whites in predominately minority  schools

Started by Jenny, Jun 15, 2008, 12:23 PM

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hey guys
i'm in a class called identity and race, and i'm writing my final research paper on white minorities in elementary schools.  we've been studying this a lot, though do not have proper amount of research done.
were any of you white minorities?
thesis is either going to be that white privilege still exists, even under oppressed circumstances. or something differentiating between males and females. i don't have enough samples yet to have a strong enough thesis but PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSEEE help me if you've been in this situation at any time in your life. rough draft due monday. final due tuesday.

PM me answers to this interview please....

1a. How do you identify yourself ethnically, now?

1b. How did you identify yourself ethnically, when you were the minority?

2. Where did you attend school in which you were the minority?

3. How old were you? What grades?

4. What was the dominant ethnicity in the school?

5. How many white people were there in the school?

6. Did you have any white friends?

7a. Did you have any friends of different ethnicities/cultures? Which ones?

7b. If so, how were they different from you? The same?

8. Did you ever feel left out?

9. What was defined as "cool"?

10a. Did you feel the need to conform?
10b. If yes, why?
10c. If yes, how? Physically? Mentally? Academically?
10d. If yes, what did your parents think?

11a. Did you feel comfortable visiting friends houses?
11b. Did you feel comfortable having friends visit you?

12. Do you ever think about the time you spent at this school? What do you think about yourself? Would you change
your experiences if you had a chance?

13. Do you attend school now? Which? What is the dominant ethnicity?

13. What do you think you learned most through your experience?

14. Would you prefer to be anonymous in the paper?


hi Face

I was not a white in a predominately black elementary school, however, my last 1 1/2 years of high school I went to a school that was predominately black (90%). Does that count?


thank you for that fyi. i stand corrected.
and yes, that counts, i'd love for you input...
would you mind?

thanks a lot.


also! if any of you teachers teach at a preodminately minority school i would LOOOOVE any responses! thankthanksthankthanksthanks


do to my ability to adapt to any situation I may also have some of the answers that you seek.

1a. How do you identify yourself ethnically, now?
white as fuck but kind of tan

1b. How did you identify yourself ethnically, when you were the minority?
white as fuck

2. Where did you attend school in which you were the minority?
Central Middle School

3. How old were you? What grades?
11-14, 6th-8th

4. What was the dominant ethnicity in the school?
dark skinned gentle folk

5. How many white people were there in the school?
about 20

6. Did you have any white friends?
fuck yes

7a. Did you have any friends of different ethnicities/cultures? Which ones?
yes, any color, creed, or race you can think of I've probably been friends with.  if someone is kind hearted it's hard not to have a good conversation with them.  I guess if I have to be racist about it though blacks, mexicans, puerto ricans, arabians(I don't know the proper politically correct term for this), etc.    

7b. If so, how were they different from you? The same? there sick, some have to deal with growing up being generalized the second a person sees them, others have found ways to embrace it but in the end it's usually other people being jackasses or ignorant stupid fucks to them in the first place.  

example, i was at a party with one of my black friends, everyone else there was pretty much white, 50-60 people.  these 2 or 3 girls were sitting there talking to him and were like "I'm surprised you hang out with these guys".  so I think most ignorance is from stupid people who ask questions like that.  his obvious response was "they're my friends".

8. Did you ever feel left out?  I felt uncomfortable at first, some people were welcoming, some would stare at me a little, some would just completely ignore me.  after awhile like any place if you're an open hearted person you find similarities and that feeling weens.  however there are some super crazy scary thugs out there who will fuck ya up or fuck you over without thinking about it.  but thugs don't talk proper, nor give you any kid of equal respect.

9. What was defined as "cool"? I'm not answering this because it's kind of a racist question.  tupac = mucho respecto.

10a. Did you feel the need to conform? eh
10b. If yes, why? I had my friends other people had there's, like anywhere else.  everybody knew each other, but it wasn't like everyone was best buddies all the time.

10c. If yes, how? Physically? Mentally? Academically?  Mentally and Academically.  I tend to have more in common with people who like dorky stuff.  I've become skilled in the art of slang and other wonderful cultural things.  I stomp the barriers of oppression.

10d. If yes, what did your parents think? they love me, I love them.  but once you're a blood, you're a blood for life.

11a. Did you feel comfortable visiting friends houses?  yeah most of the time, sometimes big parties were awkward at points just because I can't relate to my grandparents or great grandparents having gone through slavery and oppression in the evil, horrible, discusting, miserable, depressing way my black friends did.  

11b. Did you feel comfortable having friends visit you? whatever, friends are friends

12. Do you ever think about the time you spent at this school? What do you think about yourself? Would you change
your experiences if you had a chance?  I wish I could go back as a black person and see what it's like through from the black end.  I probably would have busted out my sick rendition of the moon walk way sooner if I knew they were so cool to begin with.  

13. Do you attend school now? Which? What is the dominant ethnicity?
graduated from all the knowledge factories I could handle.  glad to be done with school.   if I were to go back to college I'm sure it'd be like any other college, a mixture of people from the same financial bracket.

13. What do you think you learned most through your experience? that people are people and how you treat them is what matters.  people have bias's and people will generalize but in the end if you can just let all the racist preconceived shit behind you're better off and will meet more insightful, inspiring people than you've ever imagined.  

14. Would you prefer to be anonymous in the paper? I'm open, no privacy necessary.

I once was playing some really funky music and my black friend told me he thought he was going to cry.  I think my soul is deeply rooted in africaness.  


My city is predominately black, but not my school. Sorry, I can't help.
In another time, in another place, in another face


Quotehey guys
i'm in a class called identity and race, and i'm writing my final research paper on white minorities in elementary schools.  we've been studying this a lot, though do not have proper amount of research done.
were any of you white minorities?
thesis is either going to be that white privilege still exists, even under oppressed circumstances. or something differentiating between males and females. i don't have enough samples yet to have a strong enough thesis but PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSEEE help me if you've been in this situation at any time in your life. rough draft due monday. final due tuesday.


Have you completed this yet?


send it! please! asap! i'll be up all night! :)
thanks so much


Quotesend it! please! asap! i'll be up all night! :)
thanks so much
Questions answered...check your PM


Quotedo to my ability to adapt to any situation I may also have some of the answers that you seek.

1a. How do you identify yourself ethnically, now?
white as fuck but kind of tan

1b. How did you identify yourself ethnically, when you were the minority?
white as fuck

2. Where did you attend school in which you were the minority?
Central Middle School

3. How old were you? What grades?
11-14, 6th-8th

4. What was the dominant ethnicity in the school?
dark skinned gentle folk

5. How many white people were there in the school?
about 20

6. Did you have any white friends?
fuck yes

7a. Did you have any friends of different ethnicities/cultures? Which ones?
yes, any color, creed, or race you can think of I've probably been friends with.  if someone is kind hearted it's hard not to have a good conversation with them.  I guess if I have to be racist about it though blacks, mexicans, puerto ricans, arabians(I don't know the proper politically correct term for this), etc.    

7b. If so, how were they different from you? The same? there sick, some have to deal with growing up being generalized the second a person sees them, others have found ways to embrace it but in the end it's usually other people being jackasses or ignorant stupid fucks to them in the first place.  

example, i was at a party with one of my black friends, everyone else there was pretty much white, 50-60 people.  these 2 or 3 girls were sitting there talking to him and were like "I'm surprised you hang out with these guys".  so I think most ignorance is from stupid people who ask questions like that.  his obvious response was "they're my friends".

8. Did you ever feel left out?  I felt uncomfortable at first, some people were welcoming, some would stare at me a little, some would just completely ignore me.  after awhile like any place if you're an open hearted person you find similarities and that feeling weens.  however there are some super crazy scary thugs out there who will fuck ya up or fuck you over without thinking about it.  but thugs don't talk proper, nor give you any kid of equal respect.

9. What was defined as "cool"? I'm not answering this because it's kind of a racist question.  tupac = mucho respecto.

10a. Did you feel the need to conform? eh
10b. If yes, why? I had my friends other people had there's, like anywhere else.  everybody knew each other, but it wasn't like everyone was best buddies all the time.

10c. If yes, how? Physically? Mentally? Academically?  Mentally and Academically.  I tend to have more in common with people who like dorky stuff.  I've become skilled in the art of slang and other wonderful cultural things.  I stomp the barriers of oppression.

10d. If yes, what did your parents think? they love me, I love them.  but once you're a blood, you're a blood for life.

11a. Did you feel comfortable visiting friends houses?  yeah most of the time, sometimes big parties were awkward at points just because I can't relate to my grandparents or great grandparents having gone through slavery and oppression in the evil, horrible, discusting, miserable, depressing way my black friends did.  

11b. Did you feel comfortable having friends visit you? whatever, friends are friends

12. Do you ever think about the time you spent at this school? What do you think about yourself? Would you change
your experiences if you had a chance?  I wish I could go back as a black person and see what it's like through from the black end.  I probably would have busted out my sick rendition of the moon walk way sooner if I knew they were so cool to begin with.  

13. Do you attend school now? Which? What is the dominant ethnicity?
graduated from all the knowledge factories I could handle.  glad to be done with school.   if I were to go back to college I'm sure it'd be like any other college, a mixture of people from the same financial bracket.

13. What do you think you learned most through your experience? that people are people and how you treat them is what matters.  people have bias's and people will generalize but in the end if you can just let all the racist preconceived shit behind you're better off and will meet more insightful, inspiring people than you've ever imagined.  

14. Would you prefer to be anonymous in the paper? I'm open, no privacy necessary.

I once was playing some really funky music and my black friend told me he thought he was going to cry.  I think my soul is deeply rooted in africaness.  

It is impossible for me to put into words how offensive this post is.
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked



aside from a few little jokes like being a blood and stuff most of it is straight up.  the story about the party is true.  the story at the end about the guitar and almost crying is true.  I don't see how it's racist.  I have a deep respect for black americans, they've gone through a lot and still deal with bullshit from time to time.  don't make my post something it's not.  carlos mencia now there's a fucking racist.