Experiencing the Southwest

Started by eiseyrokker, Apr 10, 2008, 06:19 AM

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This past weekend I finally got my ass west of Central Time Zone and flew into Vegas with my lady and her mom and dad. We were headed for the Grand Canyon. I'm realizing quickly that, as much as I'd like to say about all this, I still don't have the words for it. The Grand Canyon averages about 10 miles from top rim on one side to top rim on the other. It's a mile from the top of the rim down to the Colorado River, which carved this thing out at a rate of about 8 feet a year. If anybody wants to fight for a 6000 year old, strictly Biblical strictly-interpreted view of the age of the Earth, they need to go see this thing. It's colossal size is testament to both the hugeness of God and also witness to the fact that he didn't just make it out of thin air. This took millions of years to form, at least thousands. More than 6 thousand. Rant over. Sorry.

I've got pictures, but they aren't uploaded yet. I still don't know if I want to share them, because they can't come close to showing you what I saw. Hell, I still don't even know what I saw out there. Nothing even begins to compare to the size of this damn thing.

Next stop, we decided to head back to Vegas by going up north through the bottom of Utah to see Zion National Park--sweet Jesus. That was the right choice. Once again, I don't have words, but I do have pictures. Unfortunately, my pictures still won't show you just how small I am. Huge exercise in gaining perspective.

Interesting thing about the southwest--the terrain is desolate and gorgeous. As we were driving toward Page, AZ before Zion, I took the following video as the sun was setting with the intent of trying to get some music to capture it. I just worked something out, and I think it begins to get at it. I need to have some aspect of what I saw last weekend grasped in my head. I think this one might be the closest attempt I've made so far.


I know Tracy's got some good word to spread about Bear Butte, but what are y'all's thoughts on the great Southwest? That place is really really special to me now--I'd love to hear what you think...
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I've lived my whole life in California and have never made it out to the canyon country in AZ/UT. I definitely will do a road trip through the area at some point. I also know what it's like to feel exhiliration, wonder and thankfulness from being in an amazing, natural, outdoor setting. Your post is just oozing with it...it's great to read.

And I know what you're saying about photos not conveying the actual scale of the places you saw with your own eyes...BUT, I'd still love to see them (as I'm sure many others here would).
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


I flew over the Grand Canyon a few times on the way to CA. Does that count? I'd love to go there though.


Since I am an Alumni of NAU in Flagstaff AZ I managed to hike The Canyon several times and took a below the rim flight in a Cessna 6 seater once. I loved and still love Northern Arizona. Hiking around Sunset Crater, day trips to Sedona and the ghost town of Jerome, learning to ski in a PE class on the San Fransisco Peaks, and hanging out at Bozo's Bus Stop in Flag. took up most of my time. I lived 8 miles from town in a small mobile home with a wood stove and one winter hauled, cut, and split all of my heat by hand with no help from power tools. It was National Forest right across the street, and I took my blue eyed Australian Shepherd hiking up there most every day and NEVER saw another person in 2.5 years. AZ experiences have alot to do with the person I am now.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Thanks for this Tom, I enjoyed reading your post  :)

My wife & I are hoping to make it out to the GC when we visit Vegas this summer. I've heard that buses out there only take a couple of hours, that sound about right?

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


wow yay tom!!
the grand canyon is amazing. i would love to make it back there someday, maybe in an RV all the way from tejas.


funny, LA and I are headed to Zion and points west this summer...


I loved the Southwest USA when we visited in 2006.  The National Parks are unbelievably picturesque -and big!.  Zion, Bryce, Arches, Bridges, Canyonlands etc etc.  Mindblowing.

I really enjoyed driving through Monument Valley (went all cowboy for a while in the Jeep), and hiking around Moab.

The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Totally going there as soon as I can.  Grand Canyon and Zion are on the top of my must see list! I hope to see Arches and Rainer, too!  Soon.  I hope.
nothing can be changed except ourselves


I love the Southwest. I have been on a few driving vacations through Arizona and New Mexico. The landscape is so beautiful, with breathtaking sunsets. I was so impressed with Monument Valley and the striking colors. I have only been to the Grand Canyon once, and I don't remember it well. Terrible story, but my dad took my brother and me to Arizona with the intention of going to Disneyland at the end of the trip. He was so excited to share the wonder of the Canyon with us, because he had seen it before. Of course being little kids at the time we couldn't get Disneyland off our minds. So we get to the Grand Canyon, I remember my dad just smiling so big he really wanted to show us how incredible it was, my brother and I got out of the car walked over and took a quick look and said in unison "can we go to Disneyland now?" I am so ashamed that I wasn't a more appreciative child. I have to go again sometime.