I Will Sing You Songs

Started by aMillionDreams, Aug 03, 2005, 10:45 AM

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and now adding color, a group of anonymous latin-
american meat packing glitterati

did they expect us to treat them with any respect?

they can polish their medals and sharpen their smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for a while

boom boom

bang bang

lie down you're dead
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


i don't remember if i already posted these, but i'm really diggin' it right now.

I got home this morning with the sun right in my eyes
And there was no warning as it took me by surprise as it
Hit me like an Act of God, causing my alarm
That I had now become a cephalopod
I still had legs and arms
Still had legs and arms

Today was supposed to be the day
Molecules decide to change their form
Laws of physics lose their sway
Youthful indiscretion now is suddenly the norm
With the good kids sprouting horns, yeah yeah
And today was supposed to be

Not just another day
Today was supposed to be
Not just another day
It was supposed to be, today was supposed to be
And today

Those who can't quite function in society at large
They've got to wake up on this morning to find that they're in charge
But those the world's set up for, who are really doing quite well
They're going to wake up in institutions
In prison or in hell
Prison or in hell

Today was supposed to be the day
Molecules decide to change their form
Laws of physics lose their sway
Youthful indiscretion now is suddenly the norm
With the good kids sprouting horns, yeah yeah
And today was supposed to be

Not just another day
Today was supposed to be
Not just another day
Today was supposed to be
Not just another day
Toady was supposed to be
Not just another day
It was supposed to be, today was supposed to be
And today

But if you think there's something else
Well you're right, there is
There's something else
But if you think I'm gonna tell you, think again
Why should I even think of telling you what there is
Yeah, 'cause silence is knowledge
And knowledge is power
I'm under explicit orders to dare not speak its name
Listen up, I just work here
Oh I dare not speak its name
I can't keep talking about it
Oh, I dare not speak its name


I once was open
And one with a travelling heart
I loved this sweet guy

Just like the fiction
Rushing in your riverbed
Arise like applause in my head

And in the half-light
Where we both stand
This is the half-light
See me as I am

Just like the ocean
Always in love with the moon
It's overflowing now
Inside you

We fly right over
The minds of so many in pain
We are the smile of light that brings them rain

In the half light
Where we both stand
In the half light
You saw me as I am

I am a railroad track abandoned
With the sunset
I ever happened
That I ever happened.


Everybody wants you to be special
And everybody wants you to be high
They throw you down a rope when you're in trouble, baby
Screamin', "Save me"
Then they charge you with the rescue blues

And everybody wants to see you suffer
They know that you need the pain so much
They throw you up a rope when you're too high
To cruise, baby
Lord, you lose lady
Then they charge you with the rescue blues

And everybody wants to see you fall
That's why they always love to get you high
And everybody knows you need the pain so much, lady
Well, keep in touch, baby
Just don't charge me with your rescue blues

Mmm....man, I've been on a real ryan adams stint lately.


Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Words: Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - A King at Night

there is grime on my face
there is crust in my eye
there is no one in this place
but no one said goodbye
this is how i start another day in my kingdom

there is hate in my heart
this is how my day starts
there is blood in my hands
from the murder of a man
this is how i start another day in my kingdom
this is how i start another day in my kingdom

and where is my queen
shes as gone as can be
she was a fine lookin lady
and she liked to go down on me
and i liked to go down on her too
in indya theres the taj
on good times there was rog
and here look and see
all there is is me
this is how i start another day in my kingdom
this is how i start another day in my kingdom

there are good times to be had
only insanes really bad
the lord and i agree
its not too off to be what we are
as long as were royalty
you fuck and whats to do (you fuck!)
its not your kingdom too
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


I loose some sales and my boss won't be happy
But I can't stop listening to the sound
Of two soft voices mended in perfection
From the reels of this record that I found
Everyday there's a boy in the mirror
Asking me what are you doing here
Finding all my previous motives
Growing increasingly unclear

I've travelled far and I've burned all the bridges
I believed as soon as I hit land
All the other options held before me
Will wither in the light of my plan
So I loose some sales and my boss won't be happy
But there's only one thing on my mind
Searching boxes underneath the counter
On a chance that on a tape I'd find
A song for
Someone who needs somewhere
To long for

Cause I no longer know
What home is


QuoteBonnie 'Prince' Billy - A King at Night

you fuck and whats to do (you fuck!)
its not your kingdom too


I'm glad you're into the Ease Down The Road record.
It's just a grand dark feeling of emptiness.


i loooooooooove bonnie prince billy...


Here's a song that's been on my mind with midterm elections approaching tomorrow...

You left them swimming for their lives
Down in new orleans
Can't afford a gallon of gasoline
With your useless degrees and contrary statistics
This government business is straight up sadistic

Now you don't fight for us
But expect us to die for you
You have no sympathy for us
But still i cry for you
Now you may kill the revolutionary
But the revolution you can never bury

Don't speak to us like we work for you
Selling false hope like some new dope we're addicted to
I'm not a desperate man but these are desperate times at hand
This generation is beyond your command

And it won't be long
'til the people flood the streets
To take you down
One and all
A black rain is gonna fall


Said Red Molly to James that's a fine motorbike
A girl could feel special on any such like
Said James to Red Molly, well my hat's off to you
It's a Vincent Black Lightning, 1952
And I've seen you at the corners and cafes it seems
Red hair and black leather, my favorite color scheme
And he pulled her on behind
And down to Box Hill they did ride

Said James to Red Molly, here's a ring for your right hand
But I'll tell you in earnest I'm a dangerous man
I've fought with the law since I was seventeen
I robbed many a man to get my Vincent machine
Now I'm 21 years, I might make 22
And I don't mind dying, but for the love of you
And if fate should break my stride
Then I'll give you my Vincent to ride

Come down, come down, Red Molly, called Sergeant McRae
For they've taken young James Adie for armed robbery
Shotgun blast hit his chest, left nothing inside
Oh, come down, Red Molly to his dying bedside
When she came to the hospital, there wasn't much left
He was running out of road, he was running out of breath
But he smiled to see her cry
And said I'll give you my Vincent to ride
Says James, in my opinion, there's nothing in this world
Beats a 52 Vincent and a red headed girl
Now Nortons and Indians and Greeveses won't do
They don't have a soul like a Vincent 52
He reached for her hand and he slipped her the keys
He said I've got no further use for these
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome
Swooping down from heaven to carry me home
And he gave her one last kiss and died
And he gave her his Vincent to ride

Mr. T.

They say my love for you ain't real
But you don't know how real it feels
All I want to do
Is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
Your sister says that I'm no good
I'd reassure her if I could
All I want to do
Is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
Plans fail every day
I want to hear you say
Your love won't be leaving (Run Run, Run Run)
Your eyes ain't deceiving (Run Run, Run Run)
Fears will soon fade away
Smile now, don't be afraid
All I want to do
Is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
And let me whisper in your ear
Don't you worry, they can't hear
All I want to do
Is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you
We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times

Mr. T.

Anyone who reads the entire lyrics of this great song by Jeffrey & Jack Lewis gets a kiss:

today i went to major matt's to remaster my old album
& on the L train in the morning, i was pretty sure i saw will oldham,
he was wearin' the same sunglasses he had on stage at the bowery ballroom
had he come to walk among the williamsburgers of his kingdom
& like the burghers of calais will a sacrifice be demanded?
to offer up our dreams & beg for mercy empty-handed?
and hapless in our hipness crowed 5 to an appartment
relegate our dreams to hobbies & deny our disappointment
cuz the stones in '65 want total satisfaction, kid
but the stones in '69 see grace in just getting what you need
but if that's a victory then i'd hate to see what i'd look like defeated
cuz i know there are those among us who seem to get their dreams unimpeded
today i went to major matt's to remaster my old album
& on the L train in the morning, i was really sure i saw will oldham,
he was wearin' the same sunglasses he had on stage at the bowery ballroom
had he come to walk among the williamsburgers of his kingdom
& you might say now there's a guy who seems to have their world laid out before him
or you might say, he's just a rich kid or a fascist or a charlatan
but either way you say it if you look at indie-rock culture you really can't ignore him
& even if at first dismissive, after some listens you'll enjoy him
i was thinking this on the L train, intend on buesting my own bubble
how long should an artist struggle before it isn't worth the hassle
& admit we aren't fit to be the one inside the castle
this quest for greatness (or at least hipness)just a scam & too much trouble
but then what makes on human being worthy of an easy ride
born to be a natural artist you love or hate but can't deny
while us minions in our millions tumble into history's chasm
we might have a couple of laughs but we're still wastes of protoplasm
today i was gonna waste some time and money to remaster some dumb old album
& on the L train in the morning, i was really sure i saw will oldham,
he was wearin' the same big sunglasses he had on stage at the bowery ballroom
had he come to see the strife here in the gutters of his kingdom?
where us noble starving artists are striving to feed our ego
our mothers like our music & our friends come to our shows
and if our friends become successful, we'll consider them our foes
go home to our 4 roomates after payin' big bucks for rockstars shows
what a nightmare! what a horror! i don't want no part of this
get me off this crazy ride, i'm gonna puke, i'm gonna piss!
i'd rather kill myself, i'd rather just relax or not exist
but you say you wanna do an e-mail interview?
oh what the heck, i can't resist!
"hey, 'ma, guess what today , i did another magazine interview!
honey, that's great, you're really famous!!" yeah and i'm 27 too!
i kinda thought i was gonna grow up to do stuff that i'd benefit humanity
but it's getting harder to tell if this artist's life is even benefitting me
cuz i was gonna waste some time and money today to remaster some dumb old album
& on the L train in the morning, i was totally sure i saw will oldham,
he was wearin' the same big sunglasses he had on stage at the bowery ballroom
& since i was feeling in need of answers i just went right up & asked him
i said, will bonnie prince, palace or whatever "what do you think about it?
is it worth being an artist or an indie-rock star,or are you better off without it?"
cuz i mean maybe the world would be better if we were all just uncreative drones,
no dead child, hood dreams to haunt us, a decent job, a decent home,
& if we have some extra time we could do real things to promote peace,
become scientists or history teachers or un-corrupt police at least,
"come on will, you gotta tell me!!"i grabbed & shook him by the arm,
the L train was leaning bedford with 10,000 white 20 somethings crowed on
he opened his mouth to speak but it was lost in the rumbling of the weels
we were thrown together in a corner & i yelled "tell me , man , for real!"
you're living comfortably, i assume, even if you're not quite a household name
you've reached a pretty high level of success & critical acclaim
the L train got to first avenue & a bunch of people piled out
i was starring into his sunglasses & i was really freakin' out
i was like, steamboat willie bonnie prince of all this shit,
you're like the king of a certain genre but even you must want to quit
like if you hear a record by bob dylan or neil young or whatever
you must start thinkin' "people like me , but i won't be that good ever"
& i'm sure the thing is probably dylan himself too
stayed up some nights wishing he was as good as Ginsberg or Camus
and he was like "dude , i'm such a faker, i'm just a clown who entertains
& these fools who pay for my crap, they just have pathetic punny brains
& Camus probably wished he was Milton too or whatever, you know what i'm sayin'?!"
so will, will you be straight with me now that it's just us 2 on this train?
cuz i was gonna spend some time & money today to remaster some dumb old album
& i saw you here on the L train & i was like " hey, is that will oldham?"
he must at least , have some perspective cuz it's like, living in this town
i get so confused & wound up & up tight
& i just don't know up from down
& then we'd reached the last stop & the subway was deserted
there was a long moment of silence (& i let go of his shirt)
i started to think that maybe i'd made some kind of big mistake
i tried to walk out onto the platform but by then it was too late
his sunglasses seemed to grow darker & still he hadn't even spoke
he just came right up behind me & put his hand around my throat
& threw me down onto the concrete & kicked my face in with his boot
& dragged me down onto the train tracks & tied my hands back with his coat
& i was slipping out of conciousness as he was slipping down my jeans
& he was punching me & humping me & i slipped off into a dream
so it might have just been a delusion but i thought i heard him say
something like " artists are pussies" then he climbed back up & ran away
so i lay there in the darkness on the train tracks cold and broken
the hours passed & i thought , well... maybe i won't remaster that old album
& then i started thinking maybe it really hadn't been will oldham
even tho he did hold my arms & fucked me just like will sings in "a sucker's evening"
but whether it was him or not i couldn't forget the words he'd spoken
"artists are pussies", like we're wusses
or we end up getting fucked
& other kinds of folks are dicks ,
tall, smart and strong & born to fuck us up
i know, it sounds really sexist and stupid, it's a terrible analogy
but at that moment on the train tracks, it made a lot of sense to me
maybe it's just some kind of natural balance, like 2 types of mental gender
that's gone on in all societies, in one form or another
like some dicks were born to conquer,i probably would if i could
but if i'm jut a pussy, that's okay cuz in a few months maybe, i'll put out something good.


 :-*  :-*  :-*
We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times


got me a movie

i want you to know

slicing up eyeballs

i want you to know

girlie so groovy

i want you to know

don't know about you

but i am un chien andalusia

wanna grow

up to be

be a debaser, debaser

got me a movie

ha ha ha ho

slicing up eyeballs

ha ha ha ho

girlie so groovie

ha ha ha ho

don't know about you

but i am un chien andalusia



you get two songs today.

Children are innocent
A teenager's fucked up in the head
Adults are even more fucked up
And elderlies are like children

Will there be another race
To come along and take over for us?
Maybe martians could do
Better than we've done
We'll make great pets!

My friend says we're like the dinosaurs
Only we are doing ourselves in
Much faster than they
Ever did
We'll make great pets!

We will make great pets
We'll make great pets!



Don't let the sun go down on your grievances
Respect love of the heart over lust of the flesh
Do yourself a favor: become your own savior
And don't let the sun go down on your grievances
And when you wake up in the morning
You'll have a brand new feeling
And you'll find yourself healing
So don't let the sun go down on your grievances

And yet if you find yourself in the dark
And you're left holding the bag
Then take care of it right away
And don't let the sun go down on your grievances again

Sometimes you might want to give up
But keep that chin up
Cause you're gonna find
You're gonna find
Sometimes you might be alone
But don't feel lonely
'Cause you're gonna find
You're gonna find

So don't let the sun go down on your grievances
Start each day with a clean slate
You'll feel better if you can shake off all that hate
And don't forget to forgive and forget
And don't let the sun go down on your grievances

Don't let the sun go down on your grievances
Respect love of the heart over lust of the flesh
Sing it!
Do yourself a favor: become your own savior
And don't let the sun go down on your grievances


while I'm on my all things paul westerberg kick...

here's one for an angst-filled mood...

God what a mess on the ladder of success
where you take one step and miss the whole first rung
Dreams unfulfilled, graduate unskilled
It beats pickin' cotton and waitin' to be forgotten

We are the sons of no one, bastards of young
We are the sons of no one, bastards of young
The daughters and the sons

Clean your baby womb, trash that baby boom
Elvis in the ground, there'll ain't no beer tonight
Income tax deduction, what a hell of a function
It beats pickin' cotton and waitin' to be forgotten

We are the sons of no one, bastards of young
We are the sons of no one, bastards of young
The daughters and the sons

Unwillingness to claim us, ya got no word to name us

The ones who love us best are the ones we'll lay to rest
And visit their graves on holidays at best
The ones who love us least are the ones we'll die to please
If it's any consolation, I don't begin to understand them

We are the sons of no one, bastards of young
We are the sons of no one, bastards of young
The daughters and the sons

Young...take it, it's yours...

and here's I like to listen to while cleaning and dancing around my house in my underwear like an idiot...

I'll write you a letter tomorrow
Tonight I can't hold a pen
Someone's got a stamp that I can borrow
I promise not to blow the address again

Lights that flash in the evening,
Through a crack in the drapes

Jesus rides beside me
He never buys any smokes
Hurry up, hurry up, ain't you had enough of this stuff
Ashtray floors, dirty clothes, and filthy jokes

See you're high and lonesome
Try and try and try

Lights that flash in the evening,
Through a hole in the drapes
I'll be home when I'm sleeping
I can't hardly wait

I can't wait. Hardly wait.



and here's I like to listen to while cleaning and dancing around my house in my underwear like an idiot...

I'll write you a letter tomorrow
Tonight I can't hold a pen
Someone's got a stamp that I can borrow
I promise not to blow the address again

Lights that flash in the evening,
Through a crack in the drapes

Jesus rides beside me
He never buys any smokes
Hurry up, hurry up, ain't you had enough of this stuff
Ashtray floors, dirty clothes, and filthy jokes

See you're high and lonesome
Try and try and try

Lights that flash in the evening,
Through a hole in the drapes
I'll be home when I'm sleeping
I can't hardly wait

I can't wait. Hardly wait.


I simply adore that song.
There are many others to pick (Skyway or Here Comes A Regular come to mind), but today, I'll go for this ode to the legendary Alex Chilton.

If he was from Venus, would he feed us with a spoon?
If he was from Mars, wouldn't that be cool?
Standing right on campus, would he stamp us in a file?
Hangin' down in Memphis all the while.

Children by the million sing for Alex Chilton when he comes 'round
They sing "I'm in love. What's that song?
I'm in love with that song."

Cerebral rape and pillage in a village of his choice.
Invisible man who can sing in a visible voice.
Feeling like a hundred bucks, exchanging good lucks face to face.
Checkin' his stash by the trash at St. Mark's place.

Children by the million sing for Alex Chilton when he comes 'round
They sing "I'm in love. What's that song?
I'm in love with that song."

I never travel far without a little Big Star

Runnin' 'round the house, Mickey Mouse and the Tarot cards.
Falling asleep with a flop-pop video on.
If he was from Venus, would he meet us on the moon?
If he died in Memphis, then that'd be cool, babe

Children by the million wait for Alex Chilton when he comes around
They sing "I'm in love. What's that song?
I'm in love with that song."
I'm in love. What's that song?
I'm in love with that song.


Thanks you guys for reminding me of how much I love Paul Westerberg. 14 Songs was one of my favorite albums, but it was stolen along with about 300 other CDS some years back. On that album I loved the song First Glimmer. Makes me think of a certain boy. Wonder where he is now.

Do you remember me long ago?
Used to wear my heart on my sleave
I guess it still shows

We watched the sun fall down and
I hop on my bike, still that night

You're my first glimmer of light
You were my, you was my first
Glimmer of light

And the leaves were burning up in the street
I guess they tore that bridge out
Where we used to meet
And no one can see there

You're my first glimmer of light
You were my, you was my first
glimmer of light

Wore my jacket and I wore your sweater
Underneath the bridge was an indian summer
Purple mascara, safety pins kickin' the dirt
Took off your jacket took off my sweater
And we made a wish things would never be better
Train whistle blew my wish won't come. Oh no.

You were the first glimmer of light
You was my first glimmer of light
You're my first glimmer of light
You was my first,
You was my first

Wore my jacket and I wore your sweater
Underneath the bridge was an indian summer
Purple mascara, safety pins God did it hurt
Took off my jacket took off your sweater
And we made a wish things would never be better
Train whistle blew my wish came true.

You was my first glimmer of light
You was my first glimmer of light
You was my first glimmer of light
You was my first glimmer of light

Oh baby now
Yes you were
Yes you were
Yes you were
Oh baby now
Yes you were
Yes you were
Yes you were
Oh baby now
Yes you were

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.


Quote14 Songs was one of my favorite albums, but it was stolen along with about 300 other CDS some years back.


In the meanwhile, I should get myself some Paul Westerberg stuff. Haven't moved past The Replacements yet.