post tornado check in

Started by ms_yvon, Feb 06, 2008, 04:21 PM

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ms. yvon

to all you peeps in the areas hit by the tornado:

i hope today finds you safe and sheltered.  drop a line here, let us know that you're ok.
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


the wife and I and the dogs were in the bathtub around 3 AM. We had one go right over our house, but we missed the big ones earlier in the evening. No damage, though.

Really scary evening last night here in middle Tennessee.


we had some pretty strong storms and were under a tornado warning but i didnt hear of one touching down. in other words, we are golden.


Called my stepdaughter who lives west of Nashville yesterday and she said they were ok.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary

ms. yvon

tracy, what a narrow miss.  phew.  did you stay in the tub for hours just in case, or did you go in at sirens?
ben, glad to hear the tornadoes took a miss on your area.
matt, good news about your stepdaughter.

i saw some pix taken in the span of five minutes in memphis.  the sky went from overcast to pitch black. absolutely terrifying.

aside:  the last couple weeks of work i had to watch hours of hurricane footage.  nature undoes civilization so quickly.  
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


Quotetracy, what a narrow miss.  phew.  did you stay in the tub for hours just in case, or did you go in at sirens?

Local news has great radar that can really pinpoint circulation (streets, neighborhoods), so I waited till it was close and moving in my direction before we headed for cover.