Guests vs Users

Started by tdb810, Oct 11, 2012, 10:15 AM

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Anyone ever notice that there are typically more guests online, than users?  What's up with that?  To those guests lurking out there, I encourage you to join us, we are a friendly group!  :thumbsup:
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At shows, I definitely meet more "lurkers" than registered members, so the numbers don't surprise me. 

Like Trish, I encourage all to register (its FREE!) and join in with the conversation, at least once in a while.

We haven't recovered from the loss of some old timers during the April site change, but this is still a vibrant, friendly community with great taste in music, movies, politics, redheads, books, and food.  Also, a few provocateurs show up to keep it interesting.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


(see J-Yacs signature)

Also, maybe Tracy is too intimidating...
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...