I Will Sing You Songs

Started by aMillionDreams, Aug 03, 2005, 10:45 AM

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Good to see a another Nick Cave fan!
Have you heard Johnny Cash's Mercy Seat? Just as good as Hurt if not better.

Yeah, I've heard it. It's great. I like the big organ (?) sound in the song.

Here's another one from Mr. Cash

I got a friend named Whiskey Sam
He was my boonierat buddy for a year in Nam
He said is my country just a little off track
Took 'em twenty-five years to welcome me back
But, it's better than not coming back at all
Many a good man
I saw fall And even now,
every time I dream I hear the men
and the monkeys in the jungle scream

Drive on, don't mean nothin'
My children love me , but they don't understand
And I got a woman who knows her man
Drive on, don't mean nothin', drive on

I remember one night,
Tex and me Rappelled in on a hot L.Z.
We had our 16's on rock and roll
But, with all that fire,
was scared and cold
We were crazy, we were wild
And I have seen the tiger smile
I spit in a bamboo viper's face
And I'd be dead , but by God's grace

Drive on, don't mean nothin'
My children love me, but they don't understand
And I got a woman who knows her man
Drive on, don't mean nothin', drive on

It was a real slow walk in a real sad rain
And nobody tried to be John Wayne
I came home, but Tex did not
And I can't talk about the hit he got
I got a little limp now when
I walk Got a little tremolo when
I talk But my letter read from Whiskey Sam
You're a walkin' talkin' miracle from Vietnam

Drive on, don't mean nothin'
My children love me, but they don't understand
And I got a woman who knows her man
Drive on, don't mean nothin', drive on


QuoteAlso a great song. Your wonderful taste in music never ceases to amaze me, Chills.  While I'm posting, here is another gem from the Dylan catalouge.  

Ha, I hadn't seen that, thanks  8)
As you seem to enjoy Mr. Dylan, here is another absolute masterpiece. A long one again  ::)

Someone's got it in for me, they're planting stories in the press
Whoever it is I wish they'd cut it out but when they will I can only guess.
They say I shot a man named Gray and took his wife to Italy,
She inherited a million bucks and when she died it came to me.
I can't help it if I'm lucky.

People see me all the time and they just can't remember how to act
Their minds are filled with big ideas, images and distorted facts.
Even you, yesterday you had to ask me where it was at,
I couldn't believe after all these years, you didn't know me better than that
Sweet lady.

Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth,
Blowing down the backroads headin' south.
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.

I ran into the fortune-teller, who said beware of lightning that might strike
I haven't known peace and quiet for so long I can't remember what it's like.
There's a lone soldier on the cross, smoke pourin' out of a boxcar door,
You didn't know it, you didn't think it could be done, in the final end he won the wars
After losin' every battle.

I woke up on the roadside, daydreamin' 'bout the way things sometimes are
Visions of your chestnut mare shoot through my head and are makin' me see stars.
You hurt the ones that I love best and cover up the truth with lies.
One day you'll be in the ditch, flies buzzin' around your eyes,
Blood on your saddle.

Idiot wind, blowing through the flowers on your tomb,
Blowing through the curtains in your room.
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.

It was gravity which pulled us down and destiny which broke us apart
You tamed the lion in my cage but it just wasn't enough to change my heart.
Now everything's a little upside down, as a matter of fact the wheels have stopped,
What's good is bad, what's bad is good, you'll find out when you reach the top
You're on the bottom.

I noticed at the ceremony, your corrupt ways had finally made you blind
I can't remember your face anymore, your mouth has changed, your eyes
don't look into mine.
The priest wore black on the seventh day and sat stone-faced while the building
I waited for you on the running boards, near the cypress trees, while the springtime
turned Slowly into autumn.

Idiot wind, blowing like a circle around my skull,
From the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capitol.
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.

I can't feel you anymore, I can't even touch the books you've read
Every time I crawl past your door, I been wishin' I was somebody else instead.
Down the highway, down the tracks, down the road to ecstasy,
I followed you beneath the stars, hounded by your memory
And all your ragin' glory.

I been double-crossed now for the very last time and now I'm finally free,
I kissed goodbye the howling beast on the borderline which separated you from me.
You'll never know the hurt I suffered nor the pain I rise above,
And I'll never know the same about you, your holiness or your kind of love,
And it makes me feel so sorry.

Idiot wind, blowing through the buttons of our coats,
Blowing through the letters that we wrote.
Idiot wind, blowing through the dust upon our shelves,
We're idiots, babe.
It's a wonder we can even feed ourselves.


I am the son
and the heir
of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

I am the son
and the heir
of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and the heir
of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

There's a club if you'd like to go
you could meet somebody who really loves you
so you go, and you stand on your own
and you leave on your own
and you go home, and you cry
and you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen "now"
well, when exactly do you mean?
see I've already waited too long
and all my hope is gone

You shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does


tom waits - cemetery polka  

Uncle Vernon, Uncle Vernon, independent as a hog on ice
He's a big shot down there at the slaughterhouse
Plays accordion for Mr. Weiss

Uncle Biltmore and Uncle William
Made a million during World War Two
But they're tightwads and they're cheapskates
And they'll never give a dime to you

Auntie Mame has gone insane
She lives in the doorway of an old hotel
And the radio is playing opera
All she ever says is "Go to hell"

Uncle Violet flew as a pilot
And there ain't no pretty girls in France
Now he runs a tiny little bookie joint
They say he never keeps it in his pants

Uncle Bill will never leave a will
And the tumor is as big as an egg
He has a mistress, she's Puerto Rican
And I heard she has a wooden leg

Uncle Phil can't live without his pills
He has emphysema and he's almost blind
And we must find out where the money is
Get it now before he loses his mind

Uncle Vernon, Uncle Vernon, independent as a hog on ice
He's a big shot down there at the slaughterhouse
He plays accordion for Mr. Weiss


Mother Earth is pregnant for the third time
For y'all have knocked her up.
I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe
I was not offended
For I knew I had to rise above it all
Or drown in my own shit.

Come on Maggot Brain
Go on Maggot Brain


Mmmmmmsmithsmmmmmm... :)


dan bern - good news & bad news about god or god has an awful lot of time

I've got good news, and bad news,
To tell you about God;
Good news, and bad news, to tell you about God;
The good news is he answers
Every single prayer...
Isn't that fantastic ?Every single prayer !
But God has an awful lot of time on his hands;
God has an awful lot of time on his hands.
And God has a backlog of prayers to be answered
That stretches from Miami to the far side of Neptune ...
You see, when you say a prayer
It goes into a file-o-fax
And usually sits there,
For three million years
And when god finally gets to it,
He takes it out and looks at it;
He leans back in his leather chair,
Considers it and ruminates,
He coughs and clears his throat,
Meanwhile another
Fifty five thousand years
Have now gone by

And when he finally grants your prayer
Your simple request
For nice weather
for your mother's
Sunday game of tennis
Your mother's long dead.
And you're long dead.
And your entire species
Is oftentimes extinct or has
Up and left the planet
Or evolved into a creature that lives
Only in a dome and does not require
Sunshine to play tennis ...

They say god works in mysterious ways
God does not work in mysterious ways ...
God is predictable; God is organized,
But God has a lifetime that's so very, very long
Compared to yours or mine.
It's like, If you were a bug
And you crawled around the world
And you did it again
And again;
And again;
Like, trillions of times
'Til your tiny little tracks
Created so much erosion
That the earth looked like a sphere with its center strip cut out
Like a humongus yo-yo
Lying on its side,
Well that would be an afternoon stroll before dinner
for God...

In the Cenozoic age
A long time ago
An australopithecus,
That is to say, a monkey
Was trying to run away
From a wooly rhinoceros
And while he was being chased
He wished that the heavens
Would open up and give
That wooly rhinoceros
A great big sunburn--
He was not exactly sure, how to say "melanoma"
Or "hole in the ozone"
But the sentiment was there,
And the prayer was there,
And you say...God works in mysterious ways?
God does not work in mysterious ways!
It's just that god has an awful lot of time on his hands
God has an awful lot of time on his hands....

And oh, incidentally
If you think God is old,
You ought to see his parents
Livin' down in Florida

God has an awful lot of time on his hands
God has an awful lot of time. . . . .


dan bern - kababa or when the earth had two moons

Back when the earth had two moons
Back when the earth had two moons
Baby, can you even remember
That far back when the earth had two moons
We sold it to the people of Kababa
We sold it to the people of Kababa
A medium sized planet in a small solar system in a very large galaxy just next door
A medium sized planet in a small solar system in a very large galaxy just next door
Go to Jupiter, take the first right, fly north north north for 30 billion light years
Remember that space is curved and you can't miss it
Remember that space is curved and you can't miss it

Back when the earth had two moons
It seemed as though eclipses were incessant
Every seven years they were both full
Sometimes when one was full the other was a crescent
We sold it to the people of Kababa
For the Berlin wall and all the tea in China
For the gross national product of America
For the cash crop of North Carolina
Back when the earth had two moons
Nobody had any money
Nobody ever had a fever
No one ever slept alone either
Shoes were the only transportation
No one ever heard of litigation
There was hardly anybody who could spell
But every body slept pretty well

But we sold it to the people of Kababa
For cars and roads and offices
For Warner Brothers, Exxon and Sony
For hamburger meat and baloney
Ah, but now we're better off--don't you see
With CNN on the TV
Child hookers in the Philippines to screw me
Karaoke for every wannabe
We got fast food and condoms and hair spray
We got the right to vote to take all of our rights away
We got life and the means to spend it
We've even got the bomb in case we want to end it

But if you ever find yourself wishing
The moon was back in its original position
There's a rumor that the deal was never signed
And Kababa isn't difficult to find
Go to Jupiter, take the first right, fly north north north for 30 billion light years
Remember that space is curved and you can't miss it
Remember that space is curved and you can't miss it

Back when the earth had two moons
Back when the earth had two moons


It's back. Post yer favorite lyrics here.

Why be sweet, why be careful, why be kind?
A man has only one thing on his mind
Why ask politely, why go lightly,
Why say please?
They only want to get you on your knees
There are a few things I never could believe
A woman when she weeps
A merchant when he swears
A thief who says he'll pay
A lawyer when he cares
A snake when he is sleeping
A drunkard when he prays
I don't believe you go to heaven
When you're good
Everything goes to hell, anyway...

Laissez-faire mi amour, ce la vie
Shall I return to shore or swim
Back out to sea?
The world don't care what a soldier
Does in town
It's all hanging in the windows
By the pound
There are few things
I never could believe...

A woman when she weeps
A merchant when he swears
A thief who says he'll pay
A lawyer when he cares
A snake when he is sleeping
A drunkard when he prays
I don't believe you go to heaven
When you're good
Everything goes to hell, anyway...

I only want to hear your purr and to hear
You moan There is another man who brings
The money home
I don't want dishes in the sink
Please don't tell me what you
Feel or what you think
There are few things I never could believe.


They may sound simple, but for some reason these few lines seem profound to me.............."only you know where you have been to, and only you know what you have been through, there's better things you're gonna get into, and I wanna be there too."..........ONLY YOU KNOW   Phil Spector  for  Dion  1975.
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"



"Sk8er Boi"

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a punk.
And she did ballet.
What morea can I say?
He wanted her.
She'd never tell.
Secretely she wanted him as well.
And all of her friends
Stuck up their nose.
And they had a problem with his baggy clothes.
He was a sk8er boi she said see ya later boi.
He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now she sits at home feeding the baby she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees.
Sk8er boi rocking up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show.
She tags along, stands in the crowd . Looks up at the man that she turned down.
He was a sk8er boi she said see ya later boi. He wasn't good enough for her.
Now he's a superstar slammin on his guitar to show pretty face what he's worth.
Sorry girl but you missed out. Well tough luck that boi's mine now. We are more than just good friends. This is how the story ends. Too
bad that you couldn't see.. see the man that boi could be. There is more than meets the eye, I see the soul that is inside.
He's just a boi, and I'm just a girl.
Can I make it anymore obvious?
We are in love.
Haven't you heard how we rock eachother's world?
I met the sk8er boi I said see ya later boi.
I'll be backstage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote about a girl he use to know.
I met the sk8er boi I said see ya later boi.
I'll be backstage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote about a girl he use to know.

Such a storyteller... it's BRILLIANT.

peanut butter puddin surprise

is this Avril??  Oh my.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Rainy Night In Soho by The Pogues

 I've been loving you a long time
Down all the years, down all the days
And I've cried for all your troubles
Smiled at your funny little ways
We watched our friends grow up together
And we saw them as they fell
Some of them fell into Heaven
Some of them fell into Hell

I took shelter from a shower
And I stepped into your arms
On a rainy night in Soho
The wind was whistling all its charms
I sang you all my sorrows
You told me all your joys
Whatever happened to that old song
To all those little girls and boys

Now the song is nearly over
We may never find out what it means
But there's a light I hold before me
And you're the measure of my dreams
The measure of my dreams

Sometimes I wake up in the morning
The gingerlady by my bed
Covered in a cloak of silence
I hear you in my head
I'm not singing for the future
I'm not dreaming of the past
I'm not talking of the first time
I never think about the last

Now the song is nearly over
We may never find out what it means
Still there's a light I hold before me
You're the measure of my dreams
The measure of my dreams


1952 Vincent Black Lightning
Richard Thompson

Said Red Molly to James that's a fine motorbike
A girl could feel special on any such like
Said James to Red Molly, well my hat's off to you
It's a Vincent Black Lightning, 1952
And I've seen you at the corners and cafes it seems
Red hair and black leather, my favorite color scheme
And he pulled her on behind
And down to Box Hill they did ride

Said James to Red Molly, here's a ring for your right hand
But I'll tell you in earnest I'm a dangerous man
I've fought with the law since I was seventeen
I robbed many a man to get my Vincent machine
Now I'm 21 years, I might make 22
And I don't mind dying, but for the love of you
And if fate should break my stride
Then I'll give you my Vincent to ride

Come down, come down, Red Molly, called Sergeant McRae
For they've taken young James Adie for armed robbery
Shotgun blast hit his chest, left nothing inside
Oh, come down, Red Molly to his dying bedside
When she came to the hospital, there wasn't much left
He was running out of road, he was running out of breath
But he smiled to see her cry
And said I'll give you my Vincent to ride
Says James, in my opinion, there's nothing in this world
Beats a 52 Vincent and a red headed girl
Now Nortons and Indians and Greeveses won't do
They don't have a soul like a Vincent 52
He reached for her hand and he slipped her the keys
He said I've got no further use for these
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome
Swooping down from heaven to carry me home
And he gave her one last kiss and died
And he gave her his Vincent to ride
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Stand and fight we do consider
Reminded of an inner pact between us
That's seen as we go
And ride there
In motion
To fields in debts of honor

Stand the marchers soaring talons,
Peaceful lives will not deliver freedom,
Fighting we know,
Destroy oppression
The point to reaction
As leaders look to you

Choose and renounce throwing chains to the floor.
Kill or be killing faster sins correct the flow.
Casting giant shadows off vast penetrating force
To alter via the war that seen
As friction spans the spirits wrath ascending to redeem.

Wars that shout in screams of anguish,
Power spent passion bespoils our soul receiver,
Surely we know.
In glory
We rise to offer,
Create our freedom,
A word we utter,
A word.

Words cause our banner, victorious our day.
Will silence be promised as violence display?
The curse increased we fight the pow'r
And live by it by day.
Our gods awake in thunderous roars,
And guide the leaders hand in paths of glory to the cause.

Listen, should we fight forever
Knowing as we do know fear destroys?
Listen, should we leave our children?
Listen, our lives stare in silence;
Help us now.

Listen, your friends have been broken,
They tell us of your poison; now we know.
Kill them, give them as they give us.
Slay them, burn their children's laughter
On to hell.

The fist will run, grasp metal to gun.
The spirit sings in crashing tones,
We gain the battle drum.
Our cries will shrill, the air will moan and crash into the dawn.
The pen won't stay the demon's wings,
The hour approaches pounding out the Devil's sermon.

Soon, oh soon the light,
Pass within and soothe this endless night
And wait here for you,
Our reason to be here.

Soon, oh soon the time,
All we move to gain will reach and calm;
Our heart is open,
Our reason to be here.

Long ago, set into rhyme.
Soon, oh soon the light,
Ours to shape for all time,
Ours the right;
The sun will lead us,
Our reason to be here.

Soon, oh soon the light,
Ours to shape for all time,
Ours the right;
The sun will lead us,
Our reason to be here
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


High Vibration go on
To the sun, oh let my heart dreaming
Past a mortal as me
Where can I be

Wish the sun to stand still
Reaching out to touch our own being
Past all mortal as we
Here we can be
We can be here
Be here now
Here we can be


Workings of man
Set to ply out historical life
Reregaining the flower of the fruit of his tree
All awakening
All restoring you

Workings of man
Crying out from the fire set aflame
By his blindness to see that the warmth of his being
Is promised for his seeing his reaching so clearly

Workings of man
Driven far from the path
Rereleased in inhibitions
So that all is left for you
all is left for you
all this left for you NOW...

Master of Images
Songs cast a light on you
Hark thru dark ties
That tunnel us out of sane existence
In challenge as direct
As eyes see young stars assemble

Master of Light
All pure chance
As exists cross divided
In all encircling mode
Oh closely guided plan
Awaken in our heart

Master of Soul
Set to touch
All impenetrable youth
Ask away
That thought be contact
With all that's clear
Be honest with yourself
There's no doubt no doubt

Master of Time
Setting sail
Over all our lands
And as we look
Forever closer
Shall we now bid
Farewell farewell...

High Vibration go on
To the sun, oh let my heart dreaming
Past a mortal as me
Where can I be

Wish the sun to stand still
Reaching out to touch our own being
Past all mortal as we
Here we can be
We can be here

Like the time I ran away
And turned around
And you were standing close to me

Like the time I ran away
And turned around
And you were standing close to me
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Love comes to you and you follow
Lose one on to the Heart of the Sunrise
How can the wind with its arms all around me

Lost on a wave and then after
Dream on on to the Heart of the Sunrise
How can the wind with so many around me
lost in the city

Lost in their eyes as you hurry by
Counting the broken ties they decide
Love comes to you and then after
Dream on on to the Heart of the Sunrise
How can the wind with its arms all around me
How can the wind with so many around me
I feel lost in the city

Lost in their eyes as you hurry by
Counting the broken ties they decided

Straight light moving and removing
SHARPNESS of the colour sun shine
Straight light searching all the meanings of the song
Long last treatment of the telling that
relates to all the words sung
Dreamer easy in the chair that really fits you

Love comes to you and then after
Dream on on to the Heart of the Sunrise
How can the sun with its arms all around me
How can the wind with so many around me
I feel lost in the city
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Randy Newman - Lonely At The Top

I've been around the world
Had my pick of any girl
You'd think I'd be happy
But I'm not
Ev'rybody knows my name
But it's just a crazy game
Oh, it's lonely at the top

Listen to the band, they're playing just for me
Listen to the people paying just for me
All the applause-all the parades
And all the money I have made
Oh, it's lonely at the top

Listen all you fools out there
Go on and love me-I don't care
Oh, it's lonely at the top
Oh, it's lonely at the top


the man is a poet - such a beautiful song

Scattered Black And Whites - Elbow

Been climbing trees I've skinned my knees
My hands are black the sun is going down
She scruffs my hair in the kitchen steam
She's listening to the dream I weaved today
Crosswords through the bathroom door
While someone sings the theme-tune to the news
And my sister buzzes through the room leaving perfume in the air
And that's what triggered this.
I come back here from time to time
I shelter here some days.

A high-back chair. He sits and stares
A thousand yards and whistles
Marching-band (Boom-ching)
Kneeling by and speaking up
He reaches out and I take a
Massive hand. Disjointed tales
That flit between short trousers
And a full dress uniform
And he talks of people ten years
Gone like I've known them all my life
Like scattered black 'n' whites....
love a song for the way it makes you feel


i love elbow, amazing band.