The NFL Thread 2009

Started by capt._headdy, Mar 20, 2009, 01:29 AM

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bear sin rug

I didnt consider the bungals win impressive because they won that game due to a ball doinking off a helmet, and somehow no safety was behind in coverage to prevent Stokley from going 80 yards after that.

A Steelers fan who doesn't understand the relevance and impressivness of a ball doinking off another player for a game winning score..... you should hang your head in shame. Shame on you!


Bear Sin Rug, you know your shit brother!

well, I'm raising hell now while the Broncos are 5-0 (before they fold  ;) )
It's a bad idea


Remember when I said that the Jets looked like the real deal? That may have changed a bit after last night. The Dolphins played a helluva game. Henne looked damn good against their defense. Made some really solid throws that most rookies would have botched.

Sanchez looked good though. He can't be blamed for that loss. Their defense just didn't help out the offense at all.

capt. scotty

I didnt consider the bungals win impressive because they won that game due to a ball doinking off a helmet, and somehow no safety was behind in coverage to prevent Stokley from going 80 yards after that.

A Steelers fan who doesn't understand the relevance and impressivness of a ball doinking off another player for a game winning score..... you should hang your head in shame. Shame on you!

Call either impressive if you want, but IMO theyre not much more than pure luck

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty


cant wait for week 7  [smiley= gameface.gif]
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

bear sin rug

I didnt consider the bungals win impressive because they won that game due to a ball doinking off a helmet, and somehow no safety was behind in coverage to prevent Stokley from going 80 yards after that.

A Steelers fan who doesn't understand the relevance and impressivness of a ball doinking off another player for a game winning score..... you should hang your head in shame. Shame on you!

Call either impressive if you want, but IMO theyre not much more than pure luck

Wow, say it ain't so! I guess these are just towels?  :-/   The magic is gone...

It's a bad idea

capt. scotty

I didnt consider the bungals win impressive because they won that game due to a ball doinking off a helmet, and somehow no safety was behind in coverage to prevent Stokley from going 80 yards after that.

A Steelers fan who doesn't understand the relevance and impressivness of a ball doinking off another player for a game winning score..... you should hang your head in shame. Shame on you!

Call either impressive if you want, but IMO theyre not much more than pure luck

Wow, say it ain't so! I guess these are just towels?  :-/   The magic is gone...

Oh, the magic is still alive in The Terrible Towel.

Aint that right, Corey? Your Titans haven't won a game ever since Lendale and Bullock stomped on The Towel last season :D
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


I have no rebuttal. I don't know what their fucking problem is this year. The secondary is shit. The D line is mostly shit as well.

We had a few of the losses in the bag, but managed to fuck them up due to shitty defense and/or special teams play. Mouton dropped 2 punts (or maybe one was a kickoff) that the Jets recovered and then scored on both of the following possessions. Had he not dropped those, the game was ours.
I can't think of specifics on the other games, but there were at least 2 more games that we should have won.

I've been following a few other teams as well, but I'm not holding out hope for any of them.  


QuoteGiants 28 Oakland 0   it's halftime...are you kidding me ;D

>:( Don't get me started...fuckin' Raiders. How can they find new depths, new ways to dissapoint me every year? Jamarcus Russell is an absolute joke. He's not even a capable backup!

My dad is a raiders fan- he cheers for the vikings this year... al davis needs to get out of the organization and the team needs to be completely rebuilt... they have had enough losing seasons- one more rebuilding/fresh start shouldn't be too much to ask

they need more like an expansion draft as opposed to a year of rebuilding  ;D

sorry bbill. i never understood why jamarcus was considered an elite pick in the first place. i guess because he could toss a ball over the golden gate bridge

Russell was a #1 pick because Al Davis is obsessed with the vertical passing game. That's why they drafted Heyward-Bey too. Those two clowns wouldn't have been picked so high by any other team. Old Al loves that shit though, he eats it up. Fuckin' retard.  

Dude, AMC, when you say that Al Davis "needs to get out of the organization", that means that he needs to die. I say the same kind of stuff, like "well, once Al steps down" or "once Skeletor leaves", but they all mean the same thing...Al Davis has too big of an ego to ever concede control of his team while he's still alive. He'll die in that luxury box. He's so obsessed with his legacy that he won't step down until he wills his team back into a winner, and he's going to die before that happens, so he'll be there until the end.

So yeah. He needs to get out of the organization.

hahah bbill!

You caught me... by "get out of the organization" I sure did mean, "get out of living"  ;D
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


QuoteRemember when I said that the Jets looked like the real deal? That may have changed a bit after last night. The Dolphins played a helluva game. Henne looked damn good against their defense. Made some really solid throws that most rookies would have botched.

Sanchez looked good though. He can't be blamed for that loss. Their defense just didn't help out the offense at all.

Being a Miami fan that lives in NJ- we don't get to see many Phins games- so when I do get to watch a game I get extremely nervous... the fact that the 4th quarter went the way it did- I was a wreck... I thought I was going to pass out.

I'm so happy they won, and the offense played as well as they did- it gives me so much hope!
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side

Markus E. Realeus

No one, and I mean no one, had the Broncos picked to win more than 7 or 8 games this year, and yet here they are, undefeated at 5-0.
Sure, they got lucky in that first game against Cinci, but hey, anyone looking for evidence that God is in fact a Broncos fan can now rest easy. God loves you. But He really loves the Broncos.
People will say they aren't in the same class as the elite clubs in the AFC.
All I know is the Broncos haven't started 5-0 since '98, and they happened to win the Superbowl that year. If history is any indication, I see great things on the horizon for this team.
Sure, the Broncos are going to lose some games this year, and I fully expect everyone to write them off after they do.
If they win this Monday night against the Chargers, I predict they will end up winning the division. If they lose, its still a coin toss.
The Broncos are going to be dangerous.
They could become the  team nobody wants to play in the AFC come January.
"I have spent my life, seeking all that's still unsung."-Hunter

Markus E. Realeus


I think the Broncos may just be the team nobody wants to play RIGHT NOW
"I have spent my life, seeking all that's still unsung."-Hunter

bear sin rug


I think the Broncos may just be the team nobody wants to play RIGHT NOW

Obviously one of  the worst [size=24]6-0[/size] teams in NFL history!
It's a bad idea

Markus E. Realeus

lol- That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard anyone say about a football team. Is that all ya got, or would you like to make an actual point with, like, facts and stuff?
"I have spent my life, seeking all that's still unsung."-Hunter

bear sin rug

Quotelol- That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard anyone say about a football team. Is that all ya got, or would you like to make an actual point with, like, facts and stuff?

Catch up on the thread (start on pg 22)
It's a bad idea

capt. scotty

Stillers got Minnesota this week, than your Broncs after the bye...interested to see how this pans out.

Good to see LT finally do something!
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

bear sin rug

QuoteStillers got Minnesota this week, than your Broncs after the bye...interested to see how this pans out.

The Bronco D looked great last night late in the game. I'm still cringing for the possible losing streak.

This is shaping up to be a fun NFL season! (Unless you're a titan fan  :-/)
It's a bad idea

Markus E. Realeus

oh- lol- seems I may have been getting a bit too defensive there Bear... all apologies, didn't realize you were a fellow traveler.

Broncos looked great last night, especially late in the game. The D has yet to allow a single 4th quarter touchdown, and I see the offense improving each week. I haven't felt this excited about the team in a long, long time!

Dumerville is a beast, and I love the schemes Mike Nolan is bringing w/ this 3-4 Defense.
And McD- what can I say?
I was less than pleased with his off-season moves, but as it turns out, he seems to know a lot more about football than we do. Go figure.

"I have spent my life, seeking all that's still unsung."-Hunter


Quotelol- That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard anyone say about a football team. Is that all ya got, or would you like to make an actual point with, like, facts and stuff?

Ya know, even if a non-Broncos fan said that, no need to freak out.  That has been said since the beginning of sports and I'd venture that many of us are guilty of similar phrasing.  I know I am.

I respect this Broncos team a lot being a Orton fan.  Would it be wrong to say that the Bears would have beaten the Colts in the Super Bowl had Orton started.

I think the win to hang your hat on is the NE one.  Yes, the Cinci win was a fluke and I'm not sure what the clownin Dallas secondary was doing letting BM prance into the endzone.  Beating a banged up and highly overrated Chargers team with 2 kick returns does not represent a dominant team.

So, I also believe that the Broncos are one of the worst 6-0 teams I've ever seen but they do seem to be getting better which is the big thing.

In the NFL, their are teams that you KNOW are good, then those like the Titans from last year who were good, but not 13-3 good.  

Dumervil has been very kind to my fantasy team this year and I thank him.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Dear Kurt Schottenheimer,

As a dedicated NY Jets fan, I would like to bring into question your playcalling regarding our recent defeat at the hands of the Buffalo Bills at our home stadium.  As you may recall, the winds were howling at Meadowlands.  If I may point to our RBs' performances, I believe Thomas Jones and Leon Washington ran for 300 yards at around a 10 ypc clip.  Yet, you chose to let our rookie QB throw 5 INTs when the Bills displayed no ability to stop the run.  A friendly response kindly articulating your reasoning for the atrocious playcalling would be greatly appreciated.


Disappointed Jets Fan
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

capt. scotty

Dumerville is a beast, and I love the schemes Mike Nolan is bringing w/ this 3-4 Defense.
And McD- what can I say?
I was less than pleased with his off-season moves, but as it turns out, he seems to know a lot more about football than we do. Go figure.

Size is overrated. Not sure why so many teams overlooked Dumervil strictly because he is undersized. I didnt realize that the Donkeys are playing the 3-4 D though. That makes his sack numbers at DE even more impressive (unless they have him playing OLB or some hybrid type thing like Suggs or Adalius Thomas, which wouldnt surprise me at all).

Its never good to trade your young, pro bowl caliber, franchise QB (and Cutler is having a pretty damn good year with below average pass options IMO), but even before the season started I thought Denver couldnt do any better than what they got. Orton, 2 1st round picks - and I think maybe a 3rd and a 5th?! You cant ask for much more than that. Of course, for Denver to win that trade a couple of those picks need to turn out to be career starters, but they certainly have that chance to win on the trade
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons