Elimination of two-party system

Started by The_DARK, Oct 27, 2008, 08:01 PM

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Is it possible? I think so. The amount of sloganeering on each end of the polical spectrum is just getting ridiculous. Personally, I don't think that anyone can truly pidgeonhole their beliefs into Democratic and Republican parties. A politician simply appealing to one's party ideals is no worse than that corporate climber who sucks up to his boss. And, with the information age in full swing, I don't see a need for us to make our choices based on an old system that is meant for an age when we couldn't know everything that our candidates support on demand.

Do you agree? Or do you think that it is bound to be replaced by an even worse system?
In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteIs it possible? I think so. The amount of sloganeering on each end of the polical spectrum is just getting ridiculous. Personally, I don't think that anyone can truly pidgeonhole their beliefs into Democratic and Republican parties. A politician simply appealing to one's party ideals is no worse than that corporate climber who sucks up to his boss. And, with the information age in full swing, I don't see a need for us to make our choices based on an old system that is meant for an age when we couldn't know everything that our candidates support on demand.

Do you agree? Or do you think that it is bound to be replaced by an even worse system?

Just the two party system? Do you think the Constitution should be kept or replaced?
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


QuoteIs it possible? I think so. The amount of sloganeering on each end of the polical spectrum is just getting ridiculous. Personally, I don't think that anyone can truly pidgeonhole their beliefs into Democratic and Republican parties. A politician simply appealing to one's party ideals is no worse than that corporate climber who sucks up to his boss. And, with the information age in full swing, I don't see a need for us to make our choices based on an old system that is meant for an age when we couldn't know everything that our candidates support on demand.

Do you agree? Or do you think that it is bound to be replaced by an even worse system?

Just the two party system? Do you think the Constitution should be kept or replaced?

Kept. Nowhere in the Constitution is anything about a two-party system mentioned.
In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteIs it possible? I think so. The amount of sloganeering on each end of the polical spectrum is just getting ridiculous. Personally, I don't think that anyone can truly pidgeonhole their beliefs into Democratic and Republican parties. A politician simply appealing to one's party ideals is no worse than that corporate climber who sucks up to his boss. And, with the information age in full swing, I don't see a need for us to make our choices based on an old system that is meant for an age when we couldn't know everything that our candidates support on demand.

Do you agree? Or do you think that it is bound to be replaced by an even worse system?

Just the two party system? Do you think the Constitution should be kept or replaced?

Kept. Nowhere in the Constitution is anything about a two-party system mentioned.

That could be the most intelligent post of the day.  :)
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


QuoteIs it possible? I think so. The amount of sloganeering on each end of the polical spectrum is just getting ridiculous. Personally, I don't think that anyone can truly pidgeonhole their beliefs into Democratic and Republican parties. A politician simply appealing to one's party ideals is no worse than that corporate climber who sucks up to his boss. And, with the information age in full swing, I don't see a need for us to make our choices based on an old system that is meant for an age when we couldn't know everything that our candidates support on demand.

Do you agree? Or do you think that it is bound to be replaced by an even worse system?

Just the two party system? Do you think the Constitution should be kept or replaced?

Kept. Nowhere in the Constitution is anything about a two-party system mentioned.

That could be the most intelligent post of the day.  :)

Well, besides this one:

"A team of researchers from the University of Calgary and the Tokyo Institute of Technology proudly announced in February that they had successfully stored "nothing" inside a puff of gas and then had managed to retrieve that same "nothing." That "nothing," is called a "squeezed vacuum," and the physicists tell us that a light wave can be manipulated so that its phases are of uncertain amplitude, then the light itself removed so that only the "uncertainty" property of the wave remains."
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


QuoteIs it possible? I think so. The amount of sloganeering on each end of the polical spectrum is just getting ridiculous. Personally, I don't think that anyone can truly pidgeonhole their beliefs into Democratic and Republican parties. A politician simply appealing to one's party ideals is no worse than that corporate climber who sucks up to his boss. And, with the information age in full swing, I don't see a need for us to make our choices based on an old system that is meant for an age when we couldn't know everything that our candidates support on demand.

Do you agree? Or do you think that it is bound to be replaced by an even worse system?

Just the two party system? Do you think the Constitution should be kept or replaced?

Kept. Nowhere in the Constitution is anything about a two-party system mentioned.

That could be the most intelligent post of the day.  :)

Well, besides this one:

"A team of researchers from the University of Calgary and the Tokyo Institute of Technology proudly announced in February that they had successfully stored "nothing" inside a puff of gas and then had managed to retrieve that same "nothing." That "nothing," is called a "squeezed vacuum," and the physicists tell us that a light wave can be manipulated so that its phases are of uncertain amplitude, then the light itself removed so that only the "uncertainty" property of the wave remains."

Yikes, you're talking to someone who's having a hard time getting through high school physics and then you drop that on me... :-/

In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteIs it possible? I think so. The amount of sloganeering on each end of the polical spectrum is just getting ridiculous. Personally, I don't think that anyone can truly pidgeonhole their beliefs into Democratic and Republican parties. A politician simply appealing to one's party ideals is no worse than that corporate climber who sucks up to his boss. And, with the information age in full swing, I don't see a need for us to make our choices based on an old system that is meant for an age when we couldn't know everything that our candidates support on demand.

Do you agree? Or do you think that it is bound to be replaced by an even worse system?

Just the two party system? Do you think the Constitution should be kept or replaced?

Kept. Nowhere in the Constitution is anything about a two-party system mentioned.

That could be the most intelligent post of the day.  :)

Well, besides this one:

"A team of researchers from the University of Calgary and the Tokyo Institute of Technology proudly announced in February that they had successfully stored "nothing" inside a puff of gas and then had managed to retrieve that same "nothing." That "nothing," is called a "squeezed vacuum," and the physicists tell us that a light wave can be manipulated so that its phases are of uncertain amplitude, then the light itself removed so that only the "uncertainty" property of the wave remains."

That's actually really fucking incredible. Reminds me of when I was trying to understand the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and it was just blowing my mind that the mere observation of an electron's location defined off its location. Unobserved, the electron does not have a defined location, it exists in all possible locations at once. Observation of its location determines a location for the time observed. Or something like that.

Or the fact that electrons exist in certain areas of the cloud, almost like nodes, for each element, and they can exist in these different places, and transfer between these different places, but they never exist between them. They "jump" from place to place with no in-between.

No wonder Schoenberg though he needed to have a go at electron theory with his cat. Set up a thought experiment where a cat was hooked up in a room with a Geiger counter and an element that had the potential to go radioactive in such a way that the Geiger counter would read it and, if it did indeed go radioactive, would release a poison that would kill the cat. Thing is, there would be no way of knowing the result of this experiment without observing the cat. So, while unobserved, the cat's existence is completely reliant on the state of this unstable electron, which, unless we observe, exists in all possible locations at once. This opens the door to posit that, if the cat's existence is based on an electron that exists in all states at once until observed, the cat then must exist in all possible states that would result of the electron at once also, thus being not alive OR dead, but both alive AND dead until observed in this chamber. Enter the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and the pondering of quantum suicide and we've got ourselves some serious brain puzzles!

Eat your heart out, Dylan.

Yeah and let's get a third party in here.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


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easy way

QuoteIs it possible? I think so. The amount of sloganeering on each end of the polical spectrum is just getting ridiculous. Personally, I don't think that anyone can truly pidgeonhole their beliefs into Democratic and Republican parties. A politician simply appealing to one's party ideals is no worse than that corporate climber who sucks up to his boss. And, with the information age in full swing, I don't see a need for us to make our choices based on an old system that is meant for an age when we couldn't know everything that our candidates support on demand.

Do you agree? Or do you think that it is bound to be replaced by an even worse system?

Just the two party system? Do you think the Constitution should be kept or replaced?

Kept. Nowhere in the Constitution is anything about a two-party system mentioned.

That could be the most intelligent post of the day.  :)

Well, besides this one:

"A team of researchers from the University of Calgary and the Tokyo Institute of Technology proudly announced in February that they had successfully stored "nothing" inside a puff of gas and then had managed to retrieve that same "nothing." That "nothing," is called a "squeezed vacuum," and the physicists tell us that a light wave can be manipulated so that its phases are of uncertain amplitude, then the light itself removed so that only the "uncertainty" property of the wave remains."

Amazing...that's what I'm talkin' about! 3rd party light samurai.
"the time is with the month of winter solstice, when the change is due to come..."


we don't need a 3rd party, we need a 4th party...