Martian Colony (inspired by talk of dioramas)

Started by ycartrob, Aug 27, 2008, 11:28 PM

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I think my favorite project was done by my way-too-stoner-friend Trer. He made what he called Martian Colony for the 10th grade science fair. Basically, it was a big, metal salad bowl turned upside down on a table, with a sign next to it that said Martian Colony. When the teacher turned the bowl over, Trer yelled "NNNoooooooo!!!! What are you doing? Oxygen evaporates the whole colony!" (of course, there was nothing under the bowl). Trer got a D- and eventually failed out of high school and got 2 paper routes and a night job at the Beer Barn. One night, he sacrificed his trusty bong named Irving into a bonfire; he had a whole ritual and everything, totally off the cuff. Then his little brother climbed waaaaaaaay up into a tree and was hanging from 1 arm and then with his knee wrapped around a branch, freaking all the girls out, who threw all their Malt Duck bottles into the field, and we had to go get them the next day b/c K-Bob's stepdad (my godfather) yelled at us. The we smoked what we believed to be hash, and it was. Listened to Jimi Hendrix War Heroes...    1980



The only diorama I can remember,  :-/, is the 3rd grade project for Gulliver's Travels.  And at 33, I can't remember the details.  But I think I got a check +.....But I am pretty sure I made a kick-a** diorama for my dog breed project in 4th grade.  But all I remember from that is how cool I thought my dad was for teaching me how to draw a beagle.  He can't draw very well, but I was impressed at the time.  I love my dad for being involved, he is a great dad (even now in my 30's and married, the man rocks)  :-*

And I do remember getting a check +++ for the awesome relief map I made of Colorado in 4th grade (with homemade playdoe as the medium).  

and I too made a styrofoam "map" of the universe (and no liquor boxes either...hmmm....).  I don't care what they say, Pluto can be part of my universe any day!


we had to do 8 maps in the 8th grade, on mylar tracing Massachuestts, USA, North America, South/Central America, Europe, Africa, Asia and one other of our choice... we had to label at least 250 places for each (cities, states, rivers, lakes blah blah blah), color them, and then at the end take a test on the capitals of the states or countrys. i learned a lot of geography, sure, but man were those BULLSHIT. but i can still recite all the capitals of all the states.
AFrica was the hardest. I got a C+, which was by far the worst grade i had ever recieved in elementary school.