Come back EC...

Started by Bigsky, Jun 09, 2008, 04:25 PM

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phone home EC,phone home ;D
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry



Let's build this place back up. I'll stick to it if you will.

I'm in.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


Nice post, Tom.  I'm in.

Edit: I see that the original thread has now been deleted.  Good.  I'll repost what I said there:

I'm really sorry to see EC go, and hope she comes back soon.  She's a special person, and makes beautiful, life-affirming music.  

Her only fault is that she kicks my ass at Scrabulous on an almost daily basis (although I am highly suspicious about some of her words).

I'm going to put on one of her CDs right now.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


She ain't coming back and I support her decision 100%. I agree with the reasons too. My blood is beginning to boil just thinking about it.


QuoteAll that to say, I've met a good deal of the long-timers in some fashion or another. Haven't met John Conaway, which is a shame, but I have no doubt I will someday. When I someday make it to Japan, ndrew is high on my list of people to stop and meet. Same with DiTH and Mark and Greggy in England, and Ali in Australia., thanks Tom >:(


Sorry to see EC has left.I try very hard to stay out of the board drama but must admit that I don't enjoy coming here as much as I used to.I guess it's threads like this:
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


 Dude, Gregg-- I know who you are! I sold you my overdrive pedal! You live in Boone (or did, things are a little hazy around here recently) and went to Appalachian.

Gregg-Y is DiTH's good friend, correct? They used to post and rag on each other all the time about being British? Did I totally muss his name up.

And RC, I'm sorry you got caught in the crossfire earlier. That sentiment wasn't aimed at you or meant to be misconstrued towards you and I'm really sorry that it did. Like I said, I was damn pissed, and I wanted to reiterate that I thought it was a little more than "too bad". I understand what you meant, and that you weren't disrespecting EC--I just sort of used your post as a starting point. Once again, I'm sorry that you got caught in that crossfire--peace?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Peace for sure my friend...How's Athens treating you?
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


QuoteWhat the hell happened?!!

If EC has left then that really is too bad. Someone was rude to her? Man, that makes me angry...there really have been some fucking clowns here of late!



& Yes. Happy Evil Urges Day! I'm sending Meg a text now.


QuoteDude, Gregg-- I know who you are! I sold you my overdrive pedal! You live in Boone (or did, things are a little hazy around here recently) and went to Appalachian.

Totally!  Ok, you're off the hook.


This really sucks.  Meg's beyond great, even though she laughed at me when I pronounce Yonge St. (Young St.) as YAWNG St.  :-?

Hope all is going well for such a wonderful person.


that sucks people are leaving.  EC, for the short time I've been here seemed like nice folk.  the internet can be funny and silly and hateful but I think everybody's got to remember you can only help to guide this place in the right direction you can't control the influx of people.  there are websites that will organize shit and send people over to start shit deliberately.  not saying that's happening but I've seen it happen before to other bands.  it's just part of the bullshit that comes with message boards.  

that said here the most members online is close to 50, and that's rare.  a lot of places i go to online to talk about music have 1000s of members and when you get in conversations like that it gets fucking intense and you kind of learn how to deal with people and this system of communicating.  

everyone's voice is just as loud as the next persons on here, just stand up for yourself or straight up just ignore it and it will go away, simple as that.  it works with 1000s of people why wouldn't it work with 20.

sorry to get off topic I'm just finding it hard to grasp why everyone is so weak minded.  you're fucking super fans pwn these n00bs.