Dog barking...

Started by AngryEwok, Mar 24, 2008, 07:45 AM

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Angry Ewok

So... my neighbor has rented out her house, the one almost directly behind us, to a bunch of drunk fucktards. There's nothing we can do about it, but I think a lot of us are about on our last nerve about a couple of things. The first is that they are loud and obscene - on Easter Sunday, they were outside talking about "shooting a motherfucker"... I like watching birds when I get off of work, and I'm so sick and tired of hearing these pretend gangsters talk about who they are going to murder. The second issue is their dog. I've never seen the dog, but it sounds like it must be in pain or something, because it is barking almost constantly... This, I feel, I can do something about.

Have you guys ever written a complaint to Animal Control over a neighbor's dog barking? My assumption is that almost everyone has had to deal with this at some point or another - what did you guys do to resolve it? Anything?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Call the Humane Society. They'll point you towards the right legal actions you can take.

Penny Lane

if you've tried discussing it w/them, i would put something in writing--and let them know that the barking has been upsetting all the neighbors (maybe get them all to sign it) THEN if that doesn't work, there may be a nuisance claim (small claims court)
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Jon T.

Have you considered poppin' a cap in their asses?


And if you leave them a note, don't sign your name. It sounds like they are degenerates, so it would be wise not to have them focusing on you with their drunken ire.

Angry Ewok

QuoteAnd if you leave them a note, don't sign your name. It sounds like they are degenerates, so it would be wise not to have them focusing on you with their drunken ire.

Yeah... I'd be a total moron to bring any attention to myself or my family. We all have to go to work every day, I doubt they do. I don't want our house broken into. Anyway, these people are raving lunatics, "studio gangsters" or not, so I won't be confronting them in person.

Thanks for the help, folks... I'll probably write something up, give it a week or two, then do something petition style and go door to door.

I despise people who are cruel to animals.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Do you know the property owner ?  you could always give them a call and let them know what is going on.  If you call the cops in Illinois to issue a complaint you have to give them your name and address.  I don't know the law where you live.  
Or a Molotov cocktail might also do the job  :)

Thanks for the new Phrase " drunken fucktard"    I LOVE IT  ;D
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


I am in the same predicament as you. My only solution was to use the air conditioner more to block out noise. That, of course, doesn't help in the winter.

I simply asked that they not let there dog out before 10am and they have cooperated.
Take off those glasses and let down your hair for me...


See Seinfeld Episode #111
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

bowl of soup

It is a Soup family tradition to "shoot a mothfucker" every Easter.  Motherfuckers are mean and they need to be shot.

Call your local municipal government and find out what their complaint procedures are.  Then have your neigbors do it.  Call every day, sometimes twice a day.  The local gov't will then initiate the appropriate action against the ganstas.  Contacting the property owner is also a very good idea as eviction is probably your real goal.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


ae, i think you should take steaks over in the middle of the night and get the dog on your side.  then, once that happens, you should adopt the dog for your own.  i think that your neighbours would feel so sad in that house, reminding them of the dog they used to have, that they would move out.  then you'd have quiet, a good dog, and new neighbours.

sounds pretty crap.  i'm going to monitor this thread for ideas, because our downstairs neighbours have a VERY LOUD child that cries ALL THE TIME.  i'm pretty sure i won't be able to woo him with steak, but i might be able to make him happy with a kinder egg...


You got a second story window overlooking the backyard....?

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


This reminds me of a great story from my childhood.

My brother was a cholic baby, and my neighbours had dog that barked everynight, all night long. over a peroid of about  month, my dad would go out late at night and feed the dog some treats, to earn its trust.

Late one night, my dad woke up, went outside and fed the dog a few treats. he then opened the gate and the dog came out. with delicious deli meats in hand, he lured the dog to his car and put it in the backseat.

2 hours down the highway, he pulled over and lured the dog out of the car with more treats. getting in the car, he drove away, leaving the dog in the middle of nowhere 150 + miles away from home.

Do this and youll never hear it again, but dont tell people about because its shows the kind of planning "good" serial killers use.....
wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into a dream - pink floyd


what is that tom?  is that a special walking stick?  is that some kind of yoke for oxen?


WWOD?  Pretty sure he'd throw firewood at the drunk fucktards.


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D      
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe