NCAA Football 2007-2008

Started by AngryEwok, Aug 26, 2007, 11:46 AM

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I can understand that some things that happen in other cities might leave a bigger impression on your mind. But as Tracy said, most of the folks in this area are working to reverse those racial stereotypes that being from the South still carries. Pretending that it doesn't really happen where you live is pretty silly. You'd be lying to yourself if you think it's not happening where you live as well.


come on BoS, never have I heard such racist talk since neil young wrote the hate-filled, inflammatory ballad "Alabama".  Shame on you and Mr. Young for saying things that are true but that get people uncomfortable.  Stick with happy lies!

but seriously, everyone listen to corey.


YES!  BC gave it to Notre Dame--fun weekend in New England sports (if you ignore the 11th inning implosion of the BOSOX last night)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteWOW!!!!! ;)

I have to give a shout out to BH and his Tigers.  Missouri is the real deal.  So is the quarterback from South Lake Carrol, Chase Daniels.  If it's any consolation Hermo I don't want to play you guys in the Big 12 championship game.  If that game is in Mizzou, OU doesn't pull out the W.

I'm never a big fan of questioning the talented Bob Stoops, he has forgotten more about football than I will ever know but why go for two when we were up 11.  Kick the extra point and make it a two touchdown game instead of a touchdown, two point conversion and a field goal.  Wouldn't trade him for any other coach but..... :-/

Now lets see how far we move up in the polls with the shakedown that happenned with all the teams that lost in front of us today.

That being said next Jacket concert in St. Louis, beers are on you Hermo, cuz I'll definitely be there, and maybe a little pre-concert coughing will be n order as well, if you know what I mean ;).  

Cheers to you guys winning the North [smiley=beer.gif].  I'm off to harrass the drunk college girls on campus corner. ;D

I can't wait to buy you beers!  'Cause it means the boys are back in town!  

I questioned the two point try as well.  Kind of strange.  I wonder if anyone asked him about it after the game.  

Ihated to have a stupid play turn the game.  (The reverse hand off bumble).  Ohe well.  Hope to meet again in the championship game for sure.

Oh, and EZ you must now change your lyrics to:

Straight outta compton, crazy mother fucker named Ice Cube, from a gang called Black Persons with Attitude.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


uhhh... correct me if i am wrong here, but isn't assuming that everyone in alabama is ignorant and racist just perpetuating stereotypes? acting as if you're "above" stereotyping by doing so to others is whack.

what's the word that comes to mind... oh yeah... hypocrite. here's a link in case you're confused:

whatever. roll tide.

now can we talk about kentucky's beating lsu?  :o

did anyone see the fake notre dame promo on saturday night live? that was hilarious! i looked for it on youtube, but couldn't find it.


It's already starting. End the maddness!!;_ylt=AsJVzNbRPo1g9UsdwRWBVXMcvrYF?slug=dw-bcs101307&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

I was watching ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit give a ridiculous BCS support rant last night. He was saying that no other sport has this high drama every weekend, like the BCS system. He said every weekend is a playoff. Well, if there was a playoff system (and there will be) then every weekend would even be more exciting because more teams would be trying to get in to the playoff rather than 2. Common sense. You have an 8 team format, that's 4x the open slots and so your odds increase greatly to getting into the playoffs. Plus, people would schedule harder opponents out of conference to prove their worth (like NCAA basketball). The BCS is turing into a free for all, which is exciting to people like Herbstriet, but drives most people crazy with the unfairness of it all. To say that NCAA Div 1 football has it right, and every other sport in every division has it wrong smells a little fishy to me. Smells like good old boy money not wanting to change.

I go back to Auburn in 2004 (and hell, I don't even like Auburn!). An undefeated team, 13-0, and they end up ranked number 2 behind USC. This is the best system? And the year before with USC and LSU both claiming a title? Is this the best we can do? Any argument supporting the 1 game BCS title is laughable.

2 words about a playoff:   March Maddness


QuoteIt's already starting. End the maddness!!;_ylt=AsJVzNbRPo1g9UsdwRWBVXMcvrYF?slug=dw-bcs101307&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

I was watching ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit give a ridiculous BCS support rant last night. He was saying that no other sport has this high drama every weekend, like the BCS system. He said every weekend is a playoff. Well, if there was a playoff system (and there will be) then every weekend would even be more exciting because more teams would be trying to get in to the playoff rather than 2. Common sense. You have an 8 team format, that's 4x the open slots and so your odds increase greatly to getting into the playoffs. Plus, people would schedule harder opponents out of conference to prove their worth (like NCAA basketball). The BCS is turing into a free for all, which is exciting to people like Herbstriet, but drives most people crazy with the unfairness of it all. To say that NCAA Div 1 football has it right, and every other sport in every division has it wrong smells a little fishy to me. Smells like good old boy money not wanting to change.

I go back to Auburn in 2004 (and hell, I don't even like Auburn!). An undefeated team, 13-0, and they end up ranked number 2 behind USC. This is the best system? And the year before with USC and LSU both claiming a title? Is this the best we can do? Any argument supporting the 1 game BCS title is laughable.

2 words about a playoff:   March Maddness

Two words:   BOISE STATE
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Two words:   BOISE STATE

Gotta love the bright blue turf--1st time I saw it I thought my TV went nuts!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

bowl of soup

First, a touch of context appears to be in order.  We have no love for Snake Saban down here.  A reporter asked him what he thought of USF a couple of weeks ago and he went on a 5 minute rant about how USF's lower academic standards are the reason for their success stating point blank that, "I know for a fact that they start 6 non-qualifiers..."

Problem being there are only 2 non-qualifiers on the entire USF roster – only one actually plays.  If you take the liberal perspective (as I do) that institutes of higher education should take people from diverse backgrounds and not just those who test well, the appearance of non-qualifiers can be viewed as a positive thing.  Believe or not, much of our fair country continues to perpetuate an educational apartheid on a large population of our citizens (although I'm certain this is not the case in Alabama).  Mr. Saban's remarks have racial underpinnings and are really motivated by the FACT that he was not Bama's first choice; see here:  

As for your innuendo that perhaps the crowd I was hanging with was the real source of the ugly behavior, would you be taking about the freaky Asian guy with the facial piercing in 1993 or my friend with the shoulder length purple hair?  Let me assure you that we were a hit with the fine people of Alabama.  Funnier still is the fact that one of my friends was the grandson of one of the most important civil rights lawyers in Tuscaloosa – a man who actually did "hard work".  You're being disingenuous if you say you've never seen similar behavior in Alabama, because it happens everywhere.  It just happened to me my most striking memory; I relayed the story, got censored, and started this donnybrook.

Maybe my chancellor comment was below the belt.  Get a cup.  This is a message board on the internet and a thread devoted to College Football and I can't make third-grade taunts!?  I guess I should apologize for making fun on that thing on Drew Brees' face also.  

So, boo fucking hoo.  My experience with such vitriolic protest is that it comes from a place of deep insecurity.  I love the South although I no longer live in it (Tampa is NY with palm trees) and most of my memories are positive.  I was simply running a bit of smack and telling a tale.  If your panties are in wad over it, I recommend Tucks pads.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.



As for your innuendo that perhaps the crowd I was hanging with was the real source of the ugly behavior, would you be taking about the freaky Asian guy with the facial piercing in 1993 or my friend with the shoulder length purple hair?  Let me assure you that we were a hit with the fine people of Alabama.  Funnier still is the fact that one of my friends was the grandson of one of the most important civil rights lawyers in Tuscaloosa – a man who actually did "hard work".  You're being disingenuous if you say you've never seen similar behavior in Alabama, because it happens everywhere.  It just happened to me my most striking memory; I relayed the story, got censored, and started this donnybrook.

you're right. it happens everywhere. even in florida.

i'm from alabama; that's where all my family members live. i am planning on moving to tuscaloosa in january. that's why i am taking offense to your self-righteous tirade.

i like reading the banter in this thread, but man, there's a big difference between talking shit about ball and grasping at straws.

bowl of soup

Never once said it didn't happen in Florida.  Never once said that all of Alabama's people are members of the Klan.  Just said that I'd been to your fair city on occassion and encountered some abhorent behavior.  You and others took it as an attack on the entire state.  Is there really this much deep-seeded insecurity among the sons and daughters of Alabama?

Sorry for the move.  Run Forest!  Run!

I just couldn't stop myself.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.



QuoteYou're being disingenuous if you say you've never seen similar behavior in Alabama, because it happens everywhere.

Sweetheart, I said I had been to Tuscaloosa a couple of times and never heard such. Just trying to cut the south a break (b/c literally, I didn't hear any racial slurs while I was there). Plus, when you start dissin' on southerners being racists, you're really dissin' on the Jacket too, IMO. I know it happens everywhere, I grew up in Mississippi in the 60's and 70's, plus, part of my current job involves racial reconciliation in Nashville. It's just offensive to me b/c it's not as bad as it used to be down here (I lived in Boston for a while, one of the more racist cities in America, and I know what they have to say about the south) and we continue to strive for better lives.

You are right though, it's a message board on the internet, not need to get huffy. Knock yourself out, I know that you're just trying to piss people off.

Some wise person somewhere said arguing on the internet is like dancing for architecture...

                      .Peace.   :)

bowl of soup

QuoteYou're being disingenuous if you say you've never seen similar behavior in Alabama, because it happens everywhere.

Sweetheart, I said I had been to Tuscaloosa a couple of times and never heard such. Just trying to cut the south a break (b/c literally, I didn't hear any racial slurs while I was there). Plus, when you start dissin' on southerners being racists, you're really dissin' on the Jacket too, IMO. I know it happens everywhere, I grew up in Mississippi in the 60's and 70's, plus, part of my current job involves racial reconciliation in Nashville. It's just offensive to me b/c it's not as bad as it used to be down here (I lived in Boston for a while, one of the more racist cities in America, and I know what they have to say about the south) and we continue to strive for better lives.

You are right though, it's a message board on the internet, not need to get huffy. Knock yourself out, I know that you're just trying to piss people off.

Some wise person somewhere said arguing on the internet is like dancing for architecture...

                      .Peace.   :)

I've grown tired of this, but...  I shall dance for the Empire State Building one last time, pumpkin.  I have no desire to piss people off, there seems to be very little of that bullshit on this board and I like that.  But all of the shit above is an invention of your paranoia.  You've finally managed to twist this in to a personal attack on MMJ by me.

Wow!  That takes a great deal of logical gymnastics - you're the Mary Lou Retton of reason.  No personal attacks have been initiated by me, but let's see;  I have been called a hypocrite, self-righteous, and now been accused of calling all southerners racists.  Hmmm.  I don't recall even implying that.

Would you prefer that I only relay my positive experiences from here on out?  OK.  I was in Mobile one day checking out that battleship they keep there and the sun set into the Gulf in such a spectaular way that I could swear that Bear Bryant himself was winking at me from heaven.

Peace indeed.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Jon T.

You callin' the bear queer?                  ;D


Does Florida go down again in Lexington this weekend? Does anyone know the last time Fla lost 3 in a row??   :-?


Quote(I lived in Boston for a while, one of the more racist cities in America, and I know what they have to say about the south)

OK buddy now you're treading in my home state.  You wanna back up that accusation with some evidence?  Other than the bussing bs in the 70s what do you have?  I lived in Texas for a few short years and was astounded at the level of backwards outdated thinking--most everyone I ran across (excepting the cosmopolitan-types in Dallas) felt it perfectly normal to disparage minorities (Hispanics and Blacks) mostly through humor but that really sets the tone for an individual's philosophy anyway (right Michael Richards?).  I'm telling you that racist undercurrent down south is still very much alive.  Sure there are plenty of examples of educated, accepting people down south but I'd place any amount of money that the per capita racism south of the Mason-Dixon line is MUCH worse than anything going on up north.  Concentrate on your backyard and we'll take care of ours.  I realize this is a hot button issue and regional pride can color perceptions, but I really take offense to you lablelling Boston "one of the more racist cities in the country" with no examples of current events--most of the crimes against minorities are being commited by other minorities (actually I think caucasians are the minorties up here now but you get my intent there).  You can certainly fire back at bowl of soup if it gives you a jolly, but leave my home out of this.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


ummm yeah moving on

So does anyone want to discuss the glorious news coming from Lincoln? 1 down 1 more to go and the rumors/rumblings last I saw was Osborn would be the new AD and Turner Gill would be head couch. I think I would soil myself if that happened. That means the Option (Gill was a f'n MASTER at running it and was Tommy Fraziers QB couch at NU) and the Power I would be back.


Quoteummm yeah moving on

So does anyone want to discuss the glorious news coming from Lincoln? 1 down 1 more to go and the rumors/rumblings last I saw was Osborn would be the new AD and Turner Gill would be head couch. I think I would soil myself if that happened. That means the Option (Gill was a f'n MASTER at running it and was Tommy Fraziers QB couch at NU) and the Power I would be back.

Truly, let's get this thread re-railed
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteTruly, let's get this thread re-railed


Does Florida go down again in Lexington this weekend? Does anyone know the last time Fla lost 3 in a row??