
Started by randallmc, May 27, 2009, 04:56 PM

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What question has perplexed you recently? Have you ever wondered why or why not something is? What do we take for granted and never ask why? Please submit in the form of a question. You may even answer the imponderable with a question. Here is my first one:

Why doesn't Jack Black do a duet with Jack White?
Ride the music wave and wipe out really good!


Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that even he couldn't eat it?
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive

Penny Lane

refundable tax credits, what's with THOSE?
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Parking on Driveways...Driving on Parkways
You Are Everything


Would Karl Marx be happy with the eventual progression of Communism?

Has Alexander Hamilton's warnings in Federalist 1 come true? Are we doomed to either a Monarchy or modest Aristocracy? Will we allow ourselves to be micromanaged under the pretense of safety?

Do we live in a truly free society if there is a 75% chance that the beer you're drinking comes from one corporation? What kind of choice is that?

If the human mind if finite, how the hell did we come up with infinity?

And where is our meaningful effort put into space exploration?

Why is someone with a joint considered evil in the eyes of the law?
I'm surrounded by assholes