10 Worst Ways To Behave At Concerts:

Started by ChiefCrowe, May 14, 2008, 02:21 AM

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10 Worst Ways To Behave At Concerts: How You're Ruining It For Everyone




I am at ATP this weekend with three friends. Two of them are 6'5" and 6'6".  It means I can be #6 all weekend long...  and maybe even #7  ;)
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side

Penny Lane

i am the worst w/#1--and they're right, the pics NEVER come out
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

peanut butter puddin surprise

I'm always befuddled by the incessant yapping by drunken, rude, half dressed, stinky people that ruin perfectly good shows for everyone.  No, I don't want to see your tits.  No, I don't want to hear you shouting into your cell phone, with your beer addled, cigarette-tarred breath spreading noxious fumes into an already shit stinking venue that has no venilation.  And no, Jim James is NOT going to show you his penis while singing "They Ran" (sorry, I already asked  ;))

But seriously folks - when attending a small show of whomever Band A, why, oh why must people chatter like ADHT 2nd graders?  GO IN THE BACK AND TALK YOUR DAMN LEGS OFF.  

Ah, I feel much better now.  ;D
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I agree with lots of these, but #9 is absurd. Sorry, but you'll never see me sitting down at any rock show ever.
In another time, in another place, in another face

Angry Ewok

1. Recording the show or incessantly taking photos with your cell phone.

I don't mind it, really. I've even taken a few "wallpaper" shots myself. P.S., Using the cell phone as a "lighter" is lame and all, but it's a lot safer than having some drunk bitch light your hair on fire with her boyfriend's zippo.

2. Waiting until the show has started to secure your spot in the front row.

Good luck shouldering your way up to an MMJ concert. One word: Vikings.

3. Talking throughout the entire show

This is my #1 pet peeve at concerts. I despise stupid bitches who want to socialize during a fucking acoustic set. SHUT THE FUCK UP!

4. Being over 6'4 and choosing to stand in front of the shortest person in the crowd

Tall people are annoying, but most of the super tall people I've been in front of at MMJ concerts have always offered to let me in front of or beside them. It's not like they can sit down or anything, so I don't fret.

5. Continually crowd surfing or slam dancing even though it's not that kind of show

I'm glad this doesn't go on at MMJ concerts unless the surfer is wearing a bear suit.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Penny Lane

QuoteI agree with lots of these, but #9 is absurd. Sorry, but you'll never see me sitting down at any rock show ever.

some venues it's inevitable (beacon theater?) i hate that! and if you stand up, people behind you tell you to sit down.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteI'm always befuddled by the incessant yapping by drunken, rude, half dressed, stinky people that ruin perfectly good shows for everyone.  No, I don't want to see your tits.  No, I don't want to hear you shouting into your cell phone, with your beer addled, cigarette-tarred breath spreading noxious fumes into an already shit stinking venue that has no venilation.  And no, Jim James is NOT going to show you his penis while singing "They Ran" (sorry, I already asked  ;))

But seriously folks - when attending a small show of whomever Band A, why, oh why must people chatter like ADHT 2nd graders?  GO IN THE BACK AND TALK YOUR DAMN LEGS OFF.  

Ah, I feel much better now.  ;D

People chatter at concerts because they live in Louisville...never seen a worse city for that!
Louisville Rock and Roll

peanut butter puddin surprise

I'd tolerate the standing up if I didn't have massive arthritis in my pancake flat feet...getting old sucks.  :(

Additional rant, unrelated to fan behavior at concerts, but salient to Louisville concert goers (and #2 reason here that getting old sucks)

Yo, whatup Louisville concert venues?   Do you guys know the general public over the age of 21 have REAL JOBS that require one to be at work in THE MORNING?  No?  Let me fill you in.  There is a large population of folks here in Louisville that just can't wait for 7 hours (or however stupidly long you're waiting around to meet your beer sale quota) for a show to start.  If you say 9 p.m., MEAN it.  This horseshit of opening at 8 and starting a show at 1 a.m. is pointless for everyone except you and the college students that do not outnumber the free spending professionals in this town.    There are WAAAAAAAAAAAY more people with good jobs and disposable income that would flock to a venue that opens early and gets the show done before midnight.  And we'd make your beer quota, believe me.  :)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteI'm always befuddled by the incessant yapping by drunken, rude, half dressed, stinky people that ruin perfectly good shows for everyone.  No, I don't want to see your tits.  No, I don't want to hear you shouting into your cell phone, with your beer addled, cigarette-tarred breath spreading noxious fumes into an already shit stinking venue that has no venilation.  And no, Jim James is NOT going to show you his penis while singing "They Ran" (sorry, I already asked  ;))

But seriously folks - when attending a small show of whomever Band A, why, oh why must people chatter like ADHT 2nd graders?  GO IN THE BACK AND TALK YOUR DAMN LEGS OFF.  

Ah, I feel much better now.  ;D

People chatter at concerts because they live in Louisville...never seen a worse city for that!

I know, I know...but see post below on show times in Louisville.  Maybe it's the crowd's general age group.  Not that I'm ageist, but old farts tend to stand like totem poles at shows and since we're so hard of hearing after 1000000 shows, we generally can't talk at all 'cause we can't hear shit except the band.  :)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteI'd tolerate the standing up if I didn't have massive arthritis in my pancake flat feet...getting old sucks.  :(

Additional rant, unrelated to fan behavior at concerts, but salient to Louisville concert goers (and #2 reason here that getting old sucks)

Yo, whatup Louisville concert venues?   Do you guys know the general public over the age of 21 have REAL JOBS that require one to be at work in THE MORNING?  No?  Let me fill you in.  There is a large population of folks here in Louisville that just can't wait for 7 hours (or however stupidly long you're waiting around to meet your beer sale quota) for a show to start.  If you say 9 p.m., MEAN it.  This horseshit of opening at 8 and starting a show at 1 a.m. is pointless for everyone except you and the college students that do not outnumber the free spending professionals in this town.    There are WAAAAAAAAAAAY more people with good jobs and disposable income that would flock to a venue that opens early and gets the show done before midnight.  And we'd make your beer quota, believe me.  :)

To add to that as a musician in Louisville booking shows is a double-edged sword...I'd love to start earlier and I think there a bunch of people who dig that but there's also a late crowd in a lot of cases, so what to do? Start early or start late, seems like either way you're screwed!
Louisville Rock and Roll

peanut butter puddin surprise

well, here's a thought:  why not try BOTH?  It's not like there's a dearth of shows that would draw crowds away from one or another.  We don't get the luxury of having seven days a week of quality, nationally known acts here, and local venues showcasing local music could (gasp) not book Kimmet and Doug for their 10000000000000th show in a row.    :)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


So you're suggesting we start our show at 9pm and play until 2am?  Not that we haven't done that but not our preference unless we're getting a good payday which seems to be counterproductive to have a "show".

Actually I'd say that there are usually quite a few options for Louisville showgoers...maybe not the top national acts regularly but a lot of stuff going on pretty much every weekend including basketball and football games which suck crowds faster than anything.

I'd agree with you on the cover band thing though.
Louisville Rock and Roll

peanut butter puddin surprise

No, what I'm suggesting is a venue trying one night of early and one night of late, and maybe not the same band, if possible.  

If I were a millionaire, I'd buy Jim Porter's and renovate it into a venue that drew national bands and showcased local acts as well-a little something for everyone, in terms of times and styles of bands.  Maybe Saturday night had "Late Night" that started rolling around 11 and went on 'till 4.   Maybe Thursday (the traditional party night in this town for a lot of people) had shows opening at 7 and over by 11.

Now, I know that the whole "we can stay open 'till 4" is the impetetus behind the late night scene in this town, and don't get me wrong, I've road that train long and hard.  :)  It's just that being older, wiser, a father, and having a real job that doesn't tolerate ol Johnny missing work due to hangovers makes me kinda bitter that there isn't any options for earlier shows.  I just don't believe that if say Junior Brown came to town, and the show started prompty at 8 and was over by 12 that people wouldn't buy tickets and drink the hell out of beer.  No one will ever convince me otherwise.  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Yea, I suppose something like that might work if it was an established thing and people knew about it.

I'm with you on the earlier start times...the nights that I have late shows are killers, it doesn't matter how late I stay up, my one year old wakes up early every morning, as a matter of fact it seems the later I stay up, the earlier she wakes.  I remember closing the bars at 4am and watching the sun rise while letting the dog out before hitting the bed...kind of a reversal anymore, yep sucks getting old.

All that being said, we have some early shows this weekend...Sat night (8:30-11p)outside of Qdoba on Bardstown Rd. and Sun night at Capt. Quarters (6-10p) which should be interesting since that's a cover band type of place traditionally (not us).

Not our favorite kind of shows but a band that is in the studio like us needs to pay dem bills!
Louisville Rock and Roll


Most shows in Pittsburgh end around 11-11:30. Some of the much smaller clubs go on a little later.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteMost shows in Pittsburgh end around 11-11:30. Some of the much smaller clubs go on a little later.

ah, and is that because last call is only at 2 a.m., or for other reasons?  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteMost shows in Pittsburgh end around 11-11:30. Some of the much smaller clubs go on a little later.

ah, and is that because last call is only at 2 a.m., or for other reasons?  

Well if its at a theater then its over at 11, some theaters have a strict policy to end at 11. At Post-Gazette Pavillion its usually over at 11:30, but the show usually starts around 7:00. I haven't been to that many of the smaller venue clubs, but I can imagine those shows go a little later (there's not exactly a great local music scene that I would want to go anyway). 2 AM is latest for last call, last call is usually more like 1, thats why I'm a member of Polish and Serbian clubs and a fire hall.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!