Regions like this need a clean sweep

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Dec 27, 2007, 12:51 PM

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Places with a-holes like this (suicide "bombers") really need a clean sweep (depopulation) so they can have a fresh start.  Feel free to debate/discuss/ cuss me out for being opinionated:
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


All I know is that if I lived on this map, I would be pretty fucking nervous.

I just saw a story about how many Iraqi athletes have been specifically targeted and killed, simply because sports "brings the country together".  If this doesn't prove how evil these bastards are, then I don't know what will.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Wow.  I just saw this and I've gotta admit, I'm pretty freaked out.

I mean...a major leader was BLOWN UP arguably one of the biggest hotbeds in the world.  Seriously, this could trigger something.

But, yeah MMJfan, those suicide bombers need a gut check.  It's real fucked up that you can't go to a rally to hear someone SPEAK without being afraid of being bombed.


I hope people of Muslim faith can root out these criminals . How many more outragous acts like this have  to happen  before somebody grows some fucking balls and puts a stop to this.  I do believe that the solution has to come from the middle east. If it comes from Washington we will be labeled as crusaders, ( or our own genius president will label it as a crusade. ) and it will only push moderate Muslims to side with the exremists and trigger a world wide religious war.  Which is not a good thing for the price of oil.  
wrong or right this is  my opinion, you asked for it, you got it.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


At the risk of being horribly flamed, it is notable that most of the major countries in which "suicide" bombers operate are externally-supported democracies or military regimes, viz:


I don't condone their actions, but there must be some lesson to be learned about imposing a regime on a resistant populace.  It builds up a head of resentment in the general population that is inevitably exploited by extremists (religious or otherwise).  

When people feel powerless, their methods of self-expression are limited.  Violence is one method that gets attention world-wide.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


I will kind of contradict my previous statement,  This would be a opportune time to go into Pakistan and get that douche bag Bin Laden.  It's his turn to become a martyr. Cut off the head of the snake. We have let him live long e-nuff.  If we nailed osama when the iron was hot after 9/11,  things would be much differant today.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


QuoteI will kind of contradict my previous statement,  This would be a opportune time to go into Pakistan and get that douche bag Bin Laden.  It's his turn to become a martyr. Cut off the head of the snake. We have let him live long e-nuff.  If we nailed osama when the iron was hot after 9/11,  things would be much differant today.

...........Really?  Like Iraq now that Hussien's gone?

Can you name a period of history when these countries haven't been blowing each other up?

Its a different day, with different names - knock him off & there's a thousand waiting in line to take his place.  

If you fight fire with fire - you're still left with fire


QuoteI will kind of contradict my previous statement,  This would be a opportune time to go into Pakistan and get that douche bag Bin Laden.  It's his turn to become a martyr. Cut off the head of the snake. We have let him live long e-nuff.  If we nailed osama when the iron was hot after 9/11,  things would be much differant today.

I completely agree, and fail to understand why we ditched the hunt for him and went after Iraq. Sure there was intel that there were chemical weapons in Iraq, but there's no good reason to ignore someone who has killed thousands of people and intends to kill thousands more. I fail to see how the Iraq situation was so much bigger than the hunt for Osama at the time.

If we kill Osama, of course there will still be violence in the Middle East. But he's what's keeping them together and giving them weapons and motivation. If we don't finish this now, it will be too easy for Osama to get his hands on nuclear weapons. And if he gets them, you'd better believe he'd use them.
In another time, in another place, in another face


Also, I should say that attempting to impose democracy on these people is an incredibly flawed idea. When people are willing to blow themselves up for their beliefs, the entire system falls apart. There will be assasinations left and right, and the extremists will do everything they can to bring their leaders to power. All this "road to democracy" seems pretty BS to me. Now I wholeheartedly support our form of government, but let's be serious here. These people need strong leadership. If they don't have it, the violence will continue.
In another time, in another place, in another face


I agree that imposing democracy is a bad idea, especially one that is modeled after our governmant.  Our government was created by the people for the people, somewhere in the last 50 or so years it has been hijacked by large corporations.

We do need to exert some influence behind the scenes, whenever there is a power vacuum the communists and extremists will try to fill the void. just look at what has happened in Indonesia, the extremists have infiltrated that country in an overwhelming fashion.
We do need to be a little cautiuos selecting  our partners, The taliban for one was a terrible choice.  
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Wouldn't wiping-out an entire nation be considered extreme? It's also the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Angry Ewok

QuoteI hope people of Muslim faith can root out these criminals .

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteWouldn't wiping-out an entire nation be considered extreme? It's also the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I am guessing this refers to my hyperbole--I was HOT when I saw the article.  My ire is directed to the bombers, not the nation.  I apologize for being muddy.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.