Earthquake!   Anyone?

Started by Bermuda_Hitchhiker, Apr 18, 2008, 10:59 AM

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QuoteI don't know about anyone else, I know I'm not having fun. I know my BP is through the roof today and I'm twitchy right now.

Dude, seriously. It lasted 20 seconds and nothing happened.  It wasn't that bad.

It was a lot longer here in downtown St Louis then 20 seconds for the aftershock. The quake itself lasted a while too, several minutes.


After my 'there's nothing cool about earthquakes!' post (which is still true!) it would be pretty silly & shallow of me to even suggest that todays earthquake had anything to do with the release of Evil Urges but c'mon, we're all thinking it right?

First the storm @ Bonnaroo & now this?!!  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteAfter my 'there's nothing cool about earthquakes!' post (which is still true!) it would be pretty silly & shallow of me to even suggest that todays earthquake had anything to do with the release of Evil Urges but c'mon, we're all thinking it right?

First the storm @ Bonnaroo & now this?!!  ;)

Mother Nature digs MMJ!  She turned the bass up on her stereo a bit too loud! ;D
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

bowl of soup

QuoteWell, being that it was minor and nobody got hurt, it was kind of cool.  In the same way a minor storm is cool, but a hurricane is not cool.

Mother Nature is bad mother fucker.

i sure could use a vacation from this bull shit three ring circus sideshow.
learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim...

As someone who has experienced more hurricanes than I care to mention (I had waves lapping up against my house twice in 2004), there is something fascinating about hurricanes - maybe not cool.  The long anticipation and the panicky weather people with their "Vortex", "Titan", and "Nostradamus" prediction computers make for hours of good theater.

The sky turning kelly green is kind of cool.  No power for 2 weeks in the middle of summer in Florida - not cool.

There is no season for Earthquakes, but our special hurricane season commences June 1.  Our names this year:


No Jim, Carl, Bo, Tommy, or Patrick.  Paloma's a good one.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


The first tremor woke me up at 5:37 and I thought I was having some kind of nightmare.
I couldn't believe how long it went on!!

I was at school at 11:30 when the second hit!  All the HS kids were really excited.  One kid told me he woke up at the 5:37 a.m. and was in shock at first and thought he had been "humping" his bed ;D  That's a High School 17 year old for you!

I heard there may be 10 more days of aftershocks.  Anyone else heard this?
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane

Angry Ewok

QuoteWell, being that it was minor and nobody got hurt, it was kind of cool.  In the same way a minor storm is cool, but a hurricane is not cool.

I'm glad somebody knows where I'm coming from... I've never felt an earthquake before, only seen them in movies... the idea of the entire earth rumbling below us, and that "wave" being felt across the entire midwest is "cool" to me... but I'm a science dork, I guess.

I wouldn't have said "so cool" if there were fatalities, by the way... and come on, it happened on the same day of the Evil Urges sneak peak.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Everyone at work was talking about it...some say they felt it.  I did not, though it may have woken me up.  I woke up at around 4:30 when it supposedly happened, but don't remember actually "feeling" anything.  I think the cat and dog did though, the cat was meowing more than usual and trying to wake us up.  Kinda cool how animals are so perceptive to that stuff.  I know what you're saying too Ewok, from a scientific standpoint, earthquakes are very interesting, and the level of devastation they can produce is just insane.  My work is right next to some train tracks so I feel the earth move practically every day.
We could.


i was on my way to work when this went down. i thought i was having a seizure or something. it was odd.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


The earthquake made Toronto news, plus it was also felt in parts of Toronto. Some Louisville street shots were on Breakfast TV here in Toronto.


QuoteWell, being that it was minor and nobody got hurt, it was kind of cool.  In the same way a minor storm is cool, but a hurricane is not cool.

I'm glad somebody knows where I'm coming from... I've never felt an earthquake before, only seen them in movies... the idea of the entire earth rumbling below us, and that "wave" being felt across the entire midwest is "cool" to me... but I'm a science dork, I guess.

I wouldn't have said "so cool" if there were fatalities, by the way... and come on, it happened on the same day of the Evil Urges sneak peak.
Yeah sorry if I came over as a dick earlier.

We get them all the time here & they scare the shit out of me. For some strange reason they always seem to happen at night & you never know if it's going to be the next 'big one' (Japan is always talking, preparing, thinking about the next 'big one') Our house should be OK but I still lie there thinking 'is this the big one? should I get out of the house now?!!'
Japanese school kids practice for them all the time. I've only experienced one whilst teaching but the children got under the table faster than lightening!

Apologies again  :)

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteWell, being that it was minor and nobody got hurt, it was kind of cool.  In the same way a minor storm is cool, but a hurricane is not cool.

I'm glad somebody knows where I'm coming from... I've never felt an earthquake before, only seen them in movies... the idea of the entire earth rumbling below us, and that "wave" being felt across the entire midwest is "cool" to me... but I'm a science dork, I guess.

I wouldn't have said "so cool" if there were fatalities, by the way... and come on, it happened on the same day of the Evil Urges sneak peak.
Yeah sorry if I came over as a dick earlier.

We get them all the time here & they scare the shit out of me. For some strange reason they always seem to happen at night & you never know if it's going to be the next 'big one' (Japan is always talking, preparing, thinking about the next 'big one') Our house should be OK but I still lie there thinking 'is this the big one? should I get out of the house now?!!'
Japanese school kids practice for them all the time. I've only experienced one whilst teaching but the children got under the table faster than lightening!

Apologies again  :)

Earthquakes are scary....
I live in Portland where we are constantly talking about the next big one here.  Volcanoes and earthquakes all at once....very scary.  But what is most frightening is with all the talk, very little funding comes through to upgrade our infrastructure or public buildings.  My one solace is my lovely sister.  She has her Phd in Geo-physics and her expertise is in subduction zones.  This is at the forefront of research for predicting big quakes.  She is a super smart cookie and may help us one day predict earthquakes (oh yeah, that is if the Federal Gov't decides that it is a good thing to fund science...but I digress).

The best advice she has given  me is this:
1.  Keep a good, solid pair of shoes next to your bed.  If a big one hits and you have to evacuate quickly in the middle of the night you will be glad you did.
2.  Don't put your bed under a window

Sounds simple but she really believes in these 2 tips....for what it is worth.


Sound advice Wiz, never thought about the bed under the window  :)

Most of the new buildings & apartments here should be safe, fingers crossed. I think a lot of the people that died in Kobe were living in old, more traditional Japanese houses. There were also a lot of fires caused by electrical faults.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Yes, infrastructure is key to surviving an earthquake.  Solid homes on solid ground with solid support.  The Earth will always move, we just need to adapt to it.


QuoteWell, being that it was minor and nobody got hurt, it was kind of cool.  In the same way a minor storm is cool, but a hurricane is not cool.

The best advice she has given  me is this:
1.  Keep a good, solid pair of shoes next to your bed.  If a big one hits and you have to evacuate quickly in the middle of the night you will be glad you did.
2.  Don't put your bed under a window

Sounds simple but she really believes in these 2 tips....for what it is worth.

Seriously.  I have lived through many pretty sizable earthquakes. During the Whittier one (California), I think it was 1987 or '88, being thrown down the hallway, literally side to side, shoulder slamming each time into the wall, stumbling, wearing nothing but a t-shirt and trying to get out of the house only to find once I got there the entire neighborhood staring at my neekid self. Meanwhile, my neighoborhood slammed with houses falling to bits everywhere you looked.

During the Northridge quake I had just gotten into bed round about 4am when the big one hit (true far away from the epicenter, I was in Santa Monica = liquifaction city; yes, the one where the 10 fwy and many apartment houses collapsed not so far away from me).  I remember my apartment neighbor, Dennis, shouting up to me "are you all right?". Yes, and he said "get out to the street".  And so, blindly, as I was walking through my apartment to the door I heard him scream up again: "and put some shoes on".  OH!, yes.  Put shoes on.  Best advice on the planet.  So I did.  Turns out, that time Old Mother Nature shut that town down pretty well for a good couple of days.  People with no place to live, no power, no freeway, phones down.  It was nuts.  Also, don't light candles. It's a bad move.  HAVE FLASHLIGHTS near your bed, as well as shoes.  And when they start putting yellow tape around your dwelling, you better move QUICK LIKE to get your shit out, because you're not getting back into that place. Ever.

To this day I have emergency rations, flashlight, shoes, at the ready!
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked