your own stuff as printers charge an arm and a leg to print stuff. You could partner with an engineering firm as we only charge clients 5 bucks for a 24x36 inch print... compared to 30-40 at most print shops.
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I don't have a specific contact for Lynn... if you're thinking about the business and thinking about large format printing... don't be fooled by HP... go Canon. You'll save about 2/3's your money and have a faster plotter.
You'd also come away a lot cheaper buying your own stuff as printers charge an arm and a leg to print stuff. You could partner with an engineering firm as we only charge clients 5 bucks for a 24x36 inch print... compared to 30-40 at most print shops.

A friend of mine has an older HP engineering plotter (it came with the house she bought - they left it in the basement)

Printers though, I would probably go  Mimaki, Roland, or possibly Mutoh (they're way cheaper)  I'd be looking for at least 54" Solvent Inkjet - Hopefully one with a separate cutter/plotter unit  (i.e. Mimaki JV3)   Stupid things are at least $20g's though.

My main deal would be vehicle graphics, signs & custom art prints.  I'd go solvent over aqueous inks just for durability.  Pigment & water based are beautiful & have a super-wide gamut comparatively.


Ahhh come on!  I really need a job!


Do we need a "I Need a NEW Job" thread too? That's what I need...
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QuoteDo we need a "I Need a NEW Job" thread too? That's what I need...

Well, Dylan keeps telling me to start up my own printing/graphics business - you're in the same business as well (correct? Lynn Imaging) - maybe we should just get something going & never fuck with having a boss again?


not quite, I'm a geographer. I do make a shit-ton of maps and a lot of folks may not agree but there is an artistic aspect to it all, things gotta jive ya know?
I could be a part timer to start, I'm up for a change.
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Quotenot quite, I'm a geographer. I do make a shit-ton of maps and a lot of folks may not agree but there is an artistic aspect to it all, things gotta jive ya know?
I could be a part timer to start, I'm up for a change.

A geographer huh?  How does one get into such a field?  Did you go to school for it?  That sounds pretty interesting.  Does Lynn employ you for that?  I've never met a geographer before - cool.  What do you make maps of?  Topo, road, etc.  Do they ;et you put those little monsters on the map like they did way back?