Anybody been to Guatemala?

Started by CousinEddie, Jun 20, 2010, 10:26 PM

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Thinking of taking our honeymoon there. Any thoughts, suggestions, recommendations would be appreciated. Tikal is a personal priority, but beach-side chillaxing in a unique environment is up there too. Thanks.


Tikal is a must. It is like walking through a zoo with no fences. Scarlet Macaws and Parrots fly overhead. Coatimondi scamper along on the ground while Monkeys travel overhead on vines in search of food. Exploring the ruins and climbing on temples is unforgettable. I climbed to the top of Temple IV, (the tallest pre-columbian structure in America), and the view and sounds of Jaguars screaming in the distance was unparalleled. Took a van from San Ignacio Belize and stayed at the Jungle Lodge. Probably would fly there if I ever get to go again. It is on my list of re-visits.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Spent six weeks in Guatemala in 2004.  Avoid Guatemala City.

We spent a month in Antigua (rented an apartment for not much money while at language school), and visited the market at Chichicastenango, Lake Atitlan (although this area has suffered badly from landslides recently) and the walks up to the volcanoes at either end of town.  Antigua is pretty but touristy, and overall it's safe to walk round at night.

Tikal is a must.  We spent three days wandering around - it's a magical setting.

Not sure about beaches in Guatemala, but we also spent quite a lot of time on the Yucutan Pensinsula in Mexico.  Some great beaches, and some good ruins around and about.  Or else there's Belize (which we didn't visit), again with some great beaches.

Honduras is also worth a visit while you're down there - Copan Ruinas were interesting, Tegucigalpa's a bit bonkers, and there's diving in the Bay Islands.

The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Did you really say "chillaxing"?

Man I must be getting old...............

Have a great honeymoon!
Paulie W


QuoteDid you really say "chillaxing"?

Man I must be getting old...............

Have a great honeymoon!