
Started by mjkoehler, Aug 01, 2008, 03:27 PM

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Apparently we do not have a thread for this. We have one fo the NFL, NHL, MLB, NCCAF and NCCABB.

There are several peeps here who are interested in learning more and there are many peeps here who know a lot.

I couldn't tell you the first thing about football/soccer other then I want to know more and would love to attend a match or 2 oversees. What leagues are best to watch? Any stations show matches here in the States? Are the UK leagues the best to watch? Etc. Etc. Etc

I noticed several UK Leagues, is the Premier League really the only good one to follow or are the others good to look into.

Please discuss and help educate us less fortunate.


All the top-tier Euro-leagues are always very competetive. That being said, the strongest leagues historically are Italy's Serie A, England's Premier, Germany's Bundesliga, Spain's La Liga. The Dutch, French and Portuguese top leagues are good too and you can throw the best teams from other country's leagues into the mix, like Scotland's Celtic or Rangers, Russia's Spartek Moscow, Turkey's Galatasaray, Greece's Panathinaikos and so on.

The Premier League is the best in England and arguably the best in the world (given their success in recent Champions League tournaments). Their First Division league is good too - some of those teams played in the Premier League last season (they were relegated).

Major League Soccer is a notch or two below England's First Division, although Toronto FC will rule the world one day.

Penny Lane

i loved liverpool, when.....

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


You'll never walk alooooooone...
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


I don't claim to be a soccer expert or anything, but I played through High School, and still enjoy watching a competitive match. I think that the Champions League is an exciting format - the best European club teams, from the best leagues play in an extended tournament. This year's championship game was an all (English) Premier League final, won by Manchester United. The year before that AC Milan won, and the year before that, Barcelona. I also really get into the World and Euro Cups when they come around.

I have a strong love for La Liga, Spain's top club league. I was in Madrid when Madrid Real won the league title in 2003. Now, Spanish people are a fun loving people anyway, but the night after the title game was just insane. All night, singing, dancing and drinking. One of the funnest nights of my life...
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."