Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Strikes Again!

Started by ItStillJaimoe, Aug 02, 2008, 07:48 PM

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This segment was from last night's Conan. Watch Triumph punish a bunch of freaks and geeks at this year's Comic Con '08.



The best Triumph segment I've ever seen was when he went to Quebec (if memory serves me right, he was in Quebec City) and tore apart hyper-sensitive French Canadians and separatists. The skit was banned in Canada and was edited out of Canadian NBC Conan simulcasts and since has been virtually erased on-line. BTW, banning it proved a point to me and every Canadian that dislikes Quebec separatists how bullying and close-minded they can be. However, I'm all for Canada's official stance on banning hate-literature and other hate-related mongering and anti-social behaviour.


QuoteI am Wolverine!


now i know what to put under my avatar.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


"If you're here, then who's home disappointing your parents?" - Hilarious.

Jaimoe, was that the same one where he went to the border?

My favourite Triumph segment has always been him interviewing the Bon Jovi fans.


Quote"If you're here, then who's home disappointing your parents?" - Hilarious.

Jaimoe, was that the same one where he went to the border?

My favourite Triumph segment has always been him interviewing the Bon Jovi fans.

"The border?" Yes, now that I looked it up, it was when Conan did his show for a week in Toronto in February of 2004. The show sent Triumph to Quebec City to stir up shit, and shit was indeed stirred. Quebec City is hardly close-by either. One thing about that skit that may be lost to anyone not from Canada is cultural, nationalism and language-related political and social unrest in Quebec, which made Triumph's rountine the ballsiest thing he's ever done.

I agree that the Bon Jovi skit was a highlight of his career.