Big brother is......vaccinating you!

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Sep 25, 2009, 11:22 AM

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Kind of unnerving--

Police and Military Train To Intern Swine Flu Vaccine Refusniks
Filed Under Pandemic, Population Control, Vaccines
Paul Joseph Watson

Law enforcement and military personnel are training to set up checkpoints in order to catch people who refuse to take the swine flu vaccination according to whistle blowers, while health authorities are laying the groundwork for a mass vaccination campaign by warning that serious and potentially deadly health problems will be blamed on the H1N1 vaccine.
In a You Tube video, a woman describing herself as a soldier explains how she was part of a drill in California centered around setting up roadblocks and checkpoints so authorities could check who has received the swine flu vaccine. Those who have had the shots will be fitted with an RFID bracelet so they can be tracked. Those who have not taken the shot will be offered it there and then and if they still refuse, will be carted off to an internment camp, according to the woman.
This individual needs to go public with her full name and position because she will already be known to authorities. By remaining anonymous to the public only, her testimony can be dismissed as just someone ranting on You Tube. However, her statements about tracking people who have taken the vaccine via RFID bracelets is something that has already been beta tested by health authorities.
Former Kansas state trooper Greg Evensen underscored this claim back in July. "Have you been made aware of the massive roadblock plans to stop all travelers for a vaccine bracelet (stainless steel band with a micro-chip on board) that will force you to take the shot?" Evensen wrote on July 29. "Refuse it? You will be placed on a prison bus and taken to a quarantine camp. What will you do when your children are NOT allowed into school without the shot? What will you do when you are not allowed into the workplace without the vaccine paperwork? Buy groceries? Go to the bank? Shop anywhere?? Get on a plane, bus or train? Use the toilet in the mall? Nope. Police officers will become loathed, feared, despised and remembered for their 'official' duties."
Authorities in Boston have already trialed such technology, with the purpose of creating a "vaccination map" charting which people have taken the vaccine and which have not, or "creating a citywide registry of everyone who has had a flu vaccination," as a Boston Globe article describes.
Participants were given a bracelet with a unique identifier code, exactly as described in the You Tube clip.
"Infectious disease specialists in Boston and elsewhere predicted that the registry approach could prove even more useful if something more sinister strikes: a bioterrorism attack or the long-feared arrival of a global flu epidemic. In such crises, the registry could be used to track who received a special vaccine or antidote to a deadly germ," according to the article.
"Anything you can do to better pinpoint who's vaccinated and who's not, that's absolutely vital," said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy at the University of Minnesota. "I wish more cities were doing this kind of thing."
While governments have publicly backed away from talk of mandatory mass vaccination programs, their actions behind closed doors indicate that they are preparing for a state of medical martial law.
An international swine fu conference held recently in Washington DC and attended by the world's top health authorities featured workshops on enforced quarantines, mass vaccinations, and how to "control and diffuse social unrest and public disorder." Individuals who attempted to gain access to the conference representing the media  were turned away by officials at the conference.
As we reported earlier this month, a shocking internal document outlines the French government's plan to impose a mass swine flu vaccination program on the entire population which would be focused around regional vaccination centers and would be carried out by H1N1 injection teams, completely bypassing medical establishments and GP's.
Legislation has also been passed in the U.S. that would allow state vaccine teams to go door to door to conduction immunization "interventions" and look for people who have not taken the shot.
It is unclear how authorities plan to enforce any such mandatory vaccination campaign, especially in light of anecdotal evidence suggesting that a large majority of the public will refuse to take the shots. Polls taken in the UK indicate that a majority of nurses and other health workers, the primary targets for the first round of vaccinations, will refuse to be vaccinated.
It is likely that threats, intimidation and removal of rights and conveniences will force most holdouts to take the shot. Once governments start imposing quarantines and travel bans on people for not taking the shot, a sizeable number are likely to acquiesce.
Since the dangerous ingredients that will be included in the H1N1 shots became known to the public, opposition to proposed mass vaccination programs has snowballed.
As we have previously documented, the swine flu vaccine was rushed through safety procedures while governments have provided pharmaceutical companies with blanket immunity from lawsuits arriving out of the vaccine causing deaths and injuries.
It was previously revealed that some batches of the vaccine will contain mercury, a toxin linked with autism and neurological disorders. The vaccine will also contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.
It was also recently reported that the UK government sent a confidential letter to senior neurologists telling them to be on the alert for cases of a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine. The CDC in America replicated this warning weeks later.
As a result of the dangers of the vaccine becoming widely known, authorities are moving to get out ahead of the story by acknowledging that millions of health problems in the aftermath of a vaccination campaign will be blamed on the vaccine, citing the 1976 swine flu debacle when the shot proved far deadlier than the actual virus.
Reuters reports that public health officials, "Expect an avalanche of so-called adverse event reports, which are reports of death, illness or other health trauma that occur within two weeks after receiving treatment — in this case, the swine flu vaccine," in reaction to an estimated "one million heart attacks, 700,000 strokes and 900,000 miscarriages."
"We are going to be overwhelmed with potential events," said Mike Osterholm, a public health expert at the University of Minnesota.
By coming out early and claiming that these problems would have occurred without the swine flu vaccine anyway, authorities are creating plausible deniability for when side-effects from the shot begin to appear.
A number of factors now indicate that authorities in both America and Europe are not only preparing mass vaccination programs, but are also training law enforcement and military assets on how to deal with those who refuse to take the shot. Given the fact that around 150 million Americans own guns and would be prepared to use them to defend their families against police and troops forcibly jabbing needles into them, it seems unlikely that health authorities in the U.S. will go down this route. However, by implementing travel bans, school bans and other forms of general quarantine, a good number of those refusniks may eventually be intimidated into taking the dangerous shot.
But a good number of them will stand firm – and that's probably where the internment camps and martial law will come into play.
Only by diffusing the rampant hype behind the relatively harmless swine flu virus and re-affirming our right to reject enforced medical procedures conducted against our will under the Nuremberg code will the swine flu hoax, which is being used by governments as a smokescreen to accelerate and implement the police state, be defeated.

Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Even the deepest, most conspiracy-prone part of my mind refuses to believe this as true.
I'm surrounded by assholes


What is it like to live in a constant state of fear?
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


QuoteWhat is it like to live in a constant state of fear?


I mean, there are always going to be extreme statements coming from both sides of the fence.  Logically, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, wouldn't you think?
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Of course, these sorts of shenanigans would never happen if McCain had been elected...
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Ahhh yes, Paul Joseph Watson.  His genius is unparalleled, often drawing comparisons to the likes of Chomsky.  Yes, the one and only Paul Joseph Watson.

Preach on brotha
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


QuoteEven the deepest, most conspiracy-prone part of my mind refuses to believe this as true.

For your mind to chew on:

Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


the vaccine in the 70's killed and paralyzed people.... i guess they'll have to lock me up! 8-)