Do you really want to vote with these people?

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Oct 24, 2008, 06:22 PM

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did ya look at the pictures?  seen anything remotely similar using McCain/Palin signs?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteExactly which McCain supporters are running around trashing people's private property because theres a bumper sticker they don't agree with?  Answer:  NONE!  That gives their campaign a check mark in the "Pro" column for me.

This is TOO TOO perfect!

Several months ago I was a HUGE supporter of Obama. Got the shirts, the signs, the stickers(put one on my car). I have since then moved on from his side but still have the sticker on my car. Two weekends ago I was in Starkville, MS(redneck college town); left my car parked at a friends. His next door neighbors had a party. I went to go get my car later that night to find the Obama sticker on my car reading: "bama". Some jackass scratched off the "O". Not one of my other ten stickers had been touched. I will say though that I was highly surprised that this guy(whether on purpose or accident) was able to scratch a letter, ultimately leaving something relevant.  ;D
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


Quotedid ya look at the pictures?  seen anything remotely similar using McCain/Palin signs?

You're missing the point.  I think you're a secret biggot who is going to hell based on your own beliefs.  
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Quotedid ya look at the pictures?  seen anything remotely similar using McCain/Palin signs?

You're missing the point.  I think you're a secret biggot who is going to hell based on your own beliefs.  

Yeah thats right thats why I hire people from all races, creeds, and genders.  You don't know shit about me so save your judgment.  I am a bigot (definition:  a person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own) about socialism however! :)  Ok maybe you know one thing about me--my prejudice towards socialism.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

Salacious D

I think a lot of people are not playing nice right now, regardless of who they are voting for.

Here's another example for you:
QuoteMcCain Communications Director Gave Reporters Incendiary Version Of "Carved B" Story Before Facts Were Known
By Greg Sargent - October 24, 2008, 5:12PM

John McCain's Pennsylvania communications director told reporters in the state an incendiary version of the hoax story about the attack on a McCain volunteer well before the facts of the case were known or established -- and even told reporters outright that the "B" carved into the victim's cheek stood for "Barack," according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions.

John Verrilli, the news director for KDKA in Pittsburgh, told TPM Election Central that McCain's Pennsylvania campaign communications director gave one of his reporters a detailed version of the attack that included a claim that the alleged attacker said, "You're with the McCain campaign? I'm going to teach you a lesson."

Verrilli also told TPM that the McCain spokesperson had claimed that the "B" stood for Barack. According to Verrilli, the spokesperson also told KDKA that Sarah Palin had called the victim of the alleged attack, who has since admitted the story was a hoax.

The KDKA reporter had called McCain's campaign office for details after seeing the story -- sans details -- teased on Drudge.

The McCain spokesperson's claims -- which came in the midst of extraordinary and heated conversations late yesterday between the McCain campaign, local TV stations, and the Obama camp, as the early version of the story rocketed around the political world -- is significant because it reveals a McCain official pushing a version of the story that was far more explosive than the available or confirmed facts permitted at the time.

The claims to KDKA from the McCain campaign were included in an early story that ran late yesterday on KDKA's Web site. The paragraphs containing these assertions were quickly removed from the story after the Obama campaign privately complained that KDKA was letting the McCain campaign spin a racially-charged version of the story before the facts had been established, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.

A source familiar with what happened yesterday confirmed that the unnamed spokesperson was communications director Peter Feldman. Feldman was also quoted yesterday making virtually identical assertions on the Web site of another local TV station, WPXI. But those quotes, which we also preserved here, are also no longer available on WPXI's site, for reasons that are unclear.

This is problematic because the McCain campaign doesn't want to have been perceived as pushing an incendiary story that not only turned out to be a hoax but which police officials said today risked blowing up into a "national incident" and has local police preparing to file charges against the hoaxster.

There's no evidence that anyone from McCain national headquarters put out a version of events like this.

After the story appeared on KDKA's site and this and other pieces in the local press started flying around the political world, an Obama spokesperson in the state angrily insisted to KDKA that it was irresponsible for the station to air the McCain spokesperson's incendiary version of events before the facts were fully known, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.

After that, KDKA went back to McCain's Pennsylvania spokesperson, Feldman, and asked if he stood by the story as he'd earlier told it, but he started backing off the story, a source familiar with the talks says. That prompted KDKA to remove the grafs.

Feldman couldn't immediately be reached, and a McCain HQ spokesperson declined to comment.

Because if there's one thing that goes well with shooting zombies it's a Dolly Parton cover-el chode


I know your arguments don't hold water, that you think it's okay to teach children that the future leader of the free world is a baby killer, I know you think putting a sign on a van is WAY worse than being a racist.  I don't think I want to know anymore.  :o
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteI think a lot of people are not playing nice right now, regardless of who they are voting for.

Here's another example for you:
QuoteMcCain Communications Director Gave Reporters Incendiary Version Of "Carved B" Story Before Facts Were Known
By Greg Sargent - October 24, 2008, 5:12PM

John McCain's Pennsylvania communications director told reporters in the state an incendiary version of the hoax story about the attack on a McCain volunteer well before the facts of the case were known or established -- and even told reporters outright that the "B" carved into the victim's cheek stood for "Barack," according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions.

John Verrilli, the news director for KDKA in Pittsburgh, told TPM Election Central that McCain's Pennsylvania campaign communications director gave one of his reporters a detailed version of the attack that included a claim that the alleged attacker said, "You're with the McCain campaign? I'm going to teach you a lesson."

Verrilli also told TPM that the McCain spokesperson had claimed that the "B" stood for Barack. According to Verrilli, the spokesperson also told KDKA that Sarah Palin had called the victim of the alleged attack, who has since admitted the story was a hoax.

The KDKA reporter had called McCain's campaign office for details after seeing the story -- sans details -- teased on Drudge.

The McCain spokesperson's claims -- which came in the midst of extraordinary and heated conversations late yesterday between the McCain campaign, local TV stations, and the Obama camp, as the early version of the story rocketed around the political world -- is significant because it reveals a McCain official pushing a version of the story that was far more explosive than the available or confirmed facts permitted at the time.

The claims to KDKA from the McCain campaign were included in an early story that ran late yesterday on KDKA's Web site. The paragraphs containing these assertions were quickly removed from the story after the Obama campaign privately complained that KDKA was letting the McCain campaign spin a racially-charged version of the story before the facts had been established, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.

A source familiar with what happened yesterday confirmed that the unnamed spokesperson was communications director Peter Feldman. Feldman was also quoted yesterday making virtually identical assertions on the Web site of another local TV station, WPXI. But those quotes, which we also preserved here, are also no longer available on WPXI's site, for reasons that are unclear.

This is problematic because the McCain campaign doesn't want to have been perceived as pushing an incendiary story that not only turned out to be a hoax but which police officials said today risked blowing up into a "national incident" and has local police preparing to file charges against the hoaxster.

There's no evidence that anyone from McCain national headquarters put out a version of events like this.

After the story appeared on KDKA's site and this and other pieces in the local press started flying around the political world, an Obama spokesperson in the state angrily insisted to KDKA that it was irresponsible for the station to air the McCain spokesperson's incendiary version of events before the facts were fully known, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.

After that, KDKA went back to McCain's Pennsylvania spokesperson, Feldman, and asked if he stood by the story as he'd earlier told it, but he started backing off the story, a source familiar with the talks says. That prompted KDKA to remove the grafs.

Feldman couldn't immediately be reached, and a McCain HQ spokesperson declined to comment.

Well, hopefully, if this is true, that wasn't done on purpose.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteI know your arguments don't hold water, that you think it's okay to teach children that the future leader of the free world is a baby killer, I know you think putting a sign on a van is WAY worse than being a racist.  I don't think I want to know anymore.  :o

Why are you so afraid to ask a few questions about the people who want to run the country?  If Barry Obama is ok with letting children die after surviving an abortion attempt then that would be tantamount to being complicit in infaniticide.
But I can't get a straight answer from him on it--can you.  Vandalizing peoples' property is a crime.  Racism is an attitude.  One which I don't carry--please stop trying to insinuate that I am somehow a racist because I don't fall in lockstep with "the one"
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteSo vandalism is that much worse than biggotry to you?  That says a lot about your character.  It's all coming out.  

The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive



But why do you hang out here and worship a band that the lead singers supports the baby murderer Obama? Doesn't God frown on that? If you met JJ, would you witness to him?

Because I love Jim, Pat, Tom, Carl, and Bo for the great people they are and the music they make which has brought me so much happiness.  I do not care who they want to be president.  I don't think abortion is a good thing but I don't think Barry is a baby murderer.  I cannot speak for God.  
I have met with Jim multiple times but did not speak with him about religion or politics.  If politics came up I would tell him that I vote for a person I feel more closely represents my ideology--and God knows there is no politician who does that 100% so one must find the person who cares about more of what you do personally on as many topics as possible.  If religion came up I would tell him I believe Jesus Christ is my savior.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



Supporters who are bigots

Who are the bigots?  People asking about the chosen one's background and associations?

Meanwhile we can grill war veteran Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin till the meat falls off the bone.
Fair and ballanced ::)

I've flat out heard people say they're not voting for Obama because he's black. There's bad apples that spoil the bunch on both sides.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteExactly which McCain supporters are running around trashing people's private property because theres a bumper sticker they don't agree with?  Answer:  NONE!  That gives their campaign a check mark in the "Pro" column for me.

you can't honestly believe that.

here's a few:

it happens in both camps. you're an asshole if you behave like that and it doesn't matter if you support McCain or Obama.


In all the faux (and Fox) outrage......

Let's not forget Nancy Takehara.

Who's Nancy Takehara you ask? Not surprising, it's not like she's a 20-something McCain campaigner with mental issues.

No, Ms. Takehara is the 58-year old campaigner for Sen. Barack Obama's campaign that WAS attacked for real last weekend.

Her attacker was 71-year old Ronald Goetsch. While going door-to-door campaigning, Ms. Takehara went to Mr. Goetsch's door. Mr. Goetsch is a McCain supporter and contributor.


   "The next thing I know he's telling us we're not his people, we're probably with ACORN, and he started screaming and raving," Takehara said. "He grabbed me by the back of the neck. I thought he was going to rip my hair out of my head. He was pounding on my head and screaming. The man terrified me."

Mr. Goetsch later admitted to the incident.

Let me repeat that, Nancy Takehara's attacker, Ronald Goetsch, **ADMITTED** he attacked her

And to give Mr. Goetsch credit, quote:

   "Ronald Goetsch said he will take responsibility for his actions and will wait to see how the matter plays out in the legal system. He indicated he feels regret over what happened.

   "He is not happy with what happened. It is what it is," Karen Goetsch said."

So, do you think the supposed "feminists" at The Confluence, PUMA PAC, etc., will decry this example of violence against women? Or will they cackle that an "Obot" or "Cultist" got what was coming to her??

What do you think their response would be?

Silence so far. Lines and lines of pity and sympathy for someone who lied about being attacked when she wasn't - and nothing at all for someone who was actually attacked.

Yet another crazy McCain supporter.  I can't believe you would want to be associated with these people.  ::)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Suppose a murderer wants to vote for Obama and a hypocritical preacher wants to vote for McCain. Does voting for either automatically associate you with one of these people? Absolutely not.

If I were old enough, I'd vote for Obama. But if you support McCain, I fully respect that if it's part of your ideology.
In another time, in another place, in another face