The Ride To Conquer Cancer

Started by Love_Dog, May 05, 2009, 01:13 PM

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Love Dogg

I hope that I haven't crossed any lines here by posting this thread.  I love this place too much to be hit with some sort of solicitation issue.

However this cancer bullshit is a very serious issue that effects more and more people each day.  Whether you are diagnosed, or your loved ones are.

My friend, Tiffanny is part of a group of people who are going to ride their bicycles from Louisville to Lexington and back (75 miles each way)!  I know, I don't think she knows what she's getting into either.  However, she is very passionate about this and is very determined to do it...and I believe she will.  Just to be clear, she does not have cancer, but she has been affected by it greatly (her story is online).

It is a fund raiser, and that is why I'm posting this here.  I'm not expecting anyone to donate, but if someone on here so happens to have the extra, or knows someone who does, and wanted to give it to a good cause, and a good place, they maybe would have never known about this if I hadn't posted.  I just figured more people would know if I came to you good people.


PS-here's the link:

"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


More then happy to help. Hey if I can do it for Chicago, more then happy to help a fellow Jacketeer out for a good cause.