Gold Rush: Dems launch Operation Rushbo

Started by ycartrob, Mar 04, 2009, 11:21 AM

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this is pretty genius

and I love this quote: The bigger, the better, agreed Democrat James Carville. "It's great for us, great for him, great for the press," he said of Limbaugh. "The only people he's not good for are the actual Republicans in Congress."


Limbaugh is amazing in his hypocrisy - if McCain were elected and proposing a similar stimulus, Limbaugh would be praising it wholeheartedly. He is actively advocating the failure of the president, which would therefore directly lead to more bad times for the country. Limbaugh and his dittoheads are by definition patently unpatriotic - only rooting for the success of their own party, and not the entire population.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


He is getting played like a rookie, I thought he was smarter than that  ;)...  he IS  the Hero of conservatism and the republican party right now until some congressional right wingers grow some balls and decide that he is killing there chances 2010.

Say it with me ya'll  RUSH RUSH RUSH RUSH RUSH...keep it up champ, your doing fantastic.

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


This will never work because the people who actually listen to Rush are far too intelligent to be duped by this--they know Rush is there to expose all that is wrong (or in some cases right) with government and/or current events.  As far listeners and he being unpatriotic--not really you should try actually listening sometime (without prejudice).  And NO he would not be praising any stimulus package even close to this as it is patently Un-American with all the socialist agendas being served by it--do you really want a National Health Review board deciding if your elderly parents are "worth" a particular treatment plan?  Plus this porkulus plan is set to create 250,000 new government jobs!  Just what we don't need now.  But hta's the way liberals work they want you to think they're soooo caring and compassionate in all their programs they create to benefit those who chose not to pull themselves out of their own stupor--efectively creating a whole new population dependent on Uncle Sam's tit instead of becoming valuable contributors to society.  
Counting the days to implosion of this course of action....maybe I can get my own stimulus!  :P
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Tater, I watched that video and your avatar of Will Ferrell at the same time.... pretty dang amazing how they compliment each other! Thanks for the laugh!


Counting the days to implosion of this course of action....

Obama is trying to correct Bush's implosion; your man had 8 years and got us into this mess, you should support someone else trying a different route to get us out. I hope it works.


QuoteTater, I watched that video and your avatar of Will Ferrell at the same time.... pretty dang amazing how they compliment each other! Thanks for the laugh!

Hah,  I didn't even notice that,  I think Will Farrell took the cowbell off from around Rush's neck  :D.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


QuoteThis will never work because the people who actually listen to Rush are far too intelligent to be duped by this--they know Rush is there to expose all that is wrong (or in some cases right) with government and/or current events.  As far listeners and he being unpatriotic--not really you should try actually listening sometime (without prejudice).  And NO he would not be praising any stimulus package even close to this as it is patently Un-American with all the socialist agendas being served by it--do you really want a National Health Review board deciding if your elderly parents are "worth" a particular treatment plan?  Plus this porkulus plan is set to create 250,000 new government jobs!  Just what we don't need now.  But hta's the way liberals work they want you to think they're soooo caring and compassionate in all their programs they create to benefit those who chose not to pull themselves out of their own stupor--efectively creating a whole new population dependent on Uncle Sam's tit instead of becoming valuable contributors to society.  
Counting the days to implosion of this course of action....maybe I can get my own stimulus!  :P

The real question is... do the Congressional Republicans listen to him ?  I think it's water over the damn now on them being duped.
It's just a matter of time before he goes back to old habits to ease his pain  ;).

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


I have listened to Rush, and this is what I've heard: "Republicans good, everybody else bad, no matter what their ideas are." If a Democrat or non-Republican proposes a course of action, it is automatically discredited regardless of the policy or intended effect. I am wrong to doubt the patriotism of Rush and his supporters, but it just seems to me that it is un-American to actively hope for the president's failure just so you can say "see, I was right!" You can say that there were plenty of people who did just that when Bush was in office, and you'd be right, and I disagree with those people too. There are several things I disagree with Obama's plan too (specifically increasing the Pentagon's budget), but that does not cause me to hope for the failure of the entire plan.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Where, I wonder, was Rush and his following when this was happening?  Was he hoping for failure as we poured money down the drain and expanded the government?

"Since 2001, even with record low inflation, U.S. federal spending has increased by a massive 28.8% (19.7% in real dollars)—with non-defense discretionary growth of 35.7% (25.3% in real dollars)—the highest rate of federal government growth since the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson. This increase has resulted in the largest budget deficits in U.S. history, an estimated $520 billion in fiscal year 2004 alone. Furthermore, the projected spending for 2005 is a conservative estimate, since it doesn't include at least $50 billion for the 2005 cost of the Iraq occupation."

What makes this whole Steele/Limbaugh flap truly entertaining is that it shows just how wrong-headed the Repub. party is.  Carville was right, the only people Rush is hurting are the real Republicans -- who if they had half a clue would form a party that actually stands for something other than empty rhetoric.  Socialism -- seriously people, get a grip.


QuoteTater, I watched that video and your avatar of Will Ferrell at the same time.... pretty dang amazing how they compliment each other! Thanks for the laugh!

Thought the same thing.. Pretty amusing..