Best news story I've heard this year

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Oct 04, 2007, 12:50 PM

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In Reno Nevada, a trucker, who also happens to be a U.S. Army vet, was passing a mexican restaurant when he noticed the establishment was displaying mexican flag  in a higher position than the American flag.  So what does he do?  He pulls his rig over, cuts down the flags, and takes the American flag with him while leaving the mexican flag on the ground, stating, "I'm an American vet and I'm not gonna stand by and let this stuff go" (paraphrased, not his exact words).  Guess the owner didn't know that NO flag is to be displayed higher that the U.S. flag in group displays (maybe he doesn't watch college football?).  Anyway I thought I'd profess my red white and blue blooded admiration for this trucker--right on bro'!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.