My dog HATES the drums

Started by olwiggum, Jan 16, 2008, 10:03 AM

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I need some help. We got our 8 year old son a drumset yesterday. While I was bringing it in the house, our dog pissed all over the place. He was running around barking at me with his tail tucked between his legs. He never does that.

Fast forward to later that afternoon when the little guy comes in, sees the drumset, and proceeds to start banging away on it. Again, the dog pisses all over the place and runs in the next room to hide.
Since then, he refuses to walk through that room even if no one is playing the drums.

What's the best way to get him used to them? I picked him up and loved on him for a while, then slowly made my way into that room and sat him on the chair beside them... all the while petting him on the head and back. As soon as I stopped, he bolted out of the room.

Any suggestions?
Just keep trying that?

Angry Ewok

I think you've got the right idea... that's unusual for a dog, though. Is it a smaller breed?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


i used to have a boston terrier that did things like that. not with drums, but he would be afraid of unusual things like that. what i did was just let him be and he would eventually get used to the things that frightened him. new smells and things like that can intimidate dogs, so he might smell something on there that scares him. at any rate, let him come around at his own pace. when he realizes they wont hurt him, he will chill out i would imagine.


He's a Bichon Frise, so he's a little fella. Weighs about 13-15 pounds. This is him:

Thanks for the advice, guys. I figured he'd come around with time and that this reaction is just the initial shock... but I didn't know the little guy could have SO MUCH piss in him. :)

I think I'm gonna take him outside and get most of it out before I let the young'un bang on the drums this afternoon. Then, I'll ease the dog back in the house and try to show him that it's OK.

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

Angry Ewok

I figured it would have to be a smaller dog to be so pissy.

The only advice I could offer is that treats always, always work as excellent tools in training pets. Maybe let the kid give the dog a snack or something after a drum session. Eventually the dog may look forward to the drumming.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


That's a great fucking idea. He gets treats quite often if we're in the kitchen just 'cause he's so damn cute... I think you may be on to something.


My dog had the same problem. When I would play them he would just get really scared.  I think it reminded him of thunderstorms.


QuoteI figured it would have to be a smaller dog to be so pissy.

The only advice I could offer is that treats always, always work as excellent tools in training pets. Maybe let the kid give the dog a snack or something after a drum session. Eventually the dog may look forward to the drumming.
Exactly - It's pure Pavlovian.  
But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


You need the Dog Whisperer!  (ssssshhhhttt!)
Louisville Rock and Roll


He didn't piss anywhere yesterday, but I took him out right around the time the drums were played. They were picked up and banged around on a little while later and there was still no piss. So that's a good sign.
He's still kinda freaked out by them, but he at least walked through the room where they were yesterday.


awwwwwwwwwww mr PEAbody lives up to his name! :)

i like the treats idea.  how about putting on gene krupa records when you guys aren't home?




I'm taking him in for a check-up tomorrow and I'm going to ask the vet about the situation. Someone else suggested that they could be hurting his little ears.  :'(


i don't gotta have him peeermanent or nothing.
how's that for a great idea?  and bring your band, too, and we can play shows!!!  :):):)


hehehe... Doc told me yesterday that he may be heading up your way soon...
I guess we could take this conversation to emails. :)


I had a boston terrier who would lay in the room as I played drums or my band practiced...he liked it for some reason...we had to put him down and the new boston pup we have hates them, but we're working on it...eventually all our dogs got used to them, the cats however freak out no matter where they are in the apartment or house.  


my cat absolutely loses her shit when i bring out the tambourine.  her tail gets all puffy and she is the flash.  out of the room.


My doggie hates the drums too.  Felt so bad to see him shakin in his little white boots. I gave the drums to my buddy, he has a workin band so hel'll use em more anyway.

Not sure what you can do Corey, he's just got to get used to them, I guess.